Married Musings- Zubi

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Married MusingsZubi

Zubi had been alone for so long that she was used to solitude. The first thing she found in her new home was the chattiness of everyone. They were excited at having a new member of the family. Every meal time and in fact all the time spent at home, everyone in this new family was always together. Zubiya was always drawn towards Lubna because she missed her mother so much and would seek her out most. It gave her a lot of pleasure and peace to sit with her after work or on her off days and simply listen to the older woman talk about her children and their childhood. The others all observed this and understood this deep rooted need of Zubiya to fulfil the lack of a mother in her life.

Yes she was surely and easily getting absorbed in her new home. It was a peaceful feeling.

What was not a peaceful feeling was being with Asfand. She had of course fallen in love with him earlier, but then in her mind she hadn't permitted herself to actually believe that there was any point to it and had held it in check. Being married to him had let loose a torrent of emotions. Now just the fact he was standing close to her, or had given her hair an affectionate ruffle while walking through the kitchen would make her go weak in her knees.


First day back at workAll about Buttons.

Today was the first day they were back at work in the hospital. And she found behaving normally with her husband, was worse at work, because when they worked together, even though they tried to keep it perfectly professional, they were always sooo aware of each other and she would frequently find her thoughts wandering off in dangerous territory whenever she watched him. Today, while on his rounds, she mentally switched off while he was interviewing the patient, and instead noted that his top shirt buttons were undone, From there she slipped into a daydream, focusing on his shoulders, then his arms rippling under his shirt, then down to his chest,. Immediately, she remembered last night, and her face flamed, because she recalled how she herself had opened the buttons and hidden her face in his chest. In the midst of her reverie, she heard him say something and looked up at him. He had asked her something and she hadn't even heard it because she had been so busy remembering how it felt to run her lips...She came out of her daydream with a shock, realised where she was, saw the nurse and the patient and her husband looking at her, while she went blank. And she fumbled so badly like she was fresh out of medical school, that he had to hide his smile and cover up for her and answer his own question, because it was clear she hadn't heard a word of what had been going on. Z stood with her face all red and embarrassed and motified and tried to be as attentive as possible from then on.

Gaiti had come home earlier and so A and Z were leaving work alone. As she got into the car she was sure she was in for trouble for making a mess of the case where she had been watching him instead of the patient. And sure enough, her husband was very silent and grave, as he started driving.

Here comes the scolding, she thought. Let me say sorry before he starts.

Z: " I am sorry. I was not paying attention. It wont happen again. That was very unprofessional of me.

A: (trying to control his laughter and wanting his wife to suffer a bit more)- Dr Zubiya you have to be able to separate the professional and personal. This wont happen again because I am assigning you to Dr Asifa from tomorrow.

In the meantime he had already driven to the secluded river side spot they sometimes drove to and stopped. He got off and opened her door, so she got off as well. They were both leaning against the car door and watching the river. Zubiya was still feeling a bit embarrassed.

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