Snapshots- The Honeymoon Album

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Snapshots- The Honeymoon Album

Zubiya got off the bed and walked soundlessly to the French windows and then carefully, let herself out onto the deck before which stretched out the miles of the ocean. The sliver of the moon lit up the waves lapping at the deck. The sea looked dark but peaceful. The ocean stretching out in three directions and their little wooden cottage which could be reached only by a narrow wooden walkaway which almost got submerged at high tide. It was like being alone on a little island in the middle of the seas. The wind whipped her hair and she reached back to loosely bunch her hair in knot. Her bare legs under her coral pink night dress felt cold.

She ventured forward and wondered if she could just go dangle her legs in the water and sit on the edge of the deck. But decided against it because she still wasn't so comfortable in the water; and besides, she was sure her husband would be unhappy about her doing anything remotely unsafe at 2 am at night. She had been used to taking her own decisions for so long now, that at times, it felt strange that somebody else would worry about her well-being and safety. In fact, it felt glorious and she was quite happy in letting him decide things. She knew she would protest about it in a few days, especially if he would get dictatorial, but right now she was happy to feel cosseted and protected for almost the first time in her life. For a moment, she was flooded with the fear that had been a constant companion since her mother's death, but then she was reminded of her husband's insistence that he knew what was best for her and trying to make up for her sense of insecurity and she smiled. Asfand hadn't really stopped bossing her, she thought, it was just the areas of life in which he could boss her had changed. She felt really amused at the ways in which he would take charge of her life and would get surprised when she would offer any resistance. The click of the French doors behind her alerted her to his presence and she turned as he sleepily came forward to her.

Z: Did I wake you up?

A: What are you doing here in the night?

Z: Waiting for you.

Asfand, nuzzling her neck and wrapping his hands around her mid-riff.

A: You should have woken me up before coming outside.

Z: See, that is why I came out alone, because if I told you I was going out alone, you would make sure I don't. ( smiling as she interlaced her fingers through his fingers on her stomach)

A: (Laughing) And I seem to remember someone being most unhappy about being alone all of last few weeks. That couldn't have been you, could it?

A: Ouch, why are your legs so cold? (as he pulls her closer and intertwines his legs with hers.) Come let's go back to bed and get some warmth into you. (naughtily)

Z: Or let's stay here and let you get equally cold? (saucily looking up and twisting her head to ask him, looking through her eyelashes at him).

A: (looking at her surprised and delighted) How is it that you always surprise me? Okay, we will be cold together, if that is what you want.

He reached down to kiss her upturned mouth, catching her by surprise and before she could react had lifted her to carry her to the edge of the deck. He looked for the ledge stairs and settled himself down into the cold water, before he carefully let her go into the water. The shock of the cold water hit their minimally clad bodies, making them shiver with the difference in the temperature. Ouch!! They both burst out laughing. Zubiya, in contrast to her brave words, a few minutes ago, immediately turned towards him holding on to his shoulders.

A: Not loving the cold so much, now? (smiling devilishly, even though he held her firmly, so she was anchored firmly between the ledge and him).

Z: You should have given me warning. (in mock complaining tones)

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