Peer Pressure

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A/N: Lol bear with me for this first chapter... the next one is infinitely better I promise

The summer following your senior year of high school is a unique one. Yes, people still go to parties, hang out with their friends, and get jobs as lifeguards. The actual events of such a summer remain the same, but the feel of it is entirely different. Nothing compares to being genuinely unattached to a school. You don't belong in high school anymore, but you can't yet call wherever you decided to go to college a home. In a lot of ways, the summer after high school is the freest you'll ever be... or at least, that's how it feels in the moment.

Today marks the end of that freedom and the beginning of the next. I've been looking forward to college since the tenth grade, and now that it's finally here, it seems far less significant than I thought it would. The whole thing just goes by in blur. My parents help me pack up my belongings and before I really know what has happened, I am on the road driving towards my new home for the next four years. After moving into my appallingly small dorm room, I hug my parents goodbye and I am suddenly on my own. Just like that, I have moved into a different life, and though I'm excited, I'm also kind of terrified.

What do I do now? My roommates aren't here. I don't know anyone, and I have nothing to do besides sit here and binge watch the same Netflix show I've watched four times through. 

With a sigh, I decide to sit down on the couch and just chill out for a bit. I almost have time to relax for about a minute before my suitemates arrive, clamoring loudly into the dorm with a brown paper bag that doesn't seem to ever stop clinking. Classes don't start until Wednesday, so I know this is going to be a wild night... for them. I have reached my exhaustion limit for the day and have no desire whatsoever to go out tonight. I'm kind of over the whole party scene.

"What's your name again?" the blonde girl asks me, her eyes taking in my appearance and no doubt making a harsh judgement about me. We had talked a little over the summer, but not enough to be considered friends.

"Camryn. And what are y'all's names? Sorry, I have a terrible memory," I try to smile at these annoyingly pretty girls, but I'm sure they already hate me regardless of any attempt at being nice I might make.

The blonde is the first to answer, her voice high but not unpleasant, "I'm Sadie."

The girl with the short brown hair answers next, "My name's Jess, and this is Gabrielle." Jess nods to the stunning girl standing next to her. I don't think I've ever seen such beautiful, dark brown hair in my life. Sadie laughs nervously at me as she throws the brown paper bag on the floor and pulls out two handles of vodka. I cringe at the sight of it. The last time I had vodka, I was graced with a second sampling of my dinner that night. It is not a memory I would like to relive.

"Are you okay?" she asks. "You look confused."

"No, its fine. It's just the last time I had that stuff I got really sick, so I was having a moment of PTSD." The three girls laugh and Sadie sighs, obviously relieved. "What?" I ask, sounding a little too defensive.

"Oh, nothing. I was worried you were going to be a prude for a second there... not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm just glad you aren't."

"Okay.. Are y'all going out tonight then?" I ask and they all laugh at me.

Mkay, bitches. Was that really necessary?

"Of course we are," Gabrielle says with a devilish gleam in her eyes. "There aren't any frat parties this weekend, so the bars are going to be packed. It's going to be so much fun, you should join."

I shrug, every fiber in my body telling me to turn her down. I need sleep. "That sounds fun, but maybe another time. I'm exhausted."

"Oh, please do come with us," Sadie practically whines, walking over to me and putting her hands on my shoulders. I flinch from her touch, but remain in place. "Please, it'll be a roomie bonding experience that you'll never get again!"

Her voice is so loud in my face that I can't help but want to do anything to get it to go away. And believe me, I would totally be down for a Netflix binge session; however, the logical part of my brain tells me that if I don't spend time with my roommates, then I'll never make any friends while I'm here, and that would just be sad. Thus, I hear myself say, "Fine, but don't say 'rommie bonding experience' ever again."

The three girls laugh, and Sadie brings me the bottle of vodka, "Drink up, buttercup."

"I think not," I smile, gently pushing the plastic bottle away from me. "I'll go, but I'll leave the drinking to y'all."


PSA: Harry shows up in the next chapter

Also..... Yay, first book on here in ages! I used to write on here like three or four years ago, but I'm back bc i missed writing! I hope you enjoy this story, I kind of just want to write one that was fun and pretty much every girl's dream (or at least mine).

So, if you like sarcasm and real characters who actually quote vines and memes and such, stay tuned bc that's what you're in for. I feel like the self-aware fanfic protagonist is an undervalued and underused character because let's face it, most girls in these stories are too perfect. I myself am guilty of writing such characters, but hey, we all learn from our mistakes.

Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you are entertained! :)

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