Chapter 6

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"Felix we've been standing here for like 5 minutes just let me go..."
He laughed at me.
"Literally just hug me back and I'll let you go."
Part of me wanted to stay here so I hesitated to hug him. I put my arms around his torso and he let me go, sliding his arms off my back. He held me by my shoulders and looked at me.
"Was that so hard?"
"Yes. You ruined my pride." I said walking past him and back downstairs. He followed behind me.
"It's already 7:00 pm. We should figure out where we're gonna sleep and what we're gonna do for fun." I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and looked up at him.
"Where can I sleep?"
"You can sleep in my bed and I can sleep down here." I felt bad if I was going to take his bed though.
"Are you going to have a bed to sleep in?" He nodded.
"There's a guest room. I can sleep there." I scrunched my eyebrows.
"What's the point of the guest room if I'm going to take your bed?" He smiled at me as he propped himself up on the rail.
"The guest bed is uncomfortable and I want you to sleep well. My bed is really soft so you can sleep there." I rolled my eyes.
"I'll sleep in your room... maybe they were right about you being the nicest kid in school.." I walked towards the living room and sat on the couch.
"Felix now that it's just us do you mind if I ask something?" He nodded.
"Go ahead." I looked down at my hands afraid that I would make him hate me by asking this.
"Why were you mean to me? All those years I really wanted to be your friend but you hated me for some unknown reason. I trust you now so... can you tell me why?" I said looking up at him. He took a deep breath and leaned forward placing his elbows on his knees.
"Do you not remember what happened?" I shook my head.
"We used to be friends.. before your accident. No one told you why even though everyone knew. Your dad told the school to make sure no one talked about it because he wanted to keep you happy." I looked at him confused.
"What accident?" He sighed.
"I want to tell you but your dad doesn't want anyone to..."
I shook my head and put my hand on his knee.
"Felix tell me..." he sighed and looked at me.
"I'll start from the beginning... all throughout middle school we were best friends... just me and you. In 8th grade you got into and accident on the way to visit your mom with your dad... you got a head injury which put you into a coma for about 5 months. they homeschooled you for the rest of 8th grade.When you finally came back you thought nothing happened but you forgot about some people... one of those people being me... in the beginning of 9th grade I started to hate you for forgetting me... so I was mean to you... I'm sorry." I began to cry...
"No... that can't be true. How could I forget my best friend?" He looked at me and noticed I started to cry..
"Felix I'm sorry..." he pulled me into his chest and I just cried. I didn't understand how he could forgive me for forgetting him like that...
"I still know everything about you..." He told me. He pet my hair as I continued to cry in his chest.
"I know that your favorite color is yellow because it reminds you to stay happy... I know that your favorite group is SNSD. I know that you've been dancing since you were only 3 years old. I know you can sing and that your favorite number is 12. Your birthday is December 29th. I know that when you were 11 you fell off the monkey bars and broke your wrist. I know that your weakness is hurting the people you love. I know everything." I stayed still but stopped crying. I didn't want to look at him.
"But you should pretend not to know about that ok? I don't want you to be overwhelmed so don't rush into knowing everything about me. You'll learn little by little and well eventually grow a really strong bond." I nodded into his chest and sat up. He stood in front of me and wiped my tears with his shirt. He squatted and made me look at him.
"Hey... I'm not mad at you. If anything I'm happy. So forget about all that and let's have fun ok" he said smiling at me. I nodded and he stood up holding out his hand. I took his hand and he led me to the front door.
"Where are we going?" I asked him.
"We're going to the store to get stuff for tonight. I'm gonna make sure you have fun." I looked at him and smiled as he closed the door behind him.

Felix POV

We sat in the car silently. It was a comfortable silence. I looked over at Minsoo and saw her playing with her hands. I could tell she was overthinking. I grabbed her hand and held it tightly.
"Don't think about it." I heard her take a deep breath as I pulled into the parking lot. We got out of the car and started walking to the entrance of the grocery store.
"Knowing we were friends makes me more comfortable around you." She said.
"Good." I said holding her hand as we entered the store. I grabbed a hand basket and started walking to the snack aisle. "You know what I used to call you?" I asked her.
"No." I giggled.
"I called you MinMin." She too giggled.
"And you called me Oppa." She stopped giggling.
"Why would I do that?" She said. I frowned.
"My plan didn't work." I said. She smiled at me.
"You didn't really have a nickname for me. Unless it was mean. You called me Pabo.." she giggled as she grabbed something from the shelf putting it in the basket. "Ok... i won't call you that... oppa." She said exaggerating the oppa. I gasped as she said it ,squeezing her hand tighter.
"Ew don't act like that." She said. I nodded and released my grip.
"Why do you hold my hand?" She asked me.
"I won't if you don't want me to." I let go thinking it made her uncomfortable
"Ahni... I was just curious" She said grabbing my hand again. This time she clung to my arm. She held my hand with one arm and used her other arm to hold onto me.
"What's wrong?" I asked her.
"Nothing." She said as she let go.
"Ahni.. do that again." I said pulling her closer.
"Wae?" She said clinging to my arm again.
"It's cute." I said smiling at her.

