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When Harry drops me off at my dorm, my roommates let me in, and upon seeing my attire, immediately demand to hear of my shacking experience. I guess coming home from a night out on a Saturday morning in men's pajamas isn't exactly the most inconspicuous way to sneak in. Thus, I have only myself to blame for the questions and squealing.

At first, my roommates are kind of nonchalant about the whole thing, but once Harry's name is revealed, their entire attention is captured and I am forced to give a recount of last night's events.

"Wait, so you didn't sleep with him?" Gabrielle asks me incredulously, her perfectly-arched eyebrows arching up even further as she stares at me like I'm an idiot.

"No," I shake my head in denial, laughing softly at her question. "He just let me stay the night, that's all."

"Damn," Gabrielle frowns, an unsettling expression of surprise and annoyance overtaking her striking features. Why does she care if I slept with him or not?

"Wait," Sadie excitedly interjects as Gabrielle stands up and leaves the room. "If you didn't sleep with him, then why are you so... smiley this morning? Did anything happen between you two?"

I suddenly become very aware of the fact that I am indeed smiling like an idiot. I don't know how long I've been smiling like this, but after the morning I've had, I think it'd be wrong not to be smiling.

"Yeah, kinda," I admit nervously, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks as the three of them perk up to listen to my story. "I mean, he told me that he liked me... like really likes me, so that's... fun, I guess?"

"Fun?" Jess mocks me, laughing along with the others. "A boy– no, a man tells you he likes you, and all you have to say about it is fun? Do you not know how to talk about boys to your friends? Spill everything. How did this conversation come up? What was the context? We need details!"

At this, I actually manage a laugh because I know she's right. My skills at girl talk are non-existent.

"Um, okay. Well I woke up in his bed and found him shirtless in the kitchen making pancakes. I realized I wasn't wearing pants, we joked around some and then he said he wanted to talk," I tell them, letting myself get really into the conversation. "And he apologized for kissing me at my house and then I told him not to apologize because I wanted him to kiss me, and–"

"Wait, wait, wait," Sadie interrupts, looking rather shocked and confused. "One, don't just brush over the shirtless cooking thing. Tell us more about that. And two, what on earth are you talking about? He was at your house? He kissed you... and then apologized? I'm confused."

"Okay, well the shirtless cooking thing was really hot, I'll admit," I say, fighting the massive grin that is trying to dominate my face. "His tattoos are just so attractive, and those abs... y'all, don't get me started on the abs. And the way his morning voice was so nice and raspy made me want to just pass out. It was exhilarating."

"Ugh, jealous," Jess groans dramatically, pushing her pillow up to her face and throwing her her head against the back of the couch.

I laugh, knowing that I'd be jealous of me too if I were her. Harry is literally the most perfect human being I've ever met and I just love how weightless and peaceful I feel right now. For the first time in a long time, I'm actually letting myself feel happy and adventurous and it feels amazing.

"As for the other thing," I begin, really not wanting to think back on that terrible weekend. "After that party that was, you know... I went home with my parents. Only, when it came time for them to take me here, neither one could, so Harry offered to drive me."

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