New York Sanctum Part 2

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Ant-Man: That was frightening.

Wong: What you've never seen an alien before?

Reed: What is the plan now?

Dr. Strange: We protect the stones and make sure the aliens don't get the other stones.

Ant-Man: Well you guys can do that I have a daughter to take care of.

Wong: I don't think you should head out Mr. Lang, these aliens are more powerful than we think. They also keep talking about this Thanos guy, we need to protect the world if Thanos is going to kill us all.

Ant-Man: My daughter is my world, and if she gets harmed so help me I will-

Dr. Strange: What is your name Mr. Lang?
Johnny: That rhymed.

Ant-Man: My name is Scott Lang. Now what I was saying is-

Dr. Strange: Where do you live?

Ant-Man: Florida. You going to interrupt?

Dr. Strange: Nope. (gets his sling ring and makes a portal to Florida). Mr. Lang, you are free to go back. But first I must warn you, the fate of the universe is at risk and if you go back home, you will most likely die. And your daughter. But if you want to go back you can go back. Just remember Mr. Lang, if you go back it's your fault.

Ant-Man: Alright, close the portal.

Dr. Strange: (closes the portal) I knew you'd make the right choice. And your daughter is safe, I put an immortality spell on her. Now we must find all the stones and guard them.
Wong: All the stones have been located. The reality stone is on planet nowhere. The time stone is right here. The space stone is on planet nowhere, the mind stone is in Stark tower, and the power stone is in the Nova Corps. The soul stone is the only one unaccounted for.

Mr. Fantastic: Why are two stones on nowhere. I thought they were all split up.

Dr. Strange: They were, until Thanos got to them.

Wong: Are you suggesting that Thanos now has two stones? What if this Thanos guy doesn't even exist.

Ant-Man: Oh no, he exists. I heard the weird face guy talk about a Thanos. They wouldn't just talk about a guy that doesn't exist.

Mr. Fantastic: Your right. I say we should head to planet nowhere.

Johnny: And risk dying. We couldn't even save Ben and Sue and we're gonna take on a gang of aliens. He'll no!

Mr. Fantastic: Johnny don't even say that, I feel guilty enough, and you don't know if we could've saved them or not.

Dr. Strange: Guys, guys, calm down. If you don't want to help save the universe you can leave now but if you don't help out, have fun dying alone.

Mr.Fantastic: Mr Strange is right, we should help as much as we can.

Wong: That's the spirit.

Dr. Strange: Here's the plan, we go to one of the best people I've kept and eye on so he can help us defeat this Thanos.

Ant-Man: And Who is that?

Dr. Strange: Captain America.

(Avengers Theme playing in the background)

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