Chapter 21

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Erikas Pov
Some random lady just came up to me and called me pumpkin like she knew me. Or some shit.

E: I'm sorry you must have the wrong person

???: no sweetie I'm pretty sure I don't

E: I'm pretty sure you do and please stop calling me these names like I'm your daughter.

???: but you are

I froze this cannot be my mother. But then it came back to me, I had completely forgotten what my mother even looked like.

E: stay away from me

EM: but I'm your mom

E: you may be my birth mother but you will never ever be my mom

EM: pumpkin what I did was a mistake.

E: first of all my name is Erika second of all you realized it was a mistake 15 years later.

EM: listen to me Erika.

E: *tears up* I hate you I hate you I hate you so much

M: I know you're sad Rik but it's scaring Sunny and we both know what will happen if she starts crying. We both know how you get when stuff happens.

J: Erika call your mom

EM: I'm right here

Jake's Pov
I could tell Erika was trying her best not to break down in front of Sunny

J: no you're her birth mother who left amd that's all you'll be she is calling the woman who raised her, helped her with her first boy problems, when she had nightmares. And that woman is not you.

Erikas Pov
I got on the phone with my mom (Linda)

*phone call*

L: hello

E: m-mom can you come and get me from school please.

L: what's wrong honey

E: she sh-showed up and I-i don't know what to do

L: I'm on my way

EM: what do to mean you don't know what to do you can tell me anything....Erika sweetie just talk to me.

J: Erika go to Sunny she's starting to cry.

I went over to Sunny and we cried.

Sunnys Pov
I remember the day Erikas birth mother left her, she didn't even cry to her dad she cried to me. She told me that she wanted to stay strong for her dad and so she came to me. Ever sense I started having my attacks she was the very first person there besides the people who were already there.

Erikas Pov
Sunny was like my safe place, yeah I feel safe with my dad and Jake but nothing can compare with the connection me and Sunny have. I knew something was going on outside me and Sunnys hug but I had no clue what it was. All I could think about was I need to calm down for Sunny this can not happen twice in 2 days. I felt someone pull my shoulder I look up and see my mom (Linda) I hurry and hug her and Mackenzie hugs Sunny just in case.

EM: really Linda is your new mom

L: I was always her mother and I will continue to be her mother.


Bethonys eyes traveled down to my mom's hand where the engagement ring is

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Bethonys eyes traveled down to my mom's hand where the engagement ring is.

EM: whose the delusional man.

L: first of all he's not delusional, I mean he was for a moment because he married you.

EM: you're marrying Denis

E: yeah is there a problem with that Bethony?

EM: I am your mother and you will treat me that way.

E: never in a million years will I treat you like a mother. Now leave before I call school security or I beat your ass.

Surprisingly Bethony left. I took a deep breath and fell to the ground with my back against the locker. Jake came down with me and I just leaned on him with my eyes closed. He wrapped his arms around me and we all just sat there. Jake holding me, Mack holding Sunny, and Chanthony looking worried. I love these people they are the type of people that you know will never leave.

A few minutes later Linda comes up and says that the principal dismissed us for the rest of the day...we all headed to our own houses except for Jake he stayed with me.

We were laying in my bed staring into space in silence until I said something.

E: thank you Jakey

J: for what love

E: for standing up for me

J: I will always do that peanut.

E: and that's why I love you...

J: I love you too Riky

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