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With thudding heart he drove fast in the direction the gateman said she had gone. In his mind, he kept talking to her, Where are you? Why did you go ? Just wait for me. I m coming.

Looking every place on the road. Where could she go? And then in shock he saw her standing on a precipice that looked down into the river on the other bank. In shock he kept looking for a few seconds and then just broke into a run. Somehow he had to get there, before anything else. Keeping his eye on her indistinct form as he went around the bend and the bridge and then finally when he reached her, there was no her. He quickly looked around, where are you? His heart felt heavy and he felt pure fear. He saw a black cloth on the bushes below. Her shawl? What was she wearing when he saw her...his mind blanked out, he didn't remember anything now. Tears pricked his eyes, No he couldn't lose her. Not when he wanted to start living again. But she wasn't there, Where are you? Tears, terror blinded him as he looked down into the swirling waters down below.

He felt a cool hand on his fevered forehead. Shhh, I am here. I am with you. Her arms around him as they tried to hold his trembling body. Her leg across his legs. Her lips on his forehead. Open your eyes. I am with you.

Asfandyar opened his eyes. And looked into Zubi's calm eyes as she placed her hand around his cheek .

Zubi: Was it the same nightmare?

Asfi: Yes.

He tried to sit up and she shifted so he could be free to. She also got up and got him water.

His nightmare was receding. And he wondered why was he was still so scarred by the few minutes on the cliff when he thought he had lost her.

He came back to the bed, and sat down. Zubi who was standing near the window, watching him, walked upto him and knelt down on the ground so she could put her chin on his knees and look into his eyes. Her hair, sleep tousled all around her

Z: Asfandyar, look at me. I am not going anywhere. I am with you. Tell me how do I make you believe that?

A: (silent, watching her)

Z: I love you so much. So so much that it hurts. I feel so happy with you, so content, that I too think this couldn't be true.

A: (bending down.) Oh sweetheart Yes I know that. It hurts me too. I don't know how to handle such happiness sometimes. It just feels so fragile. My fears are all about losing you. Those minutes I spent looking for you just don't seem to go away.

Z: I am so sorry for giving you that scare. Believe me. Never again. I promise. How do I prove to you I am sorry.

A; Pulling her up to settle her slight form upon his knees, and hugging her to himself. The nightmare melted in the warm glow of her unwavering love. Along with sleep which was miles away too now. And smiling at her promise "So Dr Zubiya how will you show me you are sorry... She felt hot and bothered... but she never broke promises.

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