Chapter 9

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Felix POV
[time skip to a few days since Minsoo has ignored him]
At this point I had called Chan, afraid of what to do. He said he'd send Jeongin over to make sure she was ok. I hoped she didn't hate me... I hoped all of this would pass and she would come back. I didn't want to lose her again.

Minsoos POV

I heard a knock on the door and prayed it was Felix. Getting up from the couch, I looked through the peephole to see Jeongin. I was actually happy to see him... he was someone I could vent to. I opened the door and smiled.
"Hi Jeongin!" I said excitedly. He reached out for a hug and I hugged him. He came inside quickly taking his shoes off.
"I came to visit because I missed you. Channie hyung took me." He said with that cute little smile of his.
"Awh I missed you too! Do you want something to drink?"
He smiled per usual.
"No I'm ok." He said as I sat next to him. I guess he read the sadness on my face from missing Felix. It had only been a few days since I ignored him but it still hurt like hell.
"Minsoo are you ok?" I shook my head no but kept a smile on my face.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I nodded.
I let out a sigh as he spoke again.
"What happened?"
"It's Felix." He nodded signaling for me to continue.
"I've been ignoring him... I know it hurts him a lot. It hurts me too I just..." I began to cry before I could finish my sentence.
Jeongin put his hand on my back to comfort me as I cried.
"You just what? Tell me everything."
I sat up and wiped my tears.
"I can't bring myself to face him." I admitted.
"Why not? I mean... I thought you guys were cool now. He was so happy to have you back that he called Chan and I in the middle of the night just to explain how happy he was. Minsoo he missed you a lot...why are you ignoring him?"
Was he really that happy?
"It's just this feeling I get. It's like I ran for miles and miles and never stopped. My heart feels like it just going to explode when I see him and I can't stand it!" Jeongin looked at me like he understood.
"Minsoo the more time you spend with him the more that will pass. You're just going through a lot right now that's why it does that. I mean you just found out you were in An accident know... just ignore that feeling and it will go away."
I sighed again.
"I really want to see him..."
"Then go! Do you want me to have channie hyung give you a ride? Felix will be so happy to see you after 4 days." I took a minute to think.
I was being so selfish... he didn't deserve this." I nodded.
"I'll go..." he nodded back at me and pulled out his phone to call Chan. Chan answered immediately and told us he was on his way.

Time skip.

I got out of the car at Felixes House.Chan and jeongin got out to hug me and I hugged them tightly.
"Come see me more often! I miss you guys." They waved as they drove away. I took a deep breath as I stood at Felixes door. I couldn't bring myself to knock. I rested my hand on the door and looked down at the ground. I quickly knocked and stepped back waiting for him to open the door. After a few seconds the door swung open. When he saw it was me he quickly pulled me inside and engulfed me in the biggest, and tightest hug.
"Hi Felix..." he didn't say anything back. Instead he pulled away and looked at my face to make sure it was me.
"Is it really you?" I giggled at his question.
"Felix it's been four days.."
I saw him tear up and I frowned at him.
"I know I just missed you a lot." I grabbed his hoodie strings and pulled him back to me.
"And just to clarify from the last time we spoke... no I'm not dating anyone."

Felixes POV

"You're not?" She shook her head.
"It was just a rumor Felix." I nodded and stuffed my face farther into her neck. I pulled my arms off from around her shoulders and put them around her waist instead. I squeezed her as if she was going to disappear right in front of me. I pulled back and kissed her forehead. She smiled and we walked to the hideout. I entered the password and opened the door. We sat down on the couch and she looked at me as if she was in pain.
"Are you ok?" I asked her. She nodded.
I opened my arms signaling for her to come over to me, and she did. She lie her head on my shoulder and put her arms around my neck... she never hugged me like this. I put my arms around her waist and felt her clutch my hoodie in her fists. I rubbed her back and felt that she was crying. As she pulled away she wiped her tears.
All I wanted to do was hug her right now... I didn't want to let go. I just wanted to feel her embrace. It's as if when she hugged me every worry or any sadness I had went away... all negativity disappears when she walks in a room...
"I can't even put into words how hard it was not seeing you... not being able to hug you or smile with you... not being able to hold your hand and do fun stuff together... it's like I was dying." She looked away from me and put her hands on her face.
"I'm sorry Felix.. I didn't know it was that hard for you. I was being selfish." I squatted in front of her and put my hand on her thigh.
"Hey... stop crying. Look at me..." she did as I said and looked at me.
"I'm not mad or upset with you. Ok?" She nodded and hiccuped.
"We had a minor setback but everything will be ok." She wiped the last of her tears and I gave her that face you would give a crying baby
"come here." I said as I held out my arms. She fell onto me and gripped me tighter than ever.
"I'd sit here forever and explain to you why you're my universe." I said pulling back and looking into her glossy eyes.
And I wasn't lying.
"Let's have fun tonight and hang out like we did that one time... I miss having fun with you. I don't want our relationship to be us crying on each other every time we see one another." I nodded at her.
"Yes we can do that."
"Actually..." She said.
"I want to show you something..." she said smiling..
"If it makes you smile that big then of course we can go." She smiled wider and i looked at her eyes again. I was still crouched on the ground in front of her, with my hands placed gently on her thighs. I noticed a special quality her eyes had and I thought about it in my head...
She looked at me curiously.
"What's going through your head?" She asked me.
"I'm thinking about your eyes."
She tilted her head and I copied her.
"What about them?"
"They're special.." she laughed like I was stupid.
"What? How?"
"They're like little fortune" I didn't finish the last part of my sentence because I didn't want to freak her out...
"What were you gonna say?" She asked me.
"I was gonna say that they can tell you when someone's about to fall in love."
She smiled.
"That's romantic." I Dont think she got what I was trying to say so I stood up slightly embarrassed.
"What did you want to show me?"

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