Chasing him: 14

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Author's P.O.V.

Jimin averted his gaze as soon as he and Jungkook met at the rest room.. The latter tried to talk to him, yet Jimin only cared about his own business.. This is his way to fix his broken heart..

'Minnie, are you alright?? Can we talk??' Jungkook stared at him at the mirror.

'Not now, Jungkook.. I need to go back with my group.. We're finishing OUR English Project and I don't want them to get mad at me..' Jimin coldly replied.

'Chim, I-I'm sorry about what happened last night..'

'Whatever.. There's nothing to say sorry.. I'm tired of that..' He washed his hands.

'Chim please.. I don't want you to get mad.. Listen to me.. Yugyeom and I are—'

Jimin glared at him from their reflection and cracked his knuckles..

'YUGYEOM, YUGYEOM, YUGYEOM!!! YOU ARE SO WHIPPED ABOUT HIM!! IS THAT THE WAY YOU APOLOGIZE TO ME?? TCH! You're nothing compared to Jeonghan.. He sees me more than you did.. HE ALWAYS MAKE SURE THAT I FEEL IMPORTANT.. Did you ever do that to me?? /scoffs/ NOT EVEN ONCE..'

Jimin smirked and crosses his arms. Was the truth hurts?? Did Jungkook feel the pain and hatred he has for Yugyeom??

'You're so full of yourself.. I hope that boyfriend of yours won't hurt you..' Then he bumped his shoulder on the taller and opened the door wide before coming out. He's done crying..


After their class, Taehyung and Hoseok went home with the two.. This might be a little bit harsh for Jungkook, but they wanted him to be gone at their friend's life.. He was a living reminder of Jimin's one-sided love and heartache..

'Jimin must move on.. He doesn't deserve all this treatment from Jungkook.. His tears shouldn't shed anymore just for a guy who doesn't know his worth..' Taehyung said.

'I know.. But how will we do that??'

Taehyung smirked and made a plan that will change their lives..

'We will convince him to go to Taiwan.. In that way, Jungkook will finally know his mistakes.. He will definitely feel sorry for choosing Yugyeom over Jiminie..'

'Sounds good to me..' Hoseok agreed to his boyfriend. If Jimin will be happy in the end, they can act as evil friends to Jungkook.. It was their role as best friends after all..

Notice Me, Jungkook {chapter 7 Is Revised}Where stories live. Discover now