Chapter 3

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We had arrived at a restaurant and I looked at Chan in confusion.
"What is it?" He asked me.
I just shrugged thinking we were going for ice cream. We got out of the car as everyone else arrived and Felix opened the door for everyone....but me.
I watched as the door closed in front of me and Felix just laughed and pointed at me through the glass door. I sighed and opened it for myself. "And to think he was gonna be nice to me for once..." I murmured to myself.
"Yah cheer up. Let's go get some food!" I just slowly walked over to the table, bowing at the ahjumma cleaning the tables.Jeongin pulled me to sit by him. He was older than me but I swear he made me feel like a noona.
"Jeongin." I said.
"Mm?" He said looking over at me smiling.
"Why do you always smile?"
"Well I look scary with my resting face so I just smile. My middle school friends told me so." He said looking at me.
"Jinjja? I wanna see your resting face." He let his face rest and I noticed how strong his eyes were. Everyone was split into their individual conversations at this point.
"Woa!" I exclaimed.
"Your eyes are so strong! It's charming." I told him.
He just shrugged and smiled again. I was snapped out of our conversation when I felt a cold liquid spill on me. I looked back to see a seemingly new waitress with an empty cup of water. Everyone gasped and she just apologized.
"Omo! I'm so sorry! I'm really so very sorry!" She said handing me a towel and bowing. I shook my head at her and told her it was fine, but she kept apologizing.
"Yah! Be more careful next time! You just spilled all over her!" Felix said angrily.
"Yes I will be more careful!im really sorry I just tripped a-"
"You should take responsibility for this!"  Felix was blowing up over something so small...
"I mean seriously! You can't eve-"
"Felix." I said it a little louder this time.
"You deserve to be fired!"
"FELIX!" He stopped and looked at me. I gave him an angry look and told the members we should just leave, so we did. I apologized to the ahjumma for the disruption and she just nodded and said its no problem.
When we got outside I stopped Felix while everyone else got into the cars to find a different location.
"Felix that was so unnecessary."
" she spilled water on you and you said its fine!" He said.
"Felix there was no need for yelling! It was an accident and it's just water! You acted as if she dumped hot coals on me!"
He took a deep breath before speaking again.
"Your right.., I'm sorry." He took of his hoodie and gave it to me. I put it on and we got back Into the car.
"Felix that was-" Chan began
"I know I know! I'm sorry.."
Jeongin sat in the back with me again and looked at me smiling. I took out my phone and started taking pictures of Jeongin. He posed and we laughed together. I saw Felix smile at us in the mirror.
"Felix did you just smile?" I asked him.
"What? No"
"You did I saw it."
He had a nice smile. He was actually really cool when he wasn't being rude.

At Noraebang.

Everyone was having a great time watching Jeongin sing trot songs. Jeongin is such a child. Next was me and I was being pushed to go next... yay. I picked the song I wait by Day6. I began singing and immediately felt anxiety. I've never really sang in front of people before. I knew they were filming me so I just let it be. As I finished the song everyone started cheering for me. Even Felix.
"Your voice is literally gorgeous!" Felix told me.
"Mwo?" I asked him confused since he just complimented me.
"No like seriously. You're so talented!"
I smiled and told him thank you.
We sang and had some more fun when it suddenly became 9:30.
"Guys I have to be home by 10:00. But we can hang out tomorrow if you want." They nodded and I told them I'd take the bus.
"We can take you. Busses take to long." Changbin began.
"But I don't want to in-"
"You won't." Felix said grabbing my wrist and leading everyone to the car. I sat in the back with Felix this time. They put my address in the gps and began driving. As I began to feel my eyes get heavy, I eventually let them close.

Felix POV

I looked over at Minsoo to find her sleeping.I saw her start to fall towards the window sand reached over, catching her in just enough tone. I scooted to the middle and let her head rest on me the last few minutes. I didn't know what to do with my arms so I just securely placed them around her shoulders not wanting her to slip. I looked down at her sleeping body and noticed she had slight freckles as well. I smiled and looked forward.

Monsoos POV.

I felt someone tapping me in attempt to wake me. I looked up and noticed I was leaning on Felix. I sat up and looked out the window to see my house. I opened the door and told everyone goodbye.
"Thanks for the ride you guys. I'll see you Monday."
Chan scrunched his eyes at me.
"You mean tomorrow?"
"Oh yeah."
"Well make plans and come pick you up at around 10:00 am." Felix said.
"Sounds cool." I said closing the door, waving one last time. I entered my house to see my dad sleeping on the couch. He smelled of alcohol. The TV was in and I began to pick up empty soju and beer bottles. I sighed as I covered him up. I knew I shouldn't have left him alone. I should just cancel my plans with the guys tomorrow. I can't leave him alone anymore... ever. I realized I didn't have any of their numbers so I decided I'd tell them I can't go when they come tomorrow. I felt bad but I decided it's for the best. For my dad. I went up to my room and sat down on my bed. I picked up my phone looking at the pictures from today, smiling as I swiped through. I wish I could have more memories like this...

His Freckles In The Sky: Lee Felix Where stories live. Discover now