Chapter 8 (ft authors note)

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Minsoos POV

I woke up and checked the time on my phone... 3:00 am... when did I fall asleep? More importantly... where's Felix?
I got out of bed and walked around upstairs. I checked every room upstairs and began to walk downstairs. Not in the kitchen... not in the living room... not in the hideout... I checked everywhere. I began to walk upstairs so I could call him but noticed a big door on the upstairs level. It looked like it lead to a terrace. I opened the door and there he was.
"Felix..." I said timidly.
"Oh...hey." He said back to me. He was leaning against the railing and looking out at the sky. I walked next to him and looked at his face.
"Are you ok?" I was worried about him... he looked really sad for some reason.
"Yeah I'm fine..."
"Liar." He looked at me confused.
"Liar?" I nodded.
"I don't know how I can tell... I just can. What's on your mind?"
He stayed silent for a minute before speaking.
"You..." I scrunched my eyebrows at him.
"Minsoo... you don't seem to be doing so well. The past few days you've been here you've cried..." I shook my head.
"I just have a lot going on right now... you don't need to worry about me." I said placing my hand on his shoulder.
He nodded and took a deep breath.
"I know... I just... I can't help but look at you and wonder what's going through your head or if you're ok..."
I pushed myself between him and the railing and wrapped my arms around him. I guess he felt weird since I hugged him first. Not only that but I'm normally sad or crying when he hugs me.
"Wh-what's this for?" He asked.
"Just because..."
"Just because what?"
I took a deep breath before answering.
"I just want to hug you. Do you not want me to?" I asked pulling away.
"No." He pulled me back into him.
After that he didn't speak.
"Is there something you're not telling me?" He asked.
"Like what?" He pulled away and leaned back on the railing.
"There's a rumor that started during break... are you dating someone?" My eyes widened and I couldn't speak. Why would he ask that?
"So you are?" I don't know what had gotten into me. I couldn't bring myself to say anything.
"No it's fine. You can date whoever you want... I was just curious." He said walking inside.

Felix POV

It's not like it bothered me... I didn't care.. I don't think I care. I mean it's her life. Why should I worry about who she dates? It's not like I want to date her or something. Even if I did want to I couldn't. It's not like she likes me. We're just friends. Good just hurt her anyway. I sat in the hideout and just hoped she would come and tell me it's not true. But she never did. I ended up falling asleep on the couch in the hideout, the last thing on my mind being her.

The next day

I wake up and rub my eyes. Sighing, I sit up and rub my head.
Today's a new day... just go in there like nothing happened.
I walked out of the door and up the stairs.
"Minsoo..." I said knocking on my room door. She didn't answer. I opened the door and she wasn't there. Her stuff was gone too. There wasn't a note or anything. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called her. She didn't answer.

To:My best friend❤️
Hey MinMin. Did you go home?
Did I do something wrong? Why would she leave me on read? I quickly showered and got myself dressed. I did my hair and walked downstairs to get in my car. Once I got in the car I kept calling her. She can't just leave like that. How did she even leave?

At her house

I pulled up to her house and knew she wasn't there.
A for lease sign was in the front yard... just in case I walked up to the porch and knocked on the door. I heard the TV inside and it muted... I knocked on the door, this time harder.
"Minsoo if you don't want to talk to me just say... I can't deal with this. I don't know how long you're gonna pull this ignoring me shit but  can I at least say bye to you before you decide to hate me?" I begged and pleaded at her door. Eventually I sat outside her door and stayed there...
I didn't want her to hate me. What did I do wrong?

Minsoos POV

I sat inside crying... I don't know why. I can't bring myself to look at him. The for lease sign was fake. I was hoping he wouldn't come to the door because I already knew he was going to come find me. I eventually opened the door and there he was... sitting outside. Asleep. I noticed there were streaks on his cheeks. I felt bad for ignoring him. It was selfish of me. I put a blanket over him and went inside, locking my door.
Why are you so selfish?
I decided to sleep... if I could. I sat in bed praying he would knock again. I made a promise to myself that if he knocked again I'd open the door. But he didn't. Instead I heard him drive away... 6:00 am the next day and I hadn't slept at all...

From: Felix☺️
Please... at least text me. Call me. Come see me. I don't know if I'll be able to do this. I lost you long enough after your accident. I don't want to lose you again. I need you Minsoo. I want to have fun with you and I want to hear your voice. I want to see you smile and I want to be the one that makes you smile. Whatever reason you're ignoring me, at least tell me...

I felt tears escape my eyes. I'm a horrible person for doing what I'm doing...
I left him on read again.

From: Felix☺️
I love you Minsoo.

That's when I couldn't help myself... I couldn't refrain. I pushed call...

"Hello? Minsoo!" I couldn't speak. I just let him speak. I tried to muffle my cries the best I could.
"Please talk to me..."
"Did you miss my voice? I'll stay on the phone so you can hear me..."
the fact that he would stay on the phone just for me to stay silent says how much he truly cares about me...
"I don't know why you're mad but I'm willing to give you time away from me... it hurts me a lot but I'm willing to do it to make you happy..." my cries got louder and I covered my mouth.
"Don't cry Minsoo. I'm not mad at you." Then he hung up...

From: Felix☺️
Keep your head up princess.. Your tiaras about to fall.

HELLO LOVELY READERS! Thank you soooo much for 100 reads! It means a lot. I'm thinking of changing the title of this story now that there isnt much douchebag Felix in this anymore. Tell me what you think.
Jae is out❤️

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