Chapter 3: Knowhere

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Peter Quill: Alright guys, we know what our mission is right.

Rocket: Yeah, get off the Milano, kill some of Ayesha's crew, collect the bounty, and get the hell out of this place.

Peter Quill: Looks like you know what were gonna do. Except we are not killing Ayesha's crew because we already did that. We are going to kill the space creature, collect the bounty, and get the hell out of here.

Gamora: Collect the bounty?

Peter: Uhm, no that was just made up, don't believe us were not gonna take the bounty. (Signaling to Rocket that they were going to collect the bounty).

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: Yeah, what the hell is that?

Suddenly a unconscious man came floating all the way to the Milano and landed on the window.

Drax: Wow, a man just as strong as me.
Rocket: Get him off!!

Suddenly this man was on their table.

Peter: Mantis, can you wake him up.

Mantis: (Nodding to Peter) Awaken.

As the man woke up he stumbled across the Milano.

Thor: "Who the hell are you guys?"

Mantis: We are the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Guardians: (Awkwardly smile and wave hello to Thor).

Thor: What kind of a dipshit name is that.

Peter: The best dipshit name, that's what that kind of name is.

Gamora: (Rolls eyes) So what did you say your name was?

Thor: Thor son of Odin.

Peter: What kind of dipshit name is that, am I right guys?

Rocket: Actually Thor is a better sounding name then Star Lord because to be honest Star Lord is pretty shitty.

Peter: (Giving Rocket a dirty look).

Thor: The rabbit is right, Thor is way better. Anyways thank you for having me but I think I must go.

Drax: I don't think you should go Thor, you should stay with us for a while.

Thor: Alright then, if you really want me too.

Gamora: It would be our pleasure.

3 hours later.

Star Lord: Drax cover my left, Rocket cover my right. Gamora, and Groot, try to kill this alien bastard. And Mantis, while we are distracting him put him to sleep.

Thor: Or I could hit him with Stormbreaker. (Hits the alien with Stormbreaker and kills it).

Moments Later

Star-Lord: You know what Gamora, I am sick of this strong piece of shit always ruining everything. I thought I was the leader, you know.

Gamora: Peter, I think if you give him a chance then he could be very friendly.

Star-Lord: And what if he isn't friendly.

Gamora: Then we kill him.

Thor: Hey guys, can you meet me in the back in 5 minutes or so.

Gamora: Sure.

Thor: Alright.

Five minutes later the Guardians are in the back with Thor.

Thor: I have just got a distress call from Nick Fury saying that we need to help him in Earth somewhere.

Guardians except Peter: We'll do it.

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