Chasing him: 1

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Author's P.O.V.

If God showered his beloved people the gift of beauty and fortune, then maybe Jimin was in deep sleep.. He wasn't the type of guy who will be dated by anyone due to the fact that he is a hopeless romantic and definitely a fan of old fashioned relationship.. But, to top it all, Jimin wasn't able to find someone as beautiful and as charming, seasoned with hotness and jaw dropping look of his very own best friend, Jeon Jungkook..

'Why don't you just tell him for God's sake!! You've been hiding your feelings for the past 5 years and it's not good for your heart, you know!!' Hoseok exclaimed, feeling tired and annoyed.

'I-I can't hyung.. He is straight and I'm not!! Look at me, do you think he will like me??'

'Gosh JIMINIE!! Why are you always doing this to yourself huh?? You've been telling yourself that you're just someone who can never be notice by Jungkook, yet the truth is, YOU'RE A FREAKING CATCH to someone who will like you.. WHAT KIND OF CREATURE IS HE IN YOUR MIND?? A GOD?? A KING?? A DEITY?? As far as I know, he is still a human with a face and tooth of a bunny..' Taehyung deadpanned.

'YAH! Don't say that to my best friend!! He is the cutest guy ever exist in this planet.. Can't you see how dreamy he is?? He even look like a character from my favorite love story!' Jimin defended.

The two only shook their heads in disappointment.. '/sighs; You know what, fine.. Go admire him from afar.. Hide your feelings in the depths of your heart more.. We already know that you're a coward to tell him the truth.. If he found someone else while you're doing nothing to win his heart, it's practically your fault.. Don't cry on us, cause you know that we're right from the start..'




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Jungkook finally found his best friend (after several minutes of asking random students in their school

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Jungkook finally found his best friend (after several minutes of asking random students in their school..) sitting on the garden alone, listening to whatever TORI KELLY song he has on his phone..

He's not planning to disturb his peaceful break under the sakura tree, yet he can't help but to feel amazed by the sound of the latter's voice..

I like being independent
Not so much of an investment
No one to tell me what to do

I like being by myself
Don't gotta entertain anybody else
No one to answer to.

But sometimes I just want somebody to hold
Someone to give me their jacket when it's cold
Got that young love even when we're old

Yeah, sometimes I want someone to grab my hand
Pick me up, pull me close, be my man
I will love you 'til the end

So if you're out there I swear to be good to you
But I'm done lookin' for my future someone
'Cause when the time is right you'll be here,
But for now, dear No One,
This is your love song
Ooh, oh, oh

Jungkook stood closer to his bestfriend, having mixed feelings of happiness and curiosity just by listening to the song intently.. Truth to be told, he kinda felt that Jimin is singing that song to someone so dear to him, and guess what Sherlock, That person is so damn lucky..

I don't really like big crowds
I tend to shut people out
I like my space, yeah

But I'd love to have a soul mate
And God'll give him to me someday
And I know it'll be worth the wait,

So if you're out there I swear to be good to you
But I'm done lookin', I'm done lookin' for my future someone
'Cause when the time is right you'll be here,
But for now, dear No One
Dear Nobody
This is your love song
Ooh, ooh

'Will you sing that song to the person you like? Wow.. I'm kinda jealous of him or her.. It doesn't matter..' He thought to himself.

Sometimes I just want somebody to hold
Someone to give me their jacket when it's cold
Got that young love even when we're old

Yeah, sometimes I want someone to grab my hand
Pick me up, pull me close, be my man
I will love you 'til the end

So if you're out there I swear to be good to you
But I'm done lookin', I'm done lookin' for my future someone
'Cause when the time is right you'll be here,
But for now, dear No One, dear Nobody
This is your love song
This is your love song

Dear No One, no need to be searchin', no
Dear No One.
Dear No One.
Dear No One, this is your love song

As soon as he finishes the song, Jungkook clapped his hands, grinning from ear to ear as he sat beside the smaller and bumped their shoulders a little, in a teasing way..

'Didn't know you can sing so beautifully for someone else other than your friends, JIMINIE.. I wonder who that person is.. /grins/ Was it your crush for 5 years who you always talk about in your diary entries??'

Jimin swallowed thickly after hearing those words.. He thought that Jungkook didn't have any idea at all regarding his long time crush.. He just prayed to God that Jungkook won't ask him about the person's name or he will surely die early..

'Uhmm, I don't know what you're talking about Kookie.. I don't have a crush.. Not even one in my life..'

'Oh cut the crap, Jiminie!! Everyone has a crush.. It's normal for us cause we're teenagers..' He grinned.

'Well Mr. Know-it-all, do you perhaps has someone you like??' Jimin backfired.

'Ofcourse I do!! But I won't tell you..'

'Why??' Jimin asked, trying his best to smile.

'Cause you didn't tell yours..'


hello! I'm trying to add few details on every chapter, so I do hope that you guys will appreciate the little changes..

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