Chapter 1

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"Dude you're crazy. Have you ever even met Felix. He's the nicest human!" My friend Joohe said as I put his hoodie on. Felix had "accidentally" spilled his water on me...again.
I sighed."I don't know what I did to him! He's nice to EVERYONE but me." Joohe looked at me in disbelief.  "Even his friends tell him to be nice to me! They literally pity me."
My name is Oh Minsoo. Felix is my high school douchebag. His reputation is clean, and he's the nicest human ever. But he hates me. For unknown reasons.
"Minsoo have you ever thought to ask him why?"
"I don't know, I'd rather not be bullied by him."
Joohe scoffed at me. "He doesn't bully you. He doesn't go out of his way to make you miserable. The worst he's done is spilled water on you. He doesn't spread rumors, he doesn't injure you, he just strongly dislikes you. Just go ask him."
"Fine." I walked over to the bench he was sitting at in the courtyard. He had three of his friends with him.
I began to approach him and spoke when I got close.
"Felix why do you hate me? What did I do to make you hate me? You're so nice to everyone else but no matter what I do you're NEVER kind to me. So tell me lee Felix. What in the hell did I do?" He was expressionless. He didn't have any emotions on his face. He just shrugged and laughed at me.
"Felix hyung she has a point. She's never done anything to you yet you're mean to her any chance you get." His friend Jeongin spoke. I felt tears well in my eyes. I hated it. He used to not have a problem with me until he suddenly snapped.
"I'm sorry."
I looked at him shocked.
"I'm sorry that you're so annoying."
Knew it.
His friend Jisung smacked his head. "Felix she's done NOTHING wrong. Why do you hate her so much? In fact we've always wanted to be her friend but you prevented that."
He just looked down and ignored everything he was saying.
"Listen Felix... We're gonna be her friend. Well give you two weeks to show some sort of kindness to her before we cut you off. We can't handle seeing you be so mean to someone that has done nothing." Chan spoke.He just nodded as Jeongin,Jisung ,and Chan stood up and walked away, dragging me with them.
"We're sorry on his behalf. We seriously have no clue what's wrong with him. He's never like this to anyone else."  Chan spoke.I just nodded and brushed my hair out of my face as the wind blew. "The bells about to ring. I'm gonna go to the library for free period. See ya." I said walking away. I honestly didn't want to talk to them as of now. Nothing against them..I'm just annoyed. Joohe knew I needed alone time, so he stayed back.

In the library.

I put back the book I was currently reading. It was boring. The hook was weak and so was the description. I began browsing until a book caught my eye. It was titled Butterfly. (Hahah my other book go check it out.) I began reaching for it since it was on a higher shelf, and I'm a short person. I struggled until someone grabbed the book. I turned around to see Felix, only a few inches away from me.
"This one?" He asked. I nodded, a puzzled look against my face. He nodded.
"Cool." He said as he put it on a higher shelf. I sighed and looked down. He turned to walk away when suddenly...
"Stop... Turn..." I heard. I looked and saw Chan talking to Felix.
"Grab the book... Give it to her..." He followed Chans commands and gave me the book.
"I'm not that generous." He said as he tried to leave the library, only to be stopped by Jeongin. Chan looked at him sternly with his hand on his wrist tightly. "I'm gonna give you 10 seconds to apologize before I Kung fu kick you." He told Felix In English , with his strong Australian accent present.
Felix walked up to me bowing.
"I'm sorry you're such a piece of trash." He said in English. He stood up and turned around. I smirked evilly.
"Oh it's ok Felix. I'm also sorry that you're such a lowlife piece of shit that you have nothing better to do than mess with an innocent person." I told him back in English. He didn't think I understood him ,but I speak fluent English. I began walking up to him in his frozen state. I continued in English "And since you're such a tall, macho wouldn't be so kind as to put this back for me ey?" I said quietly, mimicking his accent with the little 'ey ' at the end. I shoved the book into his chest, and exited the library feeling satisfied. I could her Jeongin and Chan laughing and pointing at Felix, only to be  shushed by the librarian. Our free period was an hour long, so I still had 45 minutes left.i went to the dance room to do a little routine I had worked on. I changed in the locker room before hand and turned on my music, beginning to practice.

Next period.

Next was my dance class which I just so happened to have with Felix, and all his friends. I was put in a group with Joohe and Somin. We had currently been  working on this project to show our skills since this was our new elective class, for the new semester. We
Had to choreograph our own dance for our group and of course,I took that over. Our group was the last to go. Best for last if you know what I mean. Felix and his group had gone before us and I have to say, I was impressed... Now it was my turn to go and let me say... I brought everything to the table.

( first group.Minsoo in front, Joohe on the left, and Somin on the right.)
Our group finished and everyone was SCREAMING. I had to close my ears. Let's just say Felix looked like he just got abducted by an alien. He stared at me in awe and I winked at him, sitting down with my group. There were even people outside watching us. The teacher began complimenting us and how good our dance was. I stood up and bowed, sitting back down.

After class

I was starting to walk towards my next period when I suddenly got stopped. Someone grabbed my arm and I turned around to see

YAYyayayayayayayyYAYAYAYYAAYYAY FIRST SUB CHAPTER OF MY NEW STORY!!! I hope you enjoyed and if you did. You can go check out my other story called Butterfly. It's a Wonwoo (Seventeen) ff and I'd appreciate some more love!

His Freckles In The Sky: Lee Felix Where stories live. Discover now