Stay Alive Part 1

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(Y/n) POV:

It's been a few days since the letter went out to Alex. We weren't sure when he was going to get here or if he was coming back. But we all had to get focused because Yorktown isn't that far away. Herc was leaving today also. I was sad but if we all survive this then we'll get to see him! Hopefully.

******TIME SKIP******

     It was time for Herc to leave and he was giving us hugs. But right before Herc went to get into the carriage another carriage pulled up. We all looked confused until the door opened and Alex stepped out. He had a giant grin on his face and he ran up and hugged the four of us. He stepped back and saw that Herc had tears threatening to fall down his cheeks. "What's wrong?". "Herc is going back to town." I said. "Oh." He frowned.

I patted Alex's back and went up to Herc one last time. I gave him a tight hug and whispered "remember I'll try and not die.". He gave me a soft smile as I let go and he ruffled my hair. "Goodbye!" He waved to us and got in the carriage. The door closed and everyone started waving.

A tear ran down my cheek and John came up and hugged me once his carriage left. We walked back to the tent and Alex put his bag down. "So how was your visit to Eliza?" I asked trying to get our minds off of Herc. "Well she is uh... pregnant!" He was clearly excited. "Oh wow! Congratulations mon ami!" Laf said patting him on the back.

     We talked about what he missed. Until Washington came in and asked to see Alex. He got up and followed Washington to his tent. "So... Yorktown is almost here." John said trying to break the silence. "Yeah time flys!" I said. "And we'll all be in different places." I frowned. "Yeah" John frowned as well. "Except for you two!" Laf said trying to cheer us up. "True!" I said.

     Laf was gonna be in Chesapeake bay. John and I were gonna be in South Carolina. And we don't know about Alex yet. This was it we had to win. We can't stop at all. And I knew that soon John and I would have to leave for South Carolina and Laf would have to leave for his station.

******TIME SKIP TO THE DAY BEFORE YORKTOWN***** (Sorry I'm to lazy to write what happens in between.)

We're all where we were supposed to be. I was helping John lead the first all black battalion. We both fought against slavery. It was the day before everything was about to start and I was a nervous wreck. "What if we're outnumbered or one of us dies or... "okay stop!" John said grabbing my arm. "Calm down. Breathe in and out." He instructed. I did as he said and it slowed my breathing back to normal.

"Everything will be okay. Just fight like you have been since the beginning.". I nodded my head as we sat down on one of the beds. I was happy I wasn't alone or else I would have totally freaked out and gotten myself killed. I kept breathing slowly to keep it that way as John rubbed my back. "Thanks!" I smiled. "No problem. I just don't need you freaking out." He chuckled.

I smiled and looked at the ground. John noticed something wasn't right and took his fingers and lifted up my chin. He pressed his soft lips against mine as I kissed back. After a few seconds we pulled apart. "That was to stop you from worrying." He said. "Thanks, once again" I said chuckling.

We spent the day preparing for tomorrow making sure everyone was okay and ready. We all needed to be ready because at any minute tomorrow the British will attack.

Alex's POV:

This was it! The day before Yorktown. Washington's letting me lead a battalion and I was excited. But I was nervous. Would John and (Y/n) be okay? Would Laf be okay?Would I be okay?

I knew now wouldn't be the best time to worry, so I had to try and push all the questions out of my head. I had to focus on tomorrow because the second that sun rises in the morning we had to be ready. Hopefully Laf, John, and (Y/n) aren't worrying either.

During the day I just made sure that I ate and everyone was ready. We had nurses in their medical tents. I helped make sure they had enough supplies. And so the day went on.

Herc's POV:

I arrived back at my shop a few days ago and went back to tailoring for everyone that entered my shop. Eliza would come every other day and just talk with me. Her baby bump was bigger. We would talk about the baby sometimes.

As the days went by I knew that it was probably close to Yorktown by now. I hope everyone is fine if they're already fighting. And if not I hope they're not nervous or anything. But I tried not to worry myself so I could get my work done. Many people were coming in and I had my hands full.

Laf's POV: (Sorry if this is bad but I'm trying to make it sound like a French accent)

Zis was it. Ze moment where everything counts. I knew I had to be on my how you say A game. Or else everything would go wrong. My men were ready and so was I. I just spent ze day doing nothing. Ze British wouldn't be here till Alexander's battalion would move zem to us. But still I had to make sure my men were ready in ze morning.

Washington's POV:

I took deep breaths as I got ready for tomorrow. This would be the toughest battle of all. It would last longer and more men will die than in any other battle. Hopefully this plan would work. Mulligan had worked hard to get their information.

The sun was starting to set and we had everything ready. Let's hope this goes our way and turns out well.

(Y/n) POV:

     The sun was about to rise and John and I got everyone up. We waited in our positions for the British to come. Hours passed and nothing, until I could see a herd of redcoats on the horizon.


Alex's POV:


Laf's POV:


(Y/n) POV:

     Once they were close enough John and I shouted "ATTACK!". And so the long fight begins. I dodged bullets left and right and shot at any redcoats. I could see John doing well and we looked like we were doing well.

     Days of fighting passed and there was dead soldiers everywhere. The medical tents were filled with men. And there was so much blood. But suddenly I heard the British commander yell "RETREAT!". I was confused but shook it off my mind. I found John with his hands on his knees panting.

     "Hey you good?" I chuckled. His eyes meet mine and he smiled. "I'm fine!" He responded. I chuckled and he hugged me. I was glad it was over. Now we had to go back to our base. I'm sure someone surrendered over there. Whether it was us or not hopefully it's over.

     The remaining men got on their horses and the nurses that weren't working on soldiers got on their own horses. We started to ride off and we didn't even go a mile until one of the men riding beside me got shot and fell off his horse. "Oh my gosh!" I muttered while jumping off my horse. I grabbed my gun and started shooting when I saw John fall to the floor.

     I ran over to him and saw that he got shot in the ribs. I crouched down beside him and started to put pressure on the wound. I called for a nurse that was running trying to get to a medical tent. I saw her running over here. I was worried for John but my thoughts were interrupted by me getting shot in the ribs too.

     I fell on my back and laid there. I squeezed John's hand and he squeezed mine. We both were bleeding out fast. All I could hear was the nurse calling over more nurses to us. And everything went black.

Word count: 1413

Well that's just part 1. There's more to it. I got this chapter out before I leave. I'm leaving tomorrow so I won't post till about Tuesday or Wednesday. But in the last chapter I was just thanking you for 300 reads and now there's over 400! Like for real you guys enjoy it that much!?!? Gosh I'm speechless! Well see you in the next chapter!

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