Chasing him: 10

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Author's P.O.V.

The whole court has been their war zone when the game started.. It was harder to side both ways cause both Jungkook and Jeonghan were great in defense and offense.. If you think about it, they were like twins with same skills and interests..

Jimin, together with Taehyung and Hoseok were cheering for both teams.. (Although Taehyung was much more eager to yell when Jeonghan scores a point..)

'Kookie is great, isn't it??'

'Yeah.. Jeonghan was the best..' Taehyung grins.

'I said Kookie, not Hannie..' He backfired.

'Well, whatever!! But God!! Your Hannie was so hot!! Have you seen his face and chest soaked in sweat?? Damn!! Anyone will die for him..' Taehyung elbowed him on his side. 'Have you already kissed??'

'W-what?! /blushes/ W-why do I have to tell you if we did?? T-that is something that should be kept as a secret..' He panicked.

'JIMINIE is guilty!! He kissed that thin lips of Yoon Jeonghan!!' Hoseok squeaks.

'Shut up, hyung!! You're not helping!!' Jimin covered his face.


The game ends with a tie.. Both teams are happy with the result but not Jungkook.. He challenged Jeonghan on a one on one match with a twist..

'Why do I have to agree with your stupid challenge??' Jeonghan deadpanned.

'Cause I wanted to.. And there will be a prize to whoever wins..'

'Fine!! What do you want??' He looked so pissed.

'The winner will get a chance to be with Park Jimin for the whole week..' Jungkook smirked. 'And the loser must avoid the said price the whole time he was with the winner..'

'What the heck!! Do you seriously think that I'm gonna agree with that??'

'Why?? Are you scared??' He crosses his arms and piss him even more.

'I'm not scared of you.. /smirked/ JUST MAKE SURE THAT YOU WON'T FORGET YOUR DEAL..'

'Of course I won't!! Tell that to yourself cause you're gonna lose..' He was on fire now.. Jungkook needs to win or he might lose his only chance to be with Jimin again..


Jimin was there watching the two guys playing the whole time.. He didn't know that 7 points would be this hard.. Both Jungkook and Jeonghan didn't surrender and to be honest, he was scared for both of them..

'Kookie!! Hannie!! Please stop!! This isn't funny anymore!!!' Jimin yelled.

The two didn't even spare him a glance. They continue guarding the one who has the ball and it's stressing Jimin the whole time..

'JIMINIE, let them fight for you.. You deserve it!!' Taehyung giggles while watching the two.

'Yeah right Jiminie.. They looked so serious over you, so why not letting them fight until the end?? /evil smile/' Hoseok added. 'That's the result of Jungkook being a jerk.. In this game, I am rooting for Jeonghan..'

'I hate you both!!' Jimin whines.

'We love you too dear..' They said in unison.


By the time they reached the end, Jeonghan wins.. It was a close fight, yet the latter made a huge changes infront of the students in their school..

'Seems like your luck wasn't really useful today.. Thanks for the great game, and don't come any closer to Jimin starting today..'

Jungkook glared at him and watched the latter waving at Jimin with those flashy smiles..

'Damn you, Jeonghan! I shouldn't be the one avoiding Jimin now.. ARGH!! Fuck!!'

Notice Me, Jungkook {chapter 7 Is Revised}Where stories live. Discover now