Chapter 7

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Felix POV

I woke up to a sleeping Minsoo. She was facing me and her head was resting on my arm. I hesitated to move her hair like they do in the movies. I did it anyway and saw her chest inflate and deflate. She stirred a little and her hand made its way under my shirt and on my stomach. My eyes widened and I took my hand off her face. Her body shifted and she came closer to me. I watched her as she slept and smiled at her sleeping figure. I put my free hand tightly around her waist and pulled her closer to me.

Minsoos POV

I didn't mean to put my hand under his shirt... but damn is he fit... I pretended to sleep not wanting to move from this position. I was too shy to face him after me being all weird last night. I turned over and faced the other way. I felt the dip in the bed disappear and my heart sunk a little in disappointment. There was a dip in the other side of the bed as i opened my eyes to see Felix.
"I know you aren't asleep." He said as he lay next to me. I could feel myself blush as he giggled at me. "If you wanted me to take my shirt off you could have asked." He said winking. I punched his shoulder as I stood up.
"It was an accident."
He rolled to the other side of the bed and grabbed my waist before I could leave the room. He sat me back down on the bed and made me lay down again.
"Ahni... don't move." I got back under the covers and turned away from him. He got on the other side again so he could see my face.
"Why do you keep doing that?" I asked him.
"I want to see you." He said. I made a disgusted face at him and he frowned.
"You were being all affectionate last night... why aren't you being like that now?" I shrugged and lay on my back. I sighed and closed my eyes. I felt him prop himself up and hover over me.
"Don't switch up on me like that. If you don't want me to be like that with you then I won't." He said. "I do." I said as I looked in his eyes. He scrunched his eyebrows at me.
"Are you bipolar or something?" I shook my head.
"No. Just sleepy. But I want to be how we were before my accident. Explain to me what we were like. And don't make anything up."

Felix POV

I was going to tell her the 100% honest truth. Maybe a few white lies.
"Well... we were very affectionate." True
"We would hold hands a lot." Lie
"We cuddled sometimes..." true
"You didn't really mind affection. You weren't weird about it." Half true. She wasn't super affectionate... but she also wasn't weird about it.
"You didn't like when I would kiss your forehead." True
She spoke before I could finish.
"Yeah and I still don't."
I know she's lying... I can see it.
"We'll get used to it." I said kissing her forehead. She rolled her eyes and playfully hit me.
"What else?"
She asked.
"Let's see... whenever you were sad or just needed affection you would always call me before anyone else." True
"Felix you're making it sound like we were dating." I laughed.
"Everyone thought we were..." also true. She scrunched her eyes at me and began speaking.
"So we were like that at school?" I nodded.

Minsoos POV

"Felix are you sure you're telling the truth?" He nodded.
"Ok... I trust you Felix." His eyes widened.
"You trust me again???" He asked excitedly. I nodded. He opened his arms signaling for me to hug him. Instead I just wrapped my arms around his neck and put my head on his chest.
"Can we cuddle all the time instead of sometimes?" I asked him.
"Yes. But why?" He asked.
I decided to be honest with him and tell him how I feel.
"You feel safe. I can trust you more than anyone... it feels good to have someone like that." I felt him take a deep breath.
"Really?" I nodded.
"You were never very honest with your feelings. The most you would say is if you were sad or happy. Im glad that you're more open." I looked up at him.
"Really? I thought I was always honest with things like that." He shook his head.
"You would only say I love you."

Felix POV
That was a lie... I just want to hear her say it.

Minsoos POV

"Oh. Well then.. I love you." I looked at him and he was laughing.
"Wae?" I asked.
"You never actually said that I just wanted to hear it." I frowned...
"But do you love me back?" I asked.
He nodded.
"Do you love me?" I nodded.
He turned his head and tapped his cheek.
"Did I kiss your cheek a lot?" He shook his head.
"No. But that should change." He said. I put my hand on the other side of his face and softly kissed his cheek. He smiled at me and I heard my phone ring. I leaned over Felix and grabbed my phone looking at the caller ID. It was my dad.
"Appa." I said cheerfully.
"You need to come to the hospital." He said and hung up. My eyes widened and I got up sliding on my shoes and shoving everything in my bag.
"Felix drive me to the hospital please."
He didn't ask any questions and just put his shoes on and grabbed his keys. We sprinted downstairs and got in the car. He must have known which hospital since he didn't ask. My moms been in the same hospital since I was in 7th grade. I began to feel myself tear up. I gripped onto my backpack strap as Felix pulled into the parking lot. His tires screeched as he pulled into a parking space. He hopped out and opened my door for me dragging me out. He held my hand as we ran into the hospital. Felix ran past the desk and to my moms hospital room. He knew... he knows everything. We walked in the room to see my dad crying. Felix walked up and put his hand on my dads shoulder. My dad looked up from his hands and his jaw dropped.
"Felix?" Felix nodded and my dad stood up to hug him. I looked over and saw my mom... she was dead... the sheet was over her face and the machine was unplugged. I let myself fall as I cried. I put my head in my Hands as I sobbed. I felt  someone pull me into their chest. I didn't bother to look but I knew it was Felix. He rocked me back and forth as he pet my hair.
"Minsoo look at me..." I ignored him as he held my face and made me look at him.
"Hey... go to your dad..." I nodded and he helped me up. I walked over to my dad and hugged him.
"Min... I have to go..." I pulled away as I looked at him.
"Mwo? Appa..."
"I can't stay here. I'm going to busan for a while.. I need to get this off my mind."
I was shocked... he was just going to leave me?
"You can come with me if you want."
"Appa I can't. I have to go to school..."
He nodded. "Stay with one of your friends.... or stay at home. It's up to you but I can't stay here..." my dad kissed my head as he walked out of the hospital room. I watched him as he left. Felix turned to me.
"Stay with me... I'm worried about you. I'll be here for you." I didn't speak.
"I'll take you back to my house and you can make up your mind then ok?" He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room.

At Felixes House

Felix POV

I felt so bad for her... I was going to do everything to get this off her mind. I held her hand as we walked inside.
"Are you hungry?" She shook her head. I would feed her later... I understand she doesn't want to do anything right now. I grabbed her hand and pulled her in to hug me. She cried on my shoulder as I held her. I held her tightly. I Pulled her down onto my lap as I sat on the couch. she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and put her face in my neck. I put my arm on her waist and my other pet her head. I hummed to her as I rocked her, trying to make her fall asleep. I soon felt her grip loosen and she stopped hyperventilating. I stood up and carried her upstairs with me. Laying her down on the bed, I kissed her forehead and covered her up.
"Saranghae Minsoo... everything will be ok. I'll make sure of it. I'll make you happy again." I kissed her forehead once more and walked out, turning off the light.

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