Wedding Time!!!

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(Y/n) POV:

It's been a few days since we were attacked. Everything went back to the way it was. But today was special. And not because of an attack but because Eliza and Alex are getting married soon.

"Guys I have great news!" Alex said bursting through the tent. "What?" We all asked. "I'm getting married!". We all stared at him for a while. We were smiling because we were happy for him. "Let me guess... Eliza." I said. "Yeah and she wants you to be one of her bridesmaids!" He said. "Yes!". "And John and Laf you're my groomsmen.". "What about me?!?" Herc asked excitedly. "Uh "CAN I BE THE FLOWER GIRL!!!" Herc shouted. "Uh sure!" Alex said shrugging his shoulders. "So when is it?" John asked. "In a few days!" Alex said. "How are you gonna get everything planned in these few days?" I asked. "Oh well we already had everything ready. We just had to tell you!" He said.

I had a dress to wear for the reception. But Washington let me go to the Schuyler's. They already had dresses for us so I just decided to hang out with them for a little while before I had to leave. We talked about the wedding, the war, and Alex. I told her that he was a good man but if he ever does anything to hurt her to just tell me and I'll deal with it. Eventually I had to say my goodbyes and head back to the camp. I got in the carriage and waved to them as I rode away to the camp. I got back to the camp really late but when I got in the tent the guys weren't there. They must have gone out for drinks. I just went to bed because it was to late. I got in bed and fell asleep but in the middle of the night I woke up to yelling from outside the tent. "What the heck?!?!" I mumbled. I walked outside to see John being held back by Laf and Charles Lee being held back by Burr. Alex and Herc just stood by watching the show. John and Lee were yelling, loudly.

"What the heck?!?! I'm trying to sleep!" I shouted. "Oh uh hey (Y/n)." Alex hesitated. John walked over and put his arm around my shoulder and giving me a peck on the cheek. "See she's mine!" John yelled. I chuckled and kissed him back. "Ugh! Fine but when she leaves you for me don't come crying!" Lee yelled back as he turned to leave. Before Burr could leave I grabbed his arm and he turned around. "Uh I haven't talked to you since the bookstore incident." I said. "Yeah it's good to see you again!" He said. "Yeah you too!" I replied. "Well I should go to my tent." He said. "Okay!" I told him. The other guys went in the tent already so I went in. "Can I sleep now!?" I yelled. "I don't know that's up to you!" Herc yelled. I rolled my eyes and crawled in bed. I went back to sleep with no interruptions.


Alex's POV:

Today's the day! I'm getting married! I'm excited but nervous. I love Eliza with all my heart but there's just some reason, that I don't know, that makes me nervous. I was getting ready to go out there and wait for Eliza to come out. Everyone walked down the aisle and finally we all stood up to watch Eliza. She walked down the aisle with her dad so gracefully and beautifully. I couldn't take my eyes off her. I was ready to marry her.

     The priest said all the stuff he needed to say before we kissed. (Sorry I don't know what they say. I haven't been to a wedding since I was like 5). "Do you Alexander Hamilton take Elizabeth Schuyler to be your wife?" The priest asked. "I do!" I replied. "And do you Elizabeth Schuyler take Alexander Hamilton to be your husband?" "I do.". She said. "You may now kiss the bride!" The priest said turning to me. We smashed our lips together in a deep, passionate kiss. It was beautiful. And once we were done I pulled Eliza down the aisle.

(Y/n) POV:

     Later that night we had the reception. I was sitting at a table with John beside me and Peggy sitting by Herc. "Alright we will now have the best man, John Laurens, come up and give his speech." Mr Schuyler said. John got up and walked in front of everyone. "I have only known Alex for a few months but for those few months he has been a really good friend. He's fun to hang out with and is just a cool guy to be around. And I don't really know Eliza as well but from what I know and have heard she is the sweetest woman Alex could ever get. I wish you guys a long, happy marriage. And Alex don't do nothing stupid!" He said making everyone laugh. "Alright alright! That's what I'm talking about! Now everyone give it up for the maid of honor, Angelica Schuyler!" He said before walking away. Angelica got to the front and started her speech.

