I Won't Say I'm in Love

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The rest of the week passes by absurdly slow, and though I know I shouldn't, I find myself either sending one-word responses to Harry's texts, or not responding at all. The only time we actually have a real conversation is when Harry chases me down on Wednesday after class to talk about the plan for Friday. Other than that, it's pretty quiet between us, and it's driving me crazy. Granted, it is partially my fault, but I like to not focus on that bit of information because it makes me feel like a bad person.

As Friday approaches, my anxiety only increases as Gabrielle has put it upon herself to suddenly act like my best friend. She keeps asking me about my plans for the weekend and whether or not I think Harry and I will hook up for real. This strikes me as an odd piece of information to pursue, but I don't ask her about it because I'm simply too stressed and overwhelmed to find the energy. My lack of inquiry may also have something to do with the fact that I'm also incredibly paranoid that she and Harry have been seeing each other behind my back. So yeah, there's that.

At around nine in the morning on Thursday, Harry comes up to my dorm room to carry my bags to his truck, but as we are leaving, Gabrielle shows up and makes a comment that high-key throws me off.

"Wait, I thought the buses didn't leave 'til tomorrow?" she asks, apparently panicked that she has gotten the date wrong. Harry stops in his tracks and gives her a look that seems to communicate both his surprise as well as his desire for her to shut up. I wonder if he knew she was going to be coming with us; the look on his face kind of makes me think he didn't.

"What is she talking about?" Confused, I look between them, and suddenly, I realize that with the way they are looking at each other, they definitely do know each other. The only question is how the fuck did I not see it before? And not only that, but why is Harry trying to leave with me now? I skipped four classes to leave at this date and time, and now I'm supposed to just be okay with the fact that it's for nothing? If this is how this weekend is going to be, then I'm in for a hell of a time because we haven't even left yet and there is tension already.

Harry turns to me, ignoring Gabrielle who has an oddly satisfied look on her face, and speaks quietly so that I am the only one who can hear, "She's right; the buses don't leave 'til tomorrow. I wanted to drive up there with you alone."

Here we fucking go. He's trying to keep me away from his friends again, and it fucking pisses me off. I know he said he's trying to protect me, but seriously, what the hell could happen on a bus ride? I'd be with him the whole time, so if he tries to use that explanation again, I'm calling bullshit.

"Harry, I want to get there with everyone else," I tell him, trying to ignore the fact that he keeps glancing in Gabrielle's direction as if to see if she is up to something. The gesture, though small, only puts me at further unease.

Harry twists his mouth in thought, "If that's what you want, then okay, but I, uh, I wanted to take you some place nice."

Okay, that's sweet, I guess.

"It's a bit out of the way, so I understand if you don't want to. I just thought it might be fun to surprise you," Harry smiles shyly at me, and as much I try to keep it from happening, I feel my resolution to not take any shit from him begin to crumble. Maybe driving up with him would be amazing? I mean, I'll be meeting his friends tomorrow, so what could waiting a few hours hurt? I hate myself for it, but sometimes his thoughtfulness just makes me the most spineless human in the world, and I'm afraid that right now is one of those times.

"Oh," I mumble, tucking my hair behind my ear and casting my eyes to the floor. "Yeah, I guess that would be fun."

When I smile up at him, Gabrielle whines from the couch and my attention is once a again fixed on her, "Aw, no! I wanted to sit next to you on the bus!"

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