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This happens after Zubiya gets injured trying to save Asfandyar melodramatic stuff which I can not write please read on ... Caution-- longish read

Zubiya was recuperating at Dr Asifa's home. After the accident and the firing she had been been in shock. Though she had already spent a few days in the hospital and the wound on her shoulder was healing nicely. The first few days she was drugged and hardly aware of what was happening. The wound did not pain that much except when she moved her shoulder but there was a psychological pain she was filled with. She really did not want to meet people and even when Dr Asfandyar visited her every couple of hours she mostly pretended to be asleep. In fact every person she knew and loved made her want to close her eyes. She actively wished they would go away. It was apparent to Dr Shehroze that she needed more time to come out of her shock. Asfandyar would come every chance he got . The days she was up and he came in she resolutely refused to meet his eyes and would speak very little, making it clear she didn't want to speak .

Dr Shehroze, told him that she was suffering from Post Traumatic Distress Syndrome, which happens to a lot of survivors of violence. Asfandyar could not even tell him that in the case of Zubiya, the violence was not this one incident rather her entire life. Dr Shehroze understood that she just wanted to heal alone and once she was better Dr Asifa asked her to come stay with them in their house up in the hills. She agreed because of all the people there, they were the most stable and least emotional. Dr Shehroze explained this to Asfi and said that

"I know you want to take care of her but she is too raw to deal with emotions. Let her heal at our place. "

Lubna and Usman were waiting when Gaiti and Asfi walked in . Lubna was disappointed and she had been wanting to have Zubiya come stay with them so they could take care of her. The entire family was so grateful to Zubiya that they were only wanting to take care of her during convalescence. They were really disappointed but what could they do. Usman especially was very insistent that they give Zubiya the space. He noticed Asfi was very quiet during dinner and guessed that he was hurt Zubiya did not want to spend time with them. After dinner he went to Asfi who was standing outside in the cool moonlight and put his arm on his shoulder.

He said " Son sometimes you have to let people go in order for them to find their way back to you. It is not as if she is rejecting you, she has to let her past go before she can come back to you. You do not need a bigger proof of her love; so now it is time for you to show her the same

When he heard his father, Asfi felt better. He so badly wanted to go to her and just erase all the past and tell her it was over. But it seemed like it wasn't over yet for her. He sighed and went to his room dejectedly.

Zubi was feeling much better with Dr Asifa and Dr Shehroze. They were non- intrusive, kind and asked no questions. They were out of the house most day and when they returned home they were glad to spend time in telling her the hospital news and professional chit chat.

She could move about on her own and sometimes stood at the window, looking at the hospital. She knew he was there, and she could feel the waves of anxiety he must be suffering from waiting for her. And his impatience. But she needed to think this through. She was relieved that they knew of her past but she didn't know if it could again become an issue. She felt guilty for causing Asfandyar so much trouble. He hadn't even wanted to get involved with Khajista and she had caused so much harm to him. In a way she was glad she got hit because it was divine justice. She didn't want that any of her misfortune should rub off on Asfi. Every morning she would go to the bottom of the garden where there was a sheer drop and stand there. And she would wonder if everyone she had ever loved was condemned to leave her.

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