The Rescue

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John's POV:

We told everyone the plan and everyone knew what to do. After we told everyone we got on our horses and started to ride off to their camp. After hours of riding we saw the camp. We had to be quiet so some of the guys snuck off into the trees hiding with their guns ready. Everyone stayed back and Washington lead up ahead. He pointed to the people behind the trees and they started shooting. Eventually a lot of redcoats were running around trying to find guns. That's when all of us ran in. I looked around for any kind of clue as to where (Y/n) was.

     I ran around shooting redcoats and looking when an idea popped in my head. I found a soldier running in circles panicking. Perfect! I grabbed his shoulder and punched him in the face. He stopped for a second standing there shocked so I grabbed his arm and told him to tell me where they kept their prisoners. Not even a second later he started saying "I'll show you! I'll show you! Just please don't kill me!". He lead me to their dungeon and I took my gun and hit him in the head. He instantly fell to the ground and went unconscious.

     I ran in looking through the little windows on the door looking for her. Finally I found her in a room at the end of the hallway. I took my gun and shot the lock making it fall to the ground. I opened the door and ran to her side. "Don't worry I'm here." I whispered. "Yeah it's about time." She chuckled as I got the chains off her wrists. I picked her up bridal style and and ran out the door. As I was about to step outside General Howe stepped in front of me. "And where do you think you're going?" He asked. "Away from here!" (Y/n) shouted. "Haha very funny." He sarcastically said. I tried to push my way through him but couldn't.

     I guess the only way to leave was to fight him. I set down (Y/n) against the wall and got my gun. He pulled out his gun and we got into a gun fight. We ended up outside. It was chaotic. There were screams, gunshots, and dead redcoats everywhere. I kept focus on Howe as we fought. He hid behind a tent and I was behind a tree. We kept shooting until he ran out of bullets. I knew this was my chance so I shot him in the shoulder. I ran into the dungeon and didn't see (Y/n) anywhere. I started freaking out and ran outside.

     That's when I saw Laf with (Y/n)'s arm over his shoulder. He saw me and waved his hand in the air. "Over here mon ami!" He shouted. I ran through all the men and reached him. We ran to the horses where Herc was waiting. Washington looked over and shouted "Get her to the medical tent back at camp!". We nodded our heads and got on our horses. Laf put (Y/n) on the back of my horse and she grabbed my waist. We quickly rode back to camp. Even though it still took a few hours, we reached the camp.

     I jumped off my horse and grabbed (Y/n). I rushed her into the medical tent and placed her on one of the beds. The nurses shooed me out of the tent so they could help her wounds. I waited anxiously in our tent pacing back in forth as Herc and Laf tried to calm me.

     "Did you see what they did to her!?!?" I yelled. "Oui but you can't barge in there while they help her." Laf said. I walked out of the tent and saw the other men coming back. I walked to the medical tent and went in. The nurses allowed me to go to her. I kneeled down by the bed. She was sleeping. I grabbed her hand and whispered "I'm so sorry I let this happen to you.". She slowly opened her eyes and whispered back "It's not your fault.". I gave her a soft smile.

     A nurse came over and told me that I should leave so she could get rest. So I got up and kissed her on the forehead.

(Y/n) POV:

     A nurse came and told John to leave so I could get rest. I didn't want him to leave, he was comforting. But he got up and gave me a kiss on the forehead before walking out of the tent. My arms hurt so bad and my leg was numb. I sighed and rolled over to my side. I laid there and thought about different things until I fell asleep.

     A few hours passed and I woke up to see Washington. "How you feeling?" He asked. "Better.". I sat up and saw a nurse coming over. "Well I want you to know that you're not allowed to fight for a few days." He firmly said. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. He sure did feel like a dad to me. He chuckled and got up. "Well you are allowed to go out now but like he said no fighting for a few days." The nurse said before turning away. I got up and Washington lead me out of the tent.

     We broke off and he went to his tent and I went to mine. As soon as I stepped in I was tackled into a giant hug by Herc, Laf, and John. "Where's Alex?" I smiled. As soon as I said that they frowned which made me frown. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Alex was sent home." John said. "Oh.".

     For hours we sat there and talked. We laughed and told jokes. Herc whispered something into John's ear. He jumped up and grabbed my hand pulling me up. "What are doing?" I slowly asked as a smile crept on to my face. He pulled me in closer and soon enough he smashed his lips on to mine. We pulled apart for air and I saw Laf making a face that showed disgust and Herc smirking. I blushed as John shrugged it off.

     "Did you do that just because Herc told you?" I asked suspiciously. "Yeah but I also wanted to do that since you were gone." He said. I shook my head and sat down. Washington soon walked in and told Herc that he needed to speak to him outside. As Herc got up and walked outside, the three of us got to the front of the tent and tried to listen. But the only thing I could make out was "leave...soon...plans...must...go.". I'm pretty sure I know what they're talking about. He might have to leave soon.

     As soon as we heard them finish talking we went back to our original positions. Once he walked in I asked him what happened. "I have to leave for England in a few hours." He frowned. We all frowned. "But you weren't supposed to leave till next week!" John said. "I know but Washington said it was urgent and I need to leave." He said. So we kept talking as Herc packed for England.

     The hours passed and John, Laf, Washington, and I walked with Herc to his carriage. He got in and we waved goodbye. He would have to leave for the docks and get to the ship soon. I felt a tear fall down my cheek as he drove away. John squeezed my hand and Washington put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and gave him a soft smile. We walked back to our tent and went inside. Washington had gone to his tent. I told Herc to write to us as soon as he arrived. We sat in silence.

     I wasn't allowed to drink, even though I wouldn't really drink when we would go, so we just went to bed. It was quiet with no Herc or Alex. I knew we had to let Herc leave because this is important for the revolution and him spying could help us. But we had to get Alex back. The guys are probably thinking it too! Maybe we can find a way to convince Washington.

Word count: 1393

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter but I had a small writers block for the end of this and didn't know what else to write. I have an idea for the next chapter but I don't know how long it'll be so oh whale 🐳. Thanks for reading and until next time... bye!

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