Chasing him: 2

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Author's P.O.V.

Following the event happened on the garden, the two decided to go to their respective room together, feeling at ease with each other's presence while talking about random stuff.. Jungkook was munching a bag full of cookies from Jimin's mom and his chocolate drink from his Jin-hyung, yet Jimin refused to eat at all due to so-called diet..

'Kookie, you might gain weight from those sweets.. Aren't you scared?' Jimin warned.

'It's fine, Jiminie.. I can handle more than enough cookies.. I'll just visit my friend's gym and burn these calories without forcing myself not to eat at all.. Do you want some?? Your eomma made these well-baked cookies that I love since childhood and I can't help it but to eat everything..' He took some cookie and hand it to Jimin. 'It's too good for my sweet tooth..'

'Well, I can't have too much.. I have so many things to do and gaining weight is not part of it.. I don't wanna see my old self in our school..'

'Alright kill joy, you're being mean to yourself again.. Didn't we talk about this for the millionth time? You look cute even with your chubby cheeks.. I even wanted to bite it just because it looks hella fluffy..' Jungkook sighs as he shoved the remaining cookies on his bag. 'Stop saying bad things about yourself cuz it pisses me off..'

It was always like this.. Whenever they walk together or just talking random topics before their next class, Jimin felt like he wasn't good enough and start doubting himself.. Jungkook knew the reason why Jimin has a low self-esteem, and teasing him will only cause misunderstandings.. This is also the reason why he kept himself closer to the boy.. He wanted to protect Jimin on other people who's planning to hurt him.. This is also the reason why people started to think that they were secretly dating and just acting like buddies infront of everyone..

'Was there something wrong if I date Jiminie?? He's my childhood friend and best friend after all and I fell in love with him since then.. /smirked/ Why?? Do you like him?? Or maybe you like me?? Sorry but I can't hurt him just to date all of you..' Jungkook teases the bunch of girls in their class. He knew very well that half of them likes him, but he didn't even bother to care at all.. He likes someone else and that person's love is the only thing that matters to him.

Jimin heard about the conversation and he just brush it off like always.. He knows that Jungkook was bluffing them the whole time.. He can't be serious about loving him right?? He never looked at Jimin like that.. Why would he decided to like his best friend who's certainly not good at everything.. And besides, only Jimin loves him, and not the other way around..

'That's alright Jimin.. You don't have to assume things that will never happen.. Jungkook only see you as his best friend and nothing more.. Stop giving false hope to yourself..' He mumbled under his breath while looking at the bunny boy laughing with the others..


By the time of their P.E. class, everything seems so new to Jimin.. Jungkook placed his arm on the smaller's shoulder and walked infront of everyone in their school..

'What the heck is going on, Kookie??'

'Just go on with the flow and let them think whatever they want.. Atleast they will stop following me even in the men's restroom..' Jungkook stated.

Jimin sighed after hearing his best friend's excuse.. He is always the solution for his weird antics.. Even if the world would hate him, he is still fine with it, as long as Jungkook is happy..

'Jiminie, can you describe your crush's personality??' Jungkook looked at him while frowning.

'Well, he is cu—'

'Wait wait wait!!' He exclaimed. 'So you're gay??'

Jimin bit his inner cheek and nods slowly.

'Oh thanked God!! /smiles widely/ I'm bisexual!! We really are best friends!!' Jungkook embraced him and kissed his temple.

'Okay mister.. Stop partying.. Will you let me continue my answer now??' He pouts.

'Yeah sure!! All ears are yours..'

'Well, the person I like smiles like a child, pouts like a child and acts like a child..' Jimin smiles weakly.

'Oh!! Is it Taetae-hyung??'

'What the fuck Kookie!! /hits his arm/ I'm not in love with Taetae, okay?? He's Hobi-hyung's boyfriend and my best friend and soulmate for life too!!' He explained. 'I'm in love with someone else..'

'Okay.. Then who is it?? Is he from our school too??'

'Yeah, he is.. I love everything about him.. Ever since I met that boy, I learned to love him.. He is indeed the complete opposite of me.. He loves everything under the sun, yet I'm not.. But even if we're a little different, I'm gonna love him still forever..'

Jungkook patted his head and sighed..

'He really is lucky, you know that??'

'Yeah I know.. But apparently, he's in love with someone else.. Someone from another school..' Jimin looked from afar and sighed again.

'I know the feeling, my friend.. I am also in love with someone from another school.. /shook his head in pity/ I wonder what it feels like to confess my feelings for him??'

Jimin only listened to him as they arrived on the gymnasium. Is love really that hard for two people who love someone who didn't even know that you love them?


Another few details to add!! How are you guys??

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