We had a bunch of snacks and fun stuff but Minsoo still wanted something else.
She led me to the skincare section and pointed to a bunch of face packs.
"Have you ever done one?" I shook my head and she gasped at my answer.
"Everyone has!"
"I haven't." She started grabbing a bunch of masks and put them in the basket. "Let's go."

Minsoos POV

We put our grocery bags in the car and got in. Felix started the car and backed out. "Buckle up MinMin." I turned and grabbed my seatbelt , buckling myself in. I leaned my head back against the headrest and sighed.he won't look at me... I sighed this time , making sure he knew I wanted his attention. He looked at me.
"Wae?" I just stared at him. He knew what I wanted.
He grabbed my hand and let our hands rest against his leg. I giggled and he looked at me confused.
"You look cool driving with one hand." He smiled and glanced at me. I closed my eyes and began to fall asleep.

At the house

"MinMin...Minsoooo." I felt someone touching my cheek as my eyes fluttered open.
I looked to my right and Felix was squatting by the car.
"I already took everything inside. You want me to carry you?" I nodded and closed my eyes again. He leaned over me and unbuckled my seatbelt. He kneeled in front of me and I let myself fall on his back. Felix stood up and kicked the door closed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and let my head rest on his shoulder. He walked inside and closed the door. He squatted down signaling for me to get off but I shook my head.
"Your warm..." I said quietly. He giggled at me.
"If you go put on pajamas we can watch movies and you can snuggle in blankets." He said.
"'re warmer." I said tightening my grip around him.
"Hmm.. go change and you can cuddle me and watch movies." I nodded and got up .
"I put your bag In my room." I walked up the stairs and into his room. I put on a big shirt and leggings. I walked back down the stairs and saw him coming to the stairs.
I got to the last step and he picked me up. I didn't complain and just put my arms around his neck again. "We're going to watch your favorite movie." "What's my favorite movie?" I asked Felix.
"Finding Nemo." I laughed and kicked my feet a little. He put me down when we got to the hideout and he opened the door.
"the password is 1229." He told me.
"My birthday?" He nodded and sat on the couch. I smiled and sat next to him. He looked at me and sighed.
"I thought you wanted to cuddle me." He said.
I looked at him and he started the movie. He pulled me closer to his side and i sat really stiff.
"Minsoo you can relax. We used to cuddle all the time don't worry."  He said. I scooted closer so that our sides were touching and put my head on his chest. He pulled my legs into his lap and put his arms around my waist.
"There... are you comfortable?" I nodded and he focused on the movie.

It was about half way into the movie when I looked up at him. He was looking back at me with a serious face.
"Mwo?" I asked , confusion prominent in my voice.
"Nothing." He said looking back at the movie. I reached my hands up around his neck and pulled him down towards me. I kissed his cheek and brought my hands back down.
He didn't say anything. Did I make him uncomfortable?

Felix POV

I felt my heart stop when she kissed my cheek. I didn't say anything and sat there in shock. She didn't even do that back then... after sitting for a while I leaned down and kissed her forehead. I smiled after and tightened my grip on her waist. I leaned my head down on top of hers and she scooted closer into my side, putting her hand on my chest.
"If you're tired we can go to bed." I whispered.
She nodded and I paused the movie. I stood up and she followed suit. I grabbed her hand and walked upstairs. She walked into my room and lay on the bed. I began to cover her up when she grabbed my arm.
"Stay with me." I paused for a moment with the comforter in my hand. I slowly relaxed and nodded my head. I kicked off my slippers and slid under the covers. She reached over and clicked off the lamp on the nightstand. Minsoo snuggled into my chest and I moved her hair.
"Goodnight Felix."
"Goodnight MinMin." I said wrapping my arms around her waist. I kissed her forehead again and rested my chin on her head.

His Freckles In The Sky: Lee Felix Where stories live. Discover now