Chasing him: 4

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Author's P.O.V.

The whole time Jimin was in the concert with his best friends, he was thinking about Jungkook and the mysterious guy.. They look like they were excited to see each other, considering that they are both laughing and singing Bigbang songs as they enter the stadium and find their respective seats, from which Jimin's ended up losing his sight to the two..

He tried calling him thrice, message him a couple of times too, asking him how his night gone by, yet Jungkook decided to turn off his phone and continue watching with his 'friend'.. When the concert ended, Jimin can't help but to feel hurt as he saw Jungkook and the other boy kissing outside the stadium.. They didn't seem to care at all even if someone might see them doing stuff publicly, more to Jimin's dislike.. He can't help but to remember what Taehyung told him that night, that the guy Jungkook choose to be with rather than spending time with him is not only his friend but also the guy that Jungkook likes alot?? Or rather, in love with?? Can he still be able to hide his pain??


The weekend had gone so fast and Monday is fast approaching.. Jimin didn't used his social media the whole time and even his phone was off for any communication with anyone outside their house.. He didn't entertain guests too, and rather spend time with his bed than going out..

As soon as morning came, Jimin hurriedly went to the school alone.. He wasn't prepared to meet Jungkook after the painful night.. He knew that this day would be happening but seeing it with his own eyes was too much..

The travel from his home to their school is quite peaceful.. Jimin needs it.. He needed the space to breathe properly or he might end up dying in the middle of nowhere..

By the time he reached their school, a strong pair of arms were wrapped around his waist and heard the latter giggles.

'Good morning Chim! I missed you.. /grinned/ Did you miss me too??' Jungkook smiled so bright that can blind anyone who'll see it.. 'I'm sorry about the last time you invited me.. I just had something to do.. Wanna hang out later? My treat..'

Jimin scoffed at the thought of him missing Jungkook.. He was happy even without Jimin.. So why would he miss him, right?? He even found himself being salty after that night, when Jungkook finally shove it in his face the SORRY I'M FINALLY TAKEN scene outside the stadium.. So why trying to lie anymore?? He can just tell him the truth and act as if nothing is wrong..

'Chim, are you alright?? Why are you so quiet?? Did something happened in your house or maybe someone is bothering you?? Come on, tell me!!' Jungkook frowns.

'I'm fine, Kookie.. Don't mind me.. I'm just having a bad day.. That's all..'

'But Chim, you doesn't look fine.. I know how good you are in concealing your emotions, but that's bad for your heart..'

'I said I am..' Jimin sighed and move a little farther.

'But I was just—' Jungkook tried to reason out yet he was cut off immediately.

'SHUT THE FUCK UP!!' Jimin yelled, trying so hard to hide his pain but failed.. He's even ashamed of himself since he suddenly yelled at his best friend, without Jungkook knowing why.. 'I-I'm fine.. I'm just tired cuz something came up and freaked the hell out of me.. I'm sorry I-I..' He looked down and sighs deeply.

'It's okay Chim.. I should be the one apologizing and not you.. I was just worried about you the whole weekends since I can't contact your phone.. I don't even know if you checked your social media or read my mails.. We didn't go to school together, so I just wanna know if you're okay..'

'I'm fine Kookie, I really am.. I-I just need to leave early cause I haven't done our assignments..' He lied.

'Good! I guess we can do it together.. I have something to tell you too..'


Jimin stopped listening to his blabbering after Jungkook finally told him the other boy's name in the concert..

'Uhmm Kookie, why are you telling me about this Kim Yugyeom guy?? To be honest, I don't know him at all so why are you talking about him that much?'

'But Chim, you're my best friend..' He pouts.

'You only call me Chim whenever you're in trouble or being overly excited..'

'Cause I really am excited..' Jungkook held the smaller's hand. 'Yugyeom finally agreed to go out with me and try dating.. It wasn't just friendship, Chim!! I'm gonna be his boyfriend soon!!'

Jimin took his hand back and smiled bitterly.. This is worst than any nightmares at night.. This is reality and damn! It torn his heart even more.. Maybe lies are better than the truth..

'Well congratulations to your new achievement, Kookie!! At least now, you don't have to pretend to be my boyfriend here..' He plastered a fake smile.

'No!! We can continue being sweet in front of everyone.. It was my own way to protect you with my stalkers.. And besides, Yugyeom isn't studying here so it's okay..'

Jimin isn't okay with this.. He isn't okay that Jungkook is dating someone else.. He isn't okay to pretend being his boyfriend.. He isn't okay to fake his smiles and act as if he's interested in anything that he said..

But, for the sake of their friendship, Jimin has to endure even the slightest piece of pain..

He loves Jungkook right??

Then he should be prepared for the heartaches..

Just like what Taehyung told him before..

"You know what, fine.. Go admire him from afar.. Hide your feelings in the depths of your heart more.. We already know that you're a coward to tell him the truth.. If he found someone else while you're doing nothing to win his heart, it's practically your fault.. Don't cry on us, cause you know that we're right from the start.."


Does it make sense more??

Notice Me, Jungkook {chapter 7 Is Revised}Where stories live. Discover now