Chapter 16

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Samandriel felt how he got excited but nervous at the same time. When Lucifer found Michael that means that Adam gets his body back, but it also meant that he had to face Michael and Lucifer. He never met Lucifer, but he met Michael and that was more than enough for him. Lucifer had been in the cage for an even longer time than his older brother, which means he is even more insane, right? Okay, Adam had been in the cage as long as Michael and he turned out quite fine – his soul was only that damaged that he turned into a demon – and that was all. He could only hope that Lucifer won't be as deranged as Michael; Adam wouldn't make a deal with someone that won't be able to think clear right?
"That's ... great!" He hesitated slightly when he said that out loud. Of course it was great, the demon would get his body back and maybe Lucifer was able to solve this weird energy-problem that Adam and Michael dealt with, so he would be able to live in peace. "Of course it is!" Adams hazel eyes lightened up when he spoke and he seemed to be very eager and happy that the fallen archangel finally contacted him. "What do we- I mean you, sorry! – What do you have to do now?" He couldn't say 'we' right? It was something Adam had to deal with. Maybe he doesn't even want that Samandriel helps him? Maybe he wasn't even happy that he was still around? Stop it, that's stupid Samandriel! The brown haired angel shook his head a bit. If he would dislike your presence he would have already informed you about this, he is always quite blunt, he would have said it. Also he seemed to enjoy your company. "Well, if you don't mind it, it could be 'we' instead of just 'me'." The dark haired demon looked at him with a questioning expression. "Do you want to help or do you want to stay here and wait until I come back." IF I come back ... Adam added in his head. It wasn't sure if he would come back, he could only hope that he would. Now Samandriel sat up straight up and seemed to be quite excited. "Sure I would like to help you!" If I help you I can also watch over you so you don't do anything stupid or something happens to you. "Okay, so I can tell you what Lucifer told me!" "Yes, I would like to know that!" Adam walked around the sofa quickly and sat down next to the young angel that was really interested in knowing what he would tell him right now. "Okay, so what did he tell you? Where is Michael?" "Lucifer told me he hides within an old, left factory building – or at least something that looks close to such a place." Now the young angel was a bit confused. "Why should an archangel hide in a factory building?" Yes, he knew what that was and that was why it didn't make sense to him why someone like Michael would hide there. The young male shrugged. "I have no clue; neither has Lucifer. But he found him and that is all that matters, in my opinion." "Yes, right, I am sorry." He slowly nodded. "And now? Where is the place? What will happen next?" Adam was quiet for some seconds which made Samandriel worry a bit. Why was he quiet? What would he have to do next? He had the strange feeling that it was something he would disagree with. "I have to erase the symbols and all the other stuff that I placed here so Michael won't find me ..." Samandriel had been right; it was something he highly disagrees with. "I beg for pardon, what?!" "He can't really find me because of all this things I did to be almost invisible for Michael. So they have to disappear." "Do you know how stupid that is?! What if Michael waits for exactly this?!"
"He already has my body, that's what he wanted."
"No, if I remember it right – and I almost never forget something – he wanted your energy. And the energy is in your soul. So he wants your soul and your body and he has only one of them."
"Lucifer will be here faster than Michael because he is waiting for it."
"And if Michael is waiting for it as well?"
"Then they'll be here at the same time. Works out too."
"Adam, do you have a death wish?!"
"Can I call someone to help me answer this question?"
"Adam Milligan!"
"Samandriel Alfie!"
"... That's not my name entire full name and you know that!"
"Yeah I do! And now stop shouting at me! Will you help me or will you argue with me?!"
The brown haired angel sighed. "Both, I guess? But I guess I will argue with you later, you are annoyingly stubborn." The demon grinned slightly. "I know and thanks. You'll start on the attic and I'll start on the outside of the house."
"What exactly did you do to keep Michael away?"
"A lot, but I don't remember everything anymore."
"... How do you even survive?"
"With great difficulty." The demon smirked again and the angel rolled his eyes.

About half an hour later both were done with erasing every symbol that would keep an archangel away and Adam joined Samandriel on the attic. "I am done."
"Me too. What do we have to do now?"
"Now? Now we have to wait." The demon sat down on the ground and Samandriel did the same. If he thought about the whole situation now, he suddenly disliked the thought that Lucifer would visit them even more. He even disliked the thought that they might face Michael to get Adams original body back. I wonder what Michael did to him. He didn't seem to be the person that is able to take care over themselves anymore – something he already showed with his old vessel that is now Adams – so ... Maybe he injured his body? Or even damaged it? I hope not. I want that he gets his body back like it was before. It wouldn't be really great for him to see that his body is damaged and I can honestly understand him. He sighed silently and Adam looked over to the older one. "Is everything alright?" "Yeah, sure ... I am just a bit ... nervous."
"Nervous? Why?"
"Michael is insane. What does Lucifer even want to do? Will he just walk over to my brother and will be like 'hey, give Adam back his body?' I refuse to believe that that would work ..."
"Honestly, I don't know what his exact plan is, but I have no other choice. Otherwise I can say goodbye to my body and I honestly do not like the feeling of possessing someone. Even though the owner seems to be dead."
And again both were quiet. None of them knew exactly what they should say until Samandriel wanted to have an answer: "Why does Michael want your energy?"
"Believe me, I would like to know that too."
A voice interrupted them before Samandriel could say something: "Well, how about we find out?" The devil was with them.

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