"A toast to the groom!" She started.

"To the groom! To the groom! To the groom!" echoed the other men.

"To the bride!"

"To the bride! To the briiiiide!" The girls echoed.

"From your sister!"

"Angelica! Angelica!"

"Who is always by your side!"

"By your side!"

"To your union!"

"To the union! To the revolution!"

"And The hope that you provide!"

"You provide! You proviiiiide!"

"May you always..."


"Be satisfied!" She finished sitting down.

     I could see tears forming in her eyes. Everyone went to talking and Angelica walked out of the room. I followed her out and saw her sitting against the wall crying. "What's wrong?" I asked sitting next to her. "I love him but I let Eliza have him because I couldn't hurt her!" She sobbed. "Shh shh it's okay! You'll find another man!" I told her while patting her head. She looked up and gave me a weak smile. "Yeah I guess!" She sighed. I got up and pulled her up. She said she was gonna stay outside for a few more minutes. I walked inside to see John looking around for me. I walked up behind him and tapped him in his shoulder.

     "Oh gosh! You scared me!" He jumped. "I saw you looking for me! So what do you need?" I asked. "Well they're gonna start the slow music soon, and I wanted to know if you would like to dance with me?" He said grabbing my hand. "Of course!". And right after I replied the music started. He pulled me out to the center of the room and we started dancing. I put my head on his chest as we slowly danced. It felt like we were dancing forever. He whispered in my ear "I love you!". "I love you too" I whispered back. The music ended and we walked back to the side. I decided to take him to my favorite place I go to in the mansion. I pulled him up the stairs. "Where are we going?" He asked. "Somewhere special!" I replied. Finally I reached Peggy's room. I opened her door and walked in. I opened another door that lead out to her balcony. I always sat out here with Peggy while I thought about the letter.

     "So here we are!" I said. "Wow! You can see all the stars and the moon from here!" He said amazed. "Yeah! It's amazing!" I said. We stared up at the stars for forever. We laughed and made jokes while sitting there. John is really fun and playful. He someone that everyone wishes to have in their life. "So what were you and Lee arguing about the other night?" I asked. "Well he was saying that you would end up leaving me for him. So I told him that it would never happen and he was saying that he would find a way to make you leave me!" He said frustrated. "Hey it's okay just calm down! I won't ever leave you!" I said. "I just don't want him to hurt you!" He sighed. "Don't worry I can defend myself." I reminded him.

     We sat in silence for a few seconds until we started to lean in close for a kiss until once again. "Mhmm!" Came from behind us. "Ah for real, again!" John yelled. I turned around and saw Peggy staring at us. "I see you two are having a moment! I guess I should go then heh!" She said turning away with a smirk on her face. "We gotta stop getting interrupted every time we go to kiss." I said. "Yeah for real!" He sighed. Then we continued before we were interrupted. And we kissed. I looked at him and said "maybe we're next!". "Yeah!" He smiled.

     We walked downstairs and saw that Eliza was about to throw the bouquet of flowers. She threw them hard behind her head and ended up smacking me and John holding hands with it. Wow what a coincidence! I picked them up and Eliza turned around and saw who she threw the flowers at. Her and Peggy bursted out laughing as John and I turned crimson red. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and we walked over to Laf. "Wow! I cannot believe you got the how you say bouquet!" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and the night went on. Eventually I got tired and John asked if I was ready to go. I nodded my head and we went to say goodbye to everyone and congratulate Alex and Eliza one more time. Most people were gone anyway so it was easy to get to them.

     The carriage waited outside for us and we got in. I fell asleep on John's shoulder. Maybe the bouquet was a sign telling us that we were meant to be together!

Word count: 1696

Here's another chapter. Sorry if it's bad but I wanted to post something soon. I don't really have much to say for this so I guess until next time!
Bye! 👋🏼


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