Won't say a peep

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********Important a/n at the end plz read!********

(Y/n) POV:

Alex and Eliza's wedding was just a few days ago but it feels like they've been married for forever. We returned to the camp because we had to ride to Monmouth for the next battle. Washington told us who the other general was and we were split up under either him or... Lee. Oh gosh! And just my luck I was with Lee. But so was John so that was fine with me. Alex and Laf were with Washington and Herc was back at the tent because he was leaving for England soon. He was going to be a spy and it would definitely be different with him gone. Hopefully he'd be back soon. Washington told us the plan and we got on our horses and started to ride to Monmouth.

     It felt like we were riding for forever but eventually we made it and set up the camp. We didn't really set nothing up in our tent. It was late and Washington wanted us to get some sleep. I was nervous so I tossed and turned all night. Alex noticed since I guess he was awake and got up. "Hey struggling to sleep?" He whispered. "Yeah." I whispered back. "Need a friend?" He asked. "Sure.". I got out of bed and we walked outside. "So whatcha thinking about that's keeping you awake?" He asked. "The battle. I feel like I won't do so well!" I replied sitting on the ground. "Look (Y/n) you are the most bravest woman I've ever met! I saw you in the last one and you killed it!" He said patting my back. "Yeah but I'm with... Lee!" I hesitated. "Yeah I'm sorry about that but you'll do fine just do what you did last time." He replied. "Thanks!". I hugged him and got up. "For someone who loves arguing with everyone, you sure do know how to cheer someone up." I said. He smiled and we went back to the tent.

     We arrived back at the tent and got in our beds. I was able to go to sleep this time but woke up in what felt like two minutes. "Come on (Y/n)! Washington wants us up!" John said shaking me. I groaned and got out of bed. We got breakfast and walked around. We needed to stay ready. Soon enough we heard Washington yell "EVERYONE GET IN POSITION!". We had our guns and stayed behind Lee. Herc was in the tent because Washington wanted him there so he didn't get hurt. Everyone was ready and the battle began.

     There was blood and screaming everywhere. Lee started shouting retreat and Washington was yelling attack. I was so confused I just kept shooting. We were by some trees so I hid behind one and kept attacking. I could hear Washington yell and tell Laf to take the lead instead of Lee. But I was shot in the leg and turned to see a... woman?!?! I got in a fight with just her when she stopped. My leg was in so much pain I fell on the floor. "You can't be!" She gasped. "Can't be what?" I asked. "You're, you're... (Y/n)!?!?" She yelled. I was confused for a bit until I realized. "Sophia?!?!" I said. She smiled but I frowned. "Why are you with the redcoats?" I asked. "I was taken by a man to England. He forced me to join once it started." She explained.

     Then I remembered. The guy that ran to get the doctor. Or so I thought that's what he was doing. He ran to the side of the house. And never came back! That must have been why she wasn't in the house. "Well I'm afraid I can't help you right now little sis." She said interrupting my thoughts. I couldn't move since my leg hurt so bad. I went to yell for help but before I could she hit me in the back of the head with the handle of the gun. I heard Washington yell retreat and then it was black.

John's POV:

We ended up having to retreat and it was all Lee's fault! So many men died because they got confused. After we were back at the camp I went to our tent. Everyone was there except (Y/n). That's weird I'd expect to see her. "Have any of you seen (Y/n)?" I asked. "No I thought she was with you!" Alex asked. "Maybe she is with General Washington." Laf shrugged. "Maybe." I mumbled. I walked out of the tent and straight to Washington's tent. "Sir may I come in please?" I asked. "Yes Mr. Laurens." He replied. "Have you seen (Y/n)?" I asked once again. "No I thought she would be with you or the guys." He stated. "Oh shit" I mumbled. "Okay then I guess I should go!" I quickly said walking out of the tent.

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