Chasing him: 7

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Author's P.O.V.

Jungkook rushed Jimin to the infirmary, where the nurse gave him a cold shoulder after telling the truth.. The entire process of waiting gave him enough time to reflect his stupidity.. He knew that Jimin won't hold any grudge on him, yet he felt more and more guilty by his actions.. While having the worst scenarios in his mind, the school doctor checked any possible signs of irregularities or even cut on Jimin's head, but luckily there was none..

'He just need some rest.. Don't stress him so much cause you're friend's immune system is kinda weak..'

Jungkook only nods and listen to the doctor's instructions.. He maybe annoyed by his actions, but Jimin is still his best friend.. He shouldn't hurt him in the first place.. How can he be so immature he is whenever he's mad?? He even knew what to expect when Taehyung and Hoseok will find out, so right now, he needs to make up to him..


The moment Jimin woke up, he saw Jungkook sleeping beside him.. He looked so happy with his dreams and Jimin can't help it but to admire his best friend's face.. If only Jungkook was in love with him, maybe can get the chance to see this everyday.. As he ruffles the soft hair of his best friend, he can't help but to smile whenever the taller would tilt his head.. He can't get over him.. He knows that he will be hurt even more, but Jimin still choose to love him unconditionally..

Even if he heard Jungkook saying the last name he wanted to hear in his lifetime..

'Yu—Yugyeom, don't leave me... D-don't leave me please...' He murmured.

'I won't leave you Kookie.. /sad smile/ I won't leave you even if you have him..'

He looked up and bit his lip to avoid any noise that he can produce as he started crying..


Jimin walked home feeling alot more troubled.. He can't lie to himself that he made a wrong decision again, but he also can't lie to his heart that he was no longer in love with Jungkook..

While on his way to their lot, he found someone with long straight hair waiting for him outside their house.. He was him..

'Hannie.. /cover his mouth/'

 /cover his mouth/'

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'Minnie.. /smiles/ I'm back.. I missed you so much..'

Jimin can't help but to jump over this guy.. It's been 10 years since they last saw each other.. He can't deny the fact that he was his first love, but things were not the same as before.. Maybe they can stay as close friends..

'How's Taiwan?? /cupped his cheeks/ You lose so much weight.. I didn't even recognize you at first..' Jimin gaze at him while smiling.

'It's always fun being with my brother, but being here in Seoul with you is much more better.. /sighs/ You didn't replace me, right?? I'm still holding the top spot in your heart right??'

 /sighs/ You didn't replace me, right?? I'm still holding the top spot in your heart right??'

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Jimin giggles at the cute gestures.. If Jungkook never realizes his worth, Jeonghan is the 360° opposite of him.. He is clingy, sweet and possessive when it comes to Jimin's attention.. He wanted him on his own and for some unknown reason, he made a deal with the smaller about him being Jimin's TOP priority when they were together..

'Alright Yoon Jeonghan, we need to come inside.. Even if you're an angel, you'll gonna catch a cold with this weather..'

Jeonghan nods and follow him like a lost puppy.. Even if he was 9 days older than Jimin, he wanted to make him feel that he was important to him and that Jimin would return his feelings too..


Yaay! Double update.👏👏

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