The Schuyler Sisters

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(Y/n) POV:


"(Y/n) sweetie! Are you coming to the market with me or staying home with your sister and father?" mom yelled. "I wanna come! I wanna come!" I yelled. "Alright let's go. I'll be back soon." mom said to my dad. And we walked out of the door. My sister was only 13 and I was 10. We walked to the market and got the stuff we needed. When we finished we walked back to the house. We weren't gone that long. But when we arrived, the house was completely on fire! All I could see was my mom running in the house, hearing my sister scream, and a guy running to get a doctor. It was chaos! I fell to the ground crying. Many people started gathering around our house. Some guys ran in. I saw one guy come out with my mom in his hands. A doctor ran up to her and said she still had a pulse. I got up and ran to her side when her eyes opened. One of the other guys came out with my dad over his shoulder. The doctor said he didn't have a pulse and that he was sorry for our loss. My mom and I started crying. But then the other two guys came out saying they couldn't find anyone else in there. My mom got up and tried to explain that my sister was still in there. But they just kept telling her that no one else was there. The fire was slowing down as people were pouring water from buckets onto it. After it was put out everyone just assumed that my sister was dead and we had a funeral for my dad. It was awful. And I guess we'll never find out how the fire started or what happened to my sister.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*end of dream*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I shot up in my bed. My mom came in "Are you good? I can hear you all the way out in the sitting room." she asked sounding concerned. "Yeah just a bad dream, that's all." I said trying to sound convincing. "Ok if you say so." She said closing the door on the way out. I got up and started to change into a blue dress. (Once again here's the dress)

             I just brushed out my hair to get all the knots out

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I just brushed out my hair to get all the knots out. I left it undone just because I didn't feel like doing anything fancy. I did the same makeup as yesterday's. When I finished I walked out of my room. I grabbed a piece of bread and sat down by my mom. "Hey do you mind if I go to town again?" I asked. "No go have fun! But be home by sunset." she said with a big smile. "No problem. Thanks!" I said as I ran out the door. I started walking down the sidewalk. After a few minutes I could see town and started running quick. But then when I noticed all the people I slowed down. I tried my best to get through the crowd but ended up bumping into three girls. That's great I just can't stop running into people 🙄. I quickly stood up saying how sorry I was. "Oh it's fine don't worry. It's really crowded out here anyway." one in a pink dress said. "Yeah but I'm still very sorry!" I said. "Like I said, it's fine. By the way I'm Angelica!" she said. "I'm (Y/n)!" I said. "I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Eliza!" one in a blue dress said. "AND PEGGY!" one in a yellow dress said stepping in front of Eliza. Peggy was very energetic. I like that about her. "Hey do you wanna hang out with us! Please!!!" Peggy begged. "Sure I was just walking around down here." I said. "Great!" Angelica said grabbing my arm.

We walked around in different stores checking them out. We were just walking around for a while and talked about how I moved and how I'm new here and they told me about the revolution. That interested me. I mean I think I was brave enough for it. "So are you going to the winters ball? It's at our mansion." Eliza asked. "Winters ball?" I asked confused. "Yeah its a ball we host every year." Angelica said. "I've never been to a ball before." I told them. "THEN YOU HAVE TO GO!!!" Peggy yelled in my face. "Ok?" I said. "Yay!!!" all three said. "We have to get a dress. Maybe you'll get a guy there." Eliza said winking at me. "Oh I don't mind a dress but I don't think I'll find a boy." I said because let's face it I can't get a guy. "Don't worry you will be found. It just takes a little patience." Angelica said. "It takes a little time!" Peggy said right after. "A little perseverance." Eliza said after. "And a little uphill climb" Angelica said. "To find a guy!" Peggy said. "Fine. Well I guess we should get a dress. But I don't have any money with me right now." I said. "Don't worry we can get it for you, like a welcome gift." Angelica said. "Well let's go!" Eliza said grabbing my arm and running to a dress shop.

We walked into a shop with every inch covered with different shades of blue, purple, pink, and so much more colors. We looked around but Peggy found the one that was the one. It was a beautiful purple dress!

 It was a beautiful purple dress!

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(It's not that fancy but... more dresses 🙃)
( edit 3/26/20: dude i know this dress is ugly as sh*t but hey i was in like 6th or 7th grade... i don't remember but it was early middle school and i clearly didn't know what i was doing lol)

(Edit 3/28/20: haha looking back at the comments for the dress are low key pretty funny. i agree it's absolutely disgusting looking and i would remove it but one it's funny reading y'all's comments and two ima be a little evil and make you suffer by looking at its disgustingness.)

"Peggy I like that one." I told her. "Really?!?! I do too. You should get it!" she squealed. "Ok" I said as I shrugged my shoulders. We payed for the dress and walked out. "I can't wait to see you at the ball in that! You're gonna look awesome! Any guy would be crazy not to look at you." Eliza said. "Yeah that's for sure." Angelica said with a big smile. "I should head home the sun is about to set and my mom wants me to be home by sunset." I said. "Yeah we should too. You wanna us to give you a ride home?" Peggy asked. "Sure!" I said as we got into a carriage. We arrived at my house and I got out and we said our goodbyes. "BYE!!!" Peggy yelled as they rode away. I gave a small chuckle and walked inside.

"Did you have fun?" mom asked not looking up from her book. "Yeah! I made friends with the Schuyler sisters and I'm going to their winter ball." I said excited. "That sounds like fun. Do you have a good dress?" she asked. "Yup! We went dress shopping and I got a purple dress with flowers on it." I said. "Sounds nice!" she said. "Well I'm gonna head to bed." I told her. "Ok. Goodnight!" she said. "Night!" I said as I walked away.

I walked in my room and changed into a simple nightgown. I put my dress up neatly and got in bed. I looked over to my table and remembered the book from Burr. "Maybe I'll start reading that tomorrow" I thought as I closed my eyes. Today was a good day I just hope it stays like that.

Word count: 1214

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I've had a lot of softball and school and we just got a big project for civics so... yeah. I've tried to write as much as possible. Did you notice the Dear Evan Hansen reference 😏? Whale 🐳 I'll post as soon as I can! Peace peeps ✌🏼!

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