Shut the Hell Up

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A/N: the laugh at the end of that vine is how I laugh sometimes.. I just thought I'd let you know that. Okay, continue sorry :)

That night, Harry and I go over to his mom's house for the Christmas dinner she has prepared. Apparently, this is a thing they've done every year since she moved here, where she cooks for Harry and his friends and they just have a casual night together before the Christmas holidays. It's honestly one of the cutest things I've ever heard, so I'm really excited to be included this year.

So, with my comfy sweater on and Harry's reassuring grip on my hand, I venture into Harry's parents' huge-ass house for the second time. It's still intimidating to be in such a fancy place, but this time, I find that I am much more relaxed than I was for Harry's stepdad's birthday party. It may have to do with the fact that I'm no longer in doubt about how Harry feels about me, or that I know Anne is literally the sweetest woman on the planet and I don't have to worry about impressing her or anything. I did bring cookies, but that's the extent of my ass kissing.

Anne greets us kindly as soon as we arrive, and Harry is quick to engulf her in one of his intoxicating bear hugs that make you feel like he's the happiest man on earth because he gets to see you. That's a great feeling, and I'm sure it warms her heart to see that her only son cares for her so deeply.

"I've missed you," she says quietly to him, smiling contently.

"I've missed you too, mum." Anne sighs into Harry's shoulder before pulling away from him and looking over his face. Anne's face falls when sees the scrape on Harry's cheek, and frown settles over her mouth.

"What did you do to your face?" Harry shifts uncomfortably in his shoes, and he glances back to me before answering his mom. I'm trying to stifle my laughter, because honestly, how do you explain to your mom that you were so drunk that you ran into a staircase and passed the fuck out on the concrete floor? I sure wouldn't know how to explain that to my parents, because I don't think they would find that narrative very funny.

"Uh, I ran into a staircase," Harry finally says, wisely leaving out the bit about his excessive intoxication. Anne raises her brow at him as if she doubts him, but I can't help but notice that bit of a smile that she's trying to hide. "What? I wasn't watching where I was going, and it just appeared out of nowhere."

Anne shakes her head in disapproval, but she nonetheless laughs at Harry's expense. "You always have been a rather unobservant kid."

"Wow, thanks," Harry says dryly with that same amused smile his mom has. Anne rolls her eyes at him and then turns towards me, her eyes falling onto the plate of cookies in my hand.

Smiling appreciatively, Anne excitedly inquires after the cookies, which then gets me started on the topic of food, and because I'm a fat ass, we all know that this conversation is going to last for a while. Harry gets bored of our cooking conversation, so he goes off to take a piss while I join Anne in the kitchen to help her with some last-minute food preparations. It's nice cooking with her; it reminds me of time spent with my own mother, and it's a quite comforting experience to have when I'm three hours away from home and I can't see my family.

Though I've only met her twice now, Anne really does feel like family to me already. She's so kind and compassionate, traits which she has undoubtedly passed onto her son, but more than that, like my mother, Anne is not afraid to pry into my private life. Last time I was here, she pretty much orchestrated the situation where Harry and I finally bit the bullet to define our relationship. I couldn't be more thankful for that, really, because both Harry and I were so hesitant to take the leap into an official dating relationship. We needed her push, but I will say that once we got there, we went in hard and fast by confessing our love to each other less than a month later.

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