Chapter 2

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I was shocked. Why was he grabbing me. I quickly pulled my wrist out of his grip and he just rolled his eyes.
"You were absent yesterday and I just needed to tell you that you and chan are my partners for our Science project....Aish. And you thought I actually wanted to talk to you." He muttered the last part.
"Aish you didn't have to grab my wrist. You could have easily just tapped me." I said walking away. I heard him scoff as he walked to his next period.

In history

"Kamshamnida... Ne... Ne.. " Mrs Han said as she hung up the phone. She was a younger lady. Maybe early 30s. She always dressed nice and was kind to everyone.
"Minsoo go down to the office. Take your things as well."
I nodded and bowed on my way out. What could they want this time?i walked down the long corridor and eventually reached the office. I opened the door and bowed.
"Annyeonghaseo" I said softly. The counselor led me to her office and I was met with an expressionless Chan and an angry Felix.
"Aish." I said as I flung my head back. I sat down on the chair next to Chan and saw Mrs. Seo clear her throat. She looked at Felix with a stern face as she sat down.
"So we've had to monitor the cameras quite a lot recently for personal matters and discovered you're being... Bullied." She said looking at me.
"I wouldn't say bullied..."
"Felix... What's your reasoning. There has to be a reason you dislike Miss Oh... So tell us the truth."
He rolled his eyes slouching down.
"I'd rather not talk about this. If I want her to know I'd tell her."
He said sourly.
"Well you don't have much of a choice do you? We could easily contact your pare-"
He interrupted her..
"I don't know why ok! There's just something about her that I hate. I know she's done nothing but just looking at her makes me furious! Let's not talk about this and can you please release me back to class?" He said angrily. She just sighed and waved us out. She seemed fed up.
As we were walking out Chan stopped us.
"Felix I want you to apologize. No matter how angry she makes you that doesn't give you a reason to be so rude to her. So I want you to properly apologize. You don't have to be her friend and you don't have to even get near her... Just please settle this and learn to be less of an asshole to her."
He sighed and began walking away.
"I'll do it privately."
I waved at Chan as I walked to the  library. There was only 15 minutes left of school and I didn't wanna go back to class. As I sat in the library I just pondered. About everything. Soon enough the bell rang and I sprinted home just like every other day. I flung the door open to my house and entered throwing my backpack on the couch. I ran into the kitchen to see my dad on the phone. I side hugged him and kissed his cheek sitting next to him. My dad didn't like keeping things about my mother from me so he just tells me everything.
"We'll be there shortly." He said hanging up quickly.
"Car. Now."
"Appa wae? I said in a panicked tone.
We both slammed the door to the car and he sped off to the hospital. My mom struggles with some unknown sickness. It makes her have seizures when she sees any form of bright light, or hears loud noises so the doctors can only use dim headlamps,and whisper in her room and she has to keep her eyes closed. The sickness hasn't been discovered yet so they play with her like a Barbie doll to figure out what it is. We arrived at the hospital and ran to the check in desk. The lady knew who we were since we've been coming here for years. She quickly told us her new room number and hurried us there. As soon as we entered we saw her... The defibrillator was down... The only thing keeping her alive was a machine. This is it...
"You're gonna have to let her go..." The doctor told us.
"No... We can't. Not yet at least." I said hiccuping on my words from the tears. I knelt down next to my mom. Knowing she wasn't hardly alive at all I didn't speak. I took her hand, pressing it to my face letting the tears roll down her skinny arm. Hardly even old... She's only 48...

The next day at school.

I didn't speak. Not even to Joohe or Somin. They knew what happened because they visited my house yesterday and my dad explained. I skipped half my classes. Even dance. I sat by the lockers with my head in my knees. I could t help but let the tears fall. I was gonna stay with my mom...I heard footsteps in the hallway, thinking it was a teacher I looked up quickly. All I saw was Felix. I put my head back down ignoring him and kept silently crying.
"Did I screw you up that bad?" I ignored him and kept my head down.
"Yah. What's wrong?"I sighed at him.
"I know you don't care so just leave me alone."
"Is it your mom?"
I looked up at him. "How did you know?"
"I don't know anything I just guessed." He said sliding down the lockers next to me, being sure to keep his distance. He opened a can and sat in next to me.
I looked at him and back at the can.
"What did you do to it?" He rolled his eyes at me.
"Nothing I'm just trying to be nice to you so I don't lose my friends. They'll cut me off if I don't be nice to you."
I just left the can and crossed my legs, staying silent.
Moving his hand in a come here motion he said "come on. I'm giving you a chance for once. Talk to me." I sighed not caring if he knew or not. Plus I needed to get my emotions out.
"We have to let go of my mom..."
He looked at me confused. "Why?"
"She has this unknown sickness where she has frequent seizures. She's completely brain dead at this point so we have to let her go..." I said letting tears fall.
"Wow uh... I'm sorry." It was quiet for a few seconds before he sat down his empty can. "I'll tell you what... Because you really need it right now I'll put on an attempt to be your friend. Well do normal friend like things. What do you say?" I just tapped my finger nails in the floor and shrugged.
"Ok how about this.... Let's go get ice cream and do some noraebang (karaoke) after school with Minho, Chan, Jeongin, and Changbin." I shrugged again and said whatever. At least I'd have some fun. But what about my dad?
"I don't know if I can leave my dad alone... I can ask him if he'll be ok..." He nodded and told me to call him. I took out my phone and dialed my dads number. He picked up immediately.
I put it on speaker.
"Appa will you be ok on your own tonight?"
"Yes. But...wae?"
"My friend invited me to go gto t ice cream and do noraebang with him and some others tonight. Plus I don't wanna be cooped up in my room crying all day.."
"Mm. Ok. But be home no later than 10:00."
"Appa are you sure you'll be ok?"
"Gwenchana gwenchana... Ka. Do you need money?"
"Ahni. I have some left over."
"Ok.. Have fun my daughter."
We said our goodbyes and Felix just nodded and stood up.
"3...2...1" why is he count-
"BBRRRRRING" Students ran out of their classes and Felix and I waited for Minho, Chan, Jeongin, And Changbin outside. Once all of them were there we separated into Changbin and Chans cars. (Pretend they drive lol) it was me, Felix, Chan, and Jeongin in Chans car and Changbin with Minho.
Chan seemed shocked. Felix sat with him in the front and Jeongin and I sat in the back.
"Why are you guys suddenly friends?" Felix shrugged and we continued driving to our destination.
Jeongin was tired so he ended up laying down, using me as a pillow. I used my hair tie to tie his hair and took tons of photos. I took his hair down and slapped his chest to wake him up. He shot up quickly and rubbed his eyes.
"Ireona. We're here."

Ughhhhhhh so many short chapters on my stories lately... I'm just so tired >:((( anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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