Chapter 13

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Jakes Pov
Why did I almost do that? Do I love her? Or was it just in the moment? Ugh I can't make up my mind. I looked down with my hands in my hair frustrated on what decision I had to make. I couldn't even pay attention to the teacher and that's one of the things I'm best at.

Teacher: Jake are you okay, this isn't like you.

J: yeah I'm not feeling my best today thats all.

Teacher: okay

The teacher went back to teaching, then Erika faced me.

E: *whispering* Jake are you sure you're Okay?

J: *whispering* yeah I just really need to talk to you about something

E: *whispering* when we get back to your house?

J: *whispering* yeah

Class went by pretty fast, even though I wanted it to go slower so I could think about what I'm going to say to Erika. And if I do what would she say?

*at Jakes*

Erikas Pov
When we got upstairs Jake immediately took me to his room.

We sat down on his bed and he looked nervous...oh my god is he going to break up with me?

J: Erika I-

E: wait, are you breaking up with me?

J: no far from that actually

E: oh,okay what is it then?

Jakes Pov
Here it got this Jake...its all gonna be fine she'll say it back right?

J: I l-love you

Erikas Pov
I froze I didn't know what to say.

E: oh wow, uh look at the time I have to go bye.

Jake didn't even say by he just looked in the same place I was sitting. I could tell he was broken.

Jake's Pov
I made a mistake it was too soon and I should have thought of that. She probably is going to break up with me. She probably didn't say it back because she doesn't even want to be with me. She just looked at me shocked and then after a few words; nothing about our relationship, She left. Be here in my room staring at nothingness.

I layed back on my bed and went to sleep without dinner.

Erikas Pov
I can't believe I just did that. I mean I really really like Jake but I don't know if I love him...right now. He probably hates me. I didn't even explain I just got up and left him there staring at nothing. I'm a bad girlfriend. And I took his virginity. OH MY GOD I'm not just a bad girlfriend I'm a bad person....

I layed back on my bed well after dinner and went to sleep.

*next day at school*

I walked up to Jake locker where we always meet up and immediately noticed that Jake wasn't even there.

E: hey guys

C: where's Jake?

E: I don't know

I lied duh

A: he has never missed a day of school since kindergarten

M: then whatever happened must be really bad

I'm what happened I'm what's really bad...a really bad person

C: Jake had the flu and still came to school.

S: you guys are cute with worrying about Jake and stuff

Everyone looked at me

M: Erika what's wrong you haven't said not one thing

E: okay

I was deep in thought I have no freaking clue what Mackenzie just said. Until she broke me out of my trance.


E: huh yeah what's up

A: you know something

C: you know where Jake is don't you?

M: oh she does I know that face

S: spill

E: he's at home

A: but why though

E: oh uh we should go to class we don't wanna be late.

A: we have 3 minutes and our class is across the hall.

E: hehe

S: okay serious Sunny time

Oh no, when it's serious Sunny she always finds out a way to get what ever it is out of you.

M: Erika you're screwed

S: you know where Jake is and that's at home right

E: yeah

S: where were you last night

E: at Jake's

S: I texted you dad he said you came home. But you always stay at Jakes house in Wednesday's and you haven't my missed a day since you started dating.

E: okay

S: you and Jake got into a fight didn't you

A: hold up pause on serious Sunny for a second. Jake has never gotten into a fight with anyone but his brother which was last year. He never fought anyone. So if you guys did he couldn't have been the reason he isn't here today, if the fight was his fault he still would have come to school.

S: back to me, what Tony said sounded like Jake so I would like to know why didn't you stay at Jakes last night?

E: we played fortnite all night and he left after awhile I was to tired to pack my stuff.

S: but you said you guys were at Jakes until you decided to leave.

E: shit

S: why isn't he at school Erika?

E: he told me he loved me

S: awww it's like puppies and rainbows mixed together

A: why isn't Jake her then

M: she didn't say it back did you

E: no, I just left and all he did was stare at the place I was sitting.

C: what the hell Erika

S: now the rainbow dissapearded and all of the puppies got hit by cars.

M: wel-

Mackenzie got cut off by seeing Jake walk down the halls looking horrible. First thing I notice he wasn't wearing his promise ring. Tears started falling one by one.

A: Erika why are you crying

E: look at his hand

C: okay and

E: what's missing

M: the ring

E: yeah, he hates me you guys.

S: you need to try and talk to him.

E: when

M: now

E: wh-

Mackenzie pushed me into Jake I almost fell but he caught me. He stood me back up and walked away. I chased after him.

E: Jake


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