Chapter 14

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Jakes Pov
I felt like exploding then I heard her voice the softest voice the most beautiful voice ever. The voice I fell in love with the but that voice doesn't love me back. I really couldn't even look at her.

E: Jake

J: what

I kept my head down trying not to cry

E: where's your ring

J: that ring was a symbol of how we would never leave each other or hurt each other. Your the one who asked if I would ever leave you, but your the one who left, we promised not to hurt or leave each other but you did both in a matter of seconds.

E: Jake

J: you didn't even have to say it back, you could of said "I'm not ready" or something like that. I just wanted you to know that I love you. There are so many other things you could've done but you decided to do the thing that hurt worst. You made me feel like I did something wrong....imagine you telling someone that you love them and they just leave you not even explaining why they didn't say it back or say sorry.

I handed her my ring even though I bought them I didn't want something that only made it hurt worse.

J: give it to someone you love... bye Erika

I just turned around and walked away.  I don't know what that was, all I know was that wasn't me that wasn't Jake.

Erikas Pov
I ran into the bathroom and cried. I really really really messed up. That's not the Jake I know. I broke him, Chanthony probably hates me and my friends are probably very disappointed in me. I just lost my boyfriend.

I walked out of the bathroom still crying. I went up to Sunny and cried on her shoulder. Sunny has her personalities, but favorite thing about her is how comforting she can be when you're down

S: what happened Riky

E: *crying* he broke up with me

M: Eri-

E: I think I'm gonna go home.

Crew: by Rik

I left and went straight home. Once I got there I went to my dad and hugged him with my head in his chest.

*que Erikas crying voice*

D: Mikey what's wrong

E: Jake broke up with me

D: that son of a-

E: no I deserved it

D: why would you deserve something like that.

I pulled my dad over to the couch.

E: he told me he loved me

D: and

E: I just left I didn't explain why I couldn't say it back yet or say sorry for walking out on him.

D: Erika

When my dad calls me Erika that means he's serious or something is wrong and currently something is wrong.

E: I know I should've said Sorry or explained but I didn't and he broke up with me.

D: oh Mikey maybe you should get some sleep.

I got upstairs and put on a sweater Jake left here. And went to sleep crying and disappointed in myself.

Chances Pov
The whole day Jake avoided making any contact with another person. He even sat alone during lunch. After school we all are him walking to his car but before her can get in me and Anthony block the drivers door and the passenger side door and the Munny got the back

C: Jake you gotta talk to us

M: and Erika

J: no and no

A: Jake you're not being yourself and we are worried.

J: what do you want me to do huh? You want me to stay the same happy Jake; even though I just told Erika I loved her and she walked away without saying a word but "oh wow"?

C: she freaked out man

A: remember when my big sisters husband said he loved her and she freaked out and left

J: yeah

A: look where the are know married and have a beautiful daughter.

C: you told me you had a dream Erika said it first but you didn't say it back.

S: Erika ran home crying. If she just liked you she would have stayed her at school.

M: she loves you we can all tell. She just doesn't know it yet. You gotta give her a chance Jake.

J: okay fine I'll talk to her. But I could get there faster if you would move so I could get in my damn car

S: and if you dont it won't be Sunny anymore

J: meaning?

M: when she says that she means she'll be be angry. We call her Darkness when she's angry. And you DO NOT want to make Sunny angry.

J: noted, well know I have to go.

Jakes Pov
I get iny car and drive to Erikas house. When I get there is know on the door and her dad answers. He towers over me and I look at him scared he gonna probably punch me in the face.

D: she's upstairs

Well I guess I was wrong about the punching in the face

I walk up to Erikas room, when I walk in I see her sleep and shivering. I get in the bed with her and hold her close.

*2 hours later*

Erikas Pov
I wake up from my nap and feel arms wrapped around me. I turn around to see Jake I get really happy and hug him so right he probably couldn't breathe.

J: hello Love

This whole time I never let go of Jake

E: Jake I'm sorry, I was such a bad girlfriend. And I-

I was cut off by Jake kissing me. I got lost in galaxy of love- wait did I just say (think) love?! I gotta tell Jake

I pulled back from the kiss

E: oh my god Jake

J: what? What happened?

E: I love you so so so much

I jumped into Jake's arms and kissed him.

J: do you mean that at you just saying that out of pity

E: I mean it. Jake Paul I love you soooo much

J: this makes things so much easier

E: what do you mean?

J: the day I realised I loved you. I was so stressed about how to approach you with it or if I was gonna say it at all.

E: well you said it and I'm happy you did....

I had put on Jakes promise ring earlier so I took it off and got down on one knee.

E: Jake Joesph Paul, I love you so much...will ypu be my boyfriend...again?

J: of course

I stood up and kissed him. We have a really strange weird but cute relationship and I could never ever regret dating Jake.

Me and Jake layed down I put my head on his chest and he put one hand behind his head and the other around me. We just talked.

J: love?

E: yeah

J: I'm sorry for snapping at school today

E: it's okay I kinda deserved it

J: no yo-

E: it's fine Jake that was the past. Let's focus on the present.

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