Chasing You: 36 {Finale}

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Author's P.O.V.

By the time of Jin and Namjoon's wedding on Greece, the younger couple already dreamt about of marriage too.. They were both smiling at the thought of walking down the aisle and sharing their written vows.. Something that they would cherish for a lifetime..

Jungkook knew that this isn't just jealously because of his friend's marriage.. He was more into commitment than just a simple relationship..

'Kook, please tell me that you're not actually planning to propose on Jimin right now.. This was Joonie-hyung and Jin-hyung's wedding!!' Taehyung exclaimed.

'I'm not gonna propose here, Taetae-hyung.. It was very inappropriate..'

'Then I believe you!! /sighed/ Don't you dare ruining and stealing their spotlight.. This is their special day..' He warned again.

'I won't.. I promise..'


The ceremony had been started and for some weird reason, Jungkook found himself staring lovingly to the person he wanted to share his entire life with.. This is the best thing that ever happened in his life, and losing Jimin would be the best way to kill Jungkook..

So while the others are busy crying over the couple's vows, Jungkook held his boyfriend's hand and gave it a quick peck before turning himself completely in his direction.. Jimin smiled warmly and mouthed a silent 'I love you' which earn Jungkook another set of courage..

And by the time of the wedding reception, Jungkook can't take it anymore.. He took the microphone on the stand and took all of the guests attention..

'Hello.. May I have your attention please??' Jungkook bit his lower lip before he continue, 'T-thank you..'

The guests looked so puzzled by Jungkook's sudden action.. They started to wait and wishing for something "special".. Even Jimin was confused when he saw his boyfriend sat on one of the stools and play a minus one song titled, "I do by 911"..

My whole world changed from the moment I met you
And it would never be the same
Felt like I knew that I'd always love you
From the moment I heard your name

Everything was perfect, I knew this love is worth it
Our own miracle in the makin'
'Til the world stops turning
I'll still be here waiting and waiting to make that vow that I'll...

I'll be by your side, 'til the day I die
I'll be waiting 'til hear you say I Do
Something old, something new
Something borrowed, something blue
I'll be waiting 'til I hear you say I Do

Smiles by the thousands, ya tears have all dried out
'Cos I won't see you cry again
Throw pennies in the fountain, and look at what comes out
Sometimes wishes do come true

Everything is perfect, I knew this love is worth it
Our own micracle in the makin'
'Til the world stops turning
I'll still be here waiting and waiting to make that vow that I'll...

I'll be by your side, 'til the day I die
I'll be waiting 'til hear you say I Do
Something old, something new
Something borrowed, something blue
I'll be waiting 'til I hear you say I Do

Always better than worse, protect you from the hurt
I'll be waiting 'til hear you say I Do
I Do love you, yes I Do love you
I'll be waiting 'til hear you say I Do
Coz I love you, love you ...

I'll be by your side, 'til the day I die
I'll be waiting 'til hear you say I Do
Something old, something new
Something borrowed, something blue
I'll be waiting 'til I hear you say I Do

We're shining like a diamond, just look at us now,
I wanna hear you say I Do

People are all cheering after they heard the heartfelt song of the boy.. They began to cooed Jimin when Jungkook started calling his name..

'Park Jimin... Park Jimin, can you join me on this stage for a minute.. I have something important to tell you..'

The smaller slowly move from his seat due to the fact that his legs are betraying him and started to became jelly.. Hoseok guide him towards the stage and offer him some seat before letting the bunny boy speak..

'To be honest, I was in total shock after I dreamt of myself being a total jerk to my boyfriend..

How can a guy like Jimin endure someone like me?? An asshole who didn't even cared about his feelings..

But then I realized, Jimin on my dream and Jimin here with me are the same.. He was an angel who always saves me on the verge of darkness and pain.. He will never let me down, and I know deep within me that PARK JIMIN IS THE ONE..

So, Park Jimin that will soon to be Jeon Jimin, will you do me the honor of sharing my entire life with you?'

Jin was crying the whole time.. He wasn't crying because of the interruption on their reception.. He was crying because of the fact that his friends will getting married soon.. It doesn't matter if they choose to have a long engagement.. What matters to him is the promise of forever within their relationship.. AND THAT WAS THE TRUE MEANING OF LOVE..

'You better say yes, Park Jimin!! Your boy caused a huge scene on my reception!!' Namjoon teases.

Jimin smiled at the latter and nods willingly before throwing himself for a hug.. This was his home..

'I will never say no to you, Jeon Jungkook.. I love you so much and that's what matters to me..'

Jungkook won't forget the feeling of having a weird dream/nightmare.. It was a lesson for him that love should be more than words.. It needs sacrifices and understanding in order for it to have a positive results..

Don't take someone for granted cause you never know what might happen in the future..

The end.

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