Ultralight Beam

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The club tonight is much less crowded than it was the first night of college. There are still tons of people, but it is considerably easier to move around in the small, cramped room full of sweaty college students. John follows behind me as I plunge into the crowd to get to the bar. This bitch needs some more shots, and in this dress, I can probably get a few for free.

As I push past the clumps of dancing fools, several guys take notice of me, their attention completely diverted from the girls that have so generously agreed to dance on them. I feel bad for those girls simply because these guys clearly aren't that interested in them.

When I reach the bar, there is no room for me to get the bartender's attention. John, always so close behind me, volunteers to get me a drink but I shake my head at him. Why make him waste his money when I can waste someone else's?

Looking at all the men standing at the bar, I try to choose my target well. The candidate must be drunk enough to think he has a chance, and he must be unattractive so that I won't have trouble turning him down, even in a drunken state, if he decides to come onto me. Spotting a short, stocky guy with thinning brown hair, I tap on his shoulder and he turns roughly around, looking like he's ready to fight someone. This guy is beyond drunk, and not to be mean, but I definitely would not kiss him ever.

When he sees me, his drooping eyes widen slightly and he seems to totter from side to side just a little bit. His face is shining with sweat under the strobe lights and I can't help but cringe at how disgustingly wasted he his. This guy looks like the kind of guy that would try to put his damp dad-bod all over anyone who showed him even the slightest interest. Honestly, he's so gross looking that I wish I had just let John buy me a drink. Oh well, it's too late for that.

I step closer to the filthy drunkard and lean close to his ear so that he can hear me, "Do you mind if I get right there for a minute?" I point to the open place behind him at the bar, but he just keeps his eyes on my exposed chest, "I just need to buy myself a drink real fast, and then I'll go."

I lean away from him and he blinks rapidly at me as he shakes his head and yells, "Don't worry about it, babe. I got you covered." He turns around and shouts at the bartender, "Hey, get her whatever she wants on me!" The guy turns back around to face me and allows me to stand by the bar to order. As I step up, I feel him move close to my back, his junk brushing my ass every few seconds. Just endure it for the liquor and then you can leave, I tell myself before leaning forward and yelling over the music for two shots of gin. The bartender nods and brings me two shot glasses filled with a liquor that's a little more bearable than vodka. I would get whiskey, but the last time I mixed a dark liquor with a clear one did not end well. 

The guy behind me continues to press into me, but I don't pay him any attention. The last thing I need to do is to see him rubbing all up on me, otherwise I might change my mind about this whole thing. The two guys standing beside me watch as I down the first shot and follow it with the next. My mouth burns, but not as much as the first two did back at the dorm< which is good because I'm able to keep from making a face.

The guy to my left laughs and signals the bartender for another two shots, and I can feel my cheeks heating up. I shouldn't do two more, but hey, it's free and this boy is cute... except this is ruining my rational plan to not hook up with someone random.

When the shots are placed in front of me, he nods with a smile, "They're all yours."

I grin and thank him, taking my fifth shot of the night in my somewhat tingling hand. Oh lordy, if I have much more than this, I won't be able to walk in these shoes anymore. I take the first shot and then the second, wishing that I had something to wash it down with, but alas, a chaser is not made available to me.

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