Oh Gosh!!!

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(Y/n) POV:

We woke up and did the same routine we do every morning. It was a normal day at the camp until we heard from outside our tent "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!!!". All five of us jumped up and grabbed our guns. We ran out of the tent and saw a sea of red coats coming towards us. And soon we were in battle. I shot any redcoats I saw in my way and dodged every bullet that came to close.

I could see Laf out of the corner of my eye. He seemed to be doing well. Then I could see Alex up by Washington. They were doing fine and so was John. But I could not find Herc anywhere. I hope nothing bad happened to him. I kept shooting because I knew if I got distracted I would be shot. So I stayed focused. Then finally after about an hour of fighting we heard the British General shout "RETREAT!". All the redcoats scurried away to their camp. I threw my head back and gave a loud sigh. "Thank goodness they're gone!". John and Laf came up behind me and patted me on my back. "You did a good job out there!" John smiled. "Oui! I'm proud of you mon amie.". "(Y/n)! I need you in my tent right now!" Washington called. "Well I should go see what he needs!".

     I walked to his tent and went in. He was pacing around his tent looking at the ground. "Sir are you okay?" I asked. "Yes but I need some generals to lead troops in the next battles." He said. "And...?". "Who is the best fit for the job?" He asked stopping and staring at me dead in my eyes. My eyes widened. Why couldn't he ask Alex? After all he is his right hand man. "Uh well I mean Lafayette did a good job out there." I suggested. "Yeah maybe him." He said. "Well what about Ham- "No!" He said coldly. Okay? I don't know why he was so firm when I went to say Hamilton. "Well I was thinking maybe Charles Lee." He said. I didn't really know Lee but from what I've heard about him he doesn't seem like a good choice. "I guess. I mean I don't really know him but if you say so go ahead." I shrugged. "Okay thank you! I'll put Lafayette into consideration and... good job out there!" He said. I nodded my head and walked out of the tent.

     I walked back to our tent. Everyone was in there except Herc. "Uh guys where's Herc?" I asked nervously. "He's in the medical tent." Alex said. "Oh my gosh is he okay?!?!" I shouted. "Yeah he's just helping the nurses since there's so many soldiers!" John said. "Oh. What's he doing?" I asked. "Getting more bandages for them." Alex said. Herc walked in the tent a little while after I walked in. I ran up and hugged him tightly. "I missed you too!" He laughed. "Well when I can't find you during battle and you're not in the tent when I get here then yeah I'm gonna be worried!" I laughed back. He chuckled as I let go. I laid on the floor staring up at the tent, bored.

     "I'm gonna go see if Washington needs me." Alex said getting up. "We'll be here!" Herc said. I got up and walked out of the tent. I stared out into the open field when suddenly someone grabbed my hand. I look beside me to see John standing there and staring out into the field. "I'm glad you didn't get hurt out there." I said breaking the silence. "Same with you!" He smiled. "You wanna go to our favorite spot?" He asked. "Sure!". We walked to the log out in the woods. We sat down and stared at the river. "You did good out there today." John said looking into my eyes. "Same thing I was going to say!" I said. We stayed silent a little longer until we started leaning in closer to each other. We were about to kiss until "mhmm!". I turned around blushing to see Washington smirking. "Uh sir I d-didn't um see you there." John stuttered while rubbing the back of his neck. "What're you doing here though?" I asked. "Well I usually come here after a long day but I didn't expect you guys to be here." He explained. "Well then I guess we should go." John said helping me up.

     We went to walk away when Washington grabbed John by his wrist. "You hurt her and you'll be lucky to be alive when I'm done with you." He whispered in his ear. John gulped and nodded his head. He let go of his wrist and we walked out of the woods. "Well Washington sure is overprotective!" I chuckled. "Yeah, sometimes he scares me!" He said. I laughed and walked back to the tent. Everyone was in the tent and it was late. It was a long day so we decided to skip drinks.

John's POV:

     I couldn't sleep tonight for some reason. I got out of bed and saw everyone sleeping perfectly. I walked out of the tent and it was dark. I couldn't see anything so I went back inside. Ugh! I need to sleep! So I decided to wake (Y/n) up. I kneeled down beside her bed and shook her lightly. She rolled over so I shook her a little harder. "What who is it?" She said not looking over. "Me! John! Your boyfriend!" I said. "Oh.". She rolled over to face me. "What're you doing up?" She asked. "I can't sleep!" I said. "And how am I suppose to help?" She asked. "Can you get up and hang out with me?!" I pleaded. "Oh fine!" She said getting up. She grabbed a candle and we went outside. "So?" She asked. I grabbed her hand and looked her in the eyes. Her (e/c) eyes shine no matter what time of day it is. My face got really hot and I saw her blushing. I was probably blushing. That's when I decided to make my move. I pressed my lips into hers and she kissed back. We stopped for air and just stopped and stayed quiet.

     She laid her head on my shoulder and I patted her head. I look over and see that she fell asleep. I give a slight chuckle and picked her up bridal style. I took her into the tent and put her in her bed. I blew out the candle and got in my bed. I felt much better after that. I fell asleep happy and that's good for me. I haven't felt actual happiness until I meet (Y/n).

Word count:1134

Sorry for the bad chapter but I've been trying to write and there are so many interruptions with life right now! Sorry it's short but I wanted to get this out to you guys. And sorry for the late night chapter but I can't sleep so I'm up finishing this. Man there are a lot of sorry's in this heh! Oh! And also I've been tagged again but with the same one as last time and once again I'm to lazy to do it again, so that already has a chapter. And I'll post soon!

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