Chasing You: 32

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Author's P.O.V.

The next day, Jungkook tried his best to wake up early.. He wanted to meet Jimin again and bring him to the amusement park with Hoseok.. Taehyung never agree to have a second meet up, he still blame Jungkook for what happened and he told him that his life wasn't enough for payment..

'You stole the only thing that kept Jiminie happy.. YOU ARE THE WORST PERSON THAT EVER EXIST SINCE THE DAY YOU WERE BORN.. /smirked/ Maybe your stupidity won't cause you harm, but the other people around you?? THEY SUFFERED SEVERE PAIN DUE TO YOUR IGNORANCE..'

From that moment, Jungkook only talked to Hoseok who's more willing to help than his boyfriend.. He promised to be cooperative with the plan, as long as Jungkook kept his word that he won't force Jimin to remember everything.. That will be bad for his current condition..

He was about to leave his house when a group of male in black suit took him to their van and hit the back of his head with their gun.. Jungkook completely lost his consciousness as they travel to their destination..


Hoseok and Jimin waited for the latter to arrive at the amusement park.. They were both excited to meet Jungkook again and had a whole day of riding multiple rides like Vikings and French Revolution..

'Minnie, do you like anything to eat??'

Jimin nods. 'Minnie wants cotton candy and chocolate coated apples!! Please Hyungie!! Jiminie will be good..'

'Alright then.. But be sure to brush your teeth later, okay??'

The smaller nods in excitement. Hoseok never fail to take good care of him.. He maybe acting like a kid, but he was still the Park Jimin they loved as their best friend.. He is the only successor of his family's businesses and whatever happens, Jimin needs to be protected..


When the clock sets at 4pm, Hoseok already gave up on waiting.. Jimin was getting impatient and started thumping his feet on the ground..

'W-why is Mr. Bunny not yet here? I-ish he mad at Minnie too?? /sobs/'

'No Minnie.. Maybe Mr. Bunny was busy today with his work.. /smiles/ Should we go home now?? Let's just call him later..'

Jimin held the latter's hand and nods.. He was kinda sleepy so Hoseok piggyback ride him on their way to the parking lot..


Jungkook received alot of punches and hits from the group of men.. He didn't even know why these people wanted to hurt him so bad, but he was so certain that there is someone behind this kidnapping..

'W-why are you doing this to me?? I'm 100% sure that we never met before..'

One of the men in black suit scoffed and punched his stomach twice as hard as before.

'Yes we didn't.. But our boss wanted us to kill you..'

'W-what do you mean??' Jungkook bit his lower lip as he saw the gun pointed on his head.

'Our boss wanted to clean your mess.. And it is our job to fulfill his desires.. /turn off the safety mechanism/ We'll just see each other in hell, Jeon Jungkook..'


Jungkook screams at the top of his lungs as he woke up on a very worst nightmare.. Yes, it was a dream the whole time and that was like him in an alternate universe..

Everyone in their class started whispering and laughing at his actions, while his teacher looked so mad after disturbing her discussion..


Jungkook jumped from his seat as he saw his teacher's face burning in anger.. He stood up from his seat and saw his boyfriend Jimin looking at him..

The said boy also stood up and took his bag as he followed the taller on his way to the office..

'Kookie!! Kookie, wait up!!'

As he held his boyfriend's arm, he was surprised when he saw Jungkook's crying like a lost baby.. Jimin embraced him tight and caress his back as he waited for the latter to say a word..

'I don't know what's going on with you, Kookie.. But even if you don't feel like talking about it, I would still wait for you until you get ready.. /sighs/ You know that I love you so much that it hurts to see you crying..'

Jungkook whimper as the sound of his boyfriend's voice.. Why did the Jungkook on his nightmare didn't realized about Jimin's worth?? Why was he that stupid enough to let go such a sweet loving mochi like him??

'Chim...' Jungkook sniffles.


'I love you so much.. I promise, I will never hurt you..'

'I love you too, Kookie.. Forever and always..'

Notice Me, Jungkook {chapter 7 Is Revised}Where stories live. Discover now