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[Attention reader: thank you so much for clicking on my story, you are very much appreciated and I am so grateful to have caught your attention. Thank you!! However, this story was written before I started my English and Creative Writing degree and therefore is very, very badly written. Have low expectations. Okay, continue. Have a nice day!]

The cabinets in our room shook as Strucker performed yet another experiment on our brother. Wanda looked up at me with terrified eyes, I gave her a nod to reassure her everything would be okay and she looked back down at her hand.

She twiddled the red ring on her finger. Our mother gave us each a ring on our birthdays a years ago...before the attack. She said that we'd always have something that connected us, that matched our personalities and sealed our family bond. The inside of each ring had 'maximoff' engraved with our individual birthdays (Wanda and Pietro's being the same.)

Wanda's ring was silver band with a scarlet red stone in the middle. Mine was also silver but with a sea green stone and Pietro's was a white band with a thin blue line following the circumference.

Wanda's hand clutched mine as we heard the door next to ours open and our brother being thrown back inside.

'принеси мне самую старую / bring me the oldest.' Strucker instructed the guard.

Wanda wrapped her arms around me tightly, not wanting me to go. It wasn't fair for her to be mentally scared anymore, she was a kid. She didn't need to see them dragging her sister away from her.

'Hey.' I cupped her tear stained cheeks with my hands. 'I'll be back before you know it. Remember why we're doing this. For Mama and Papa.'

'For Mama and Papa.' She nodded in agreement. A tear slipped her eye and I wiped it away with my thumb. 'You'll come back to us, yes?'

I couldn't give her false hope. But I also couldn't send her little heart into panic. 'Before you know it.' I repeated my previous words and to make myself and my scared little sister believe them.

The door was thrown open and I stood up. As the guard grabbed me by the shoulder and started pulling me away, I felt Wanda's hand slip out of mine, shattering my heart and making a tear slip down my face.

I walked calmly with the guard to Strucker's lab. Strucker stood beside a doctors chair with a sick smirk on his ugly face.

'Katarina.' He smirked and gestured to the chair. I voluntarily sat down and he raised a brow. 'You're oddly calm. Suspiciously calm.'

'I'm doing this for family. Whatever happens to me, you promised you'd take care of them.' I responded and he nodded.

The nurse began strapping me to the bed with the leather cuffs. As Strucker leaned over me I remembered our history and how I got to this moment.

Baron Von Strucker was our father's business partner. The night before the attack on our home, he had come over for dinner.

He oftener visited so me and my siblings thought nothing of it.

Sokovia - A year ago.
(Imagine they are all speaking in Sokovian apart from the obviously English part)


'Uncle Baron!'

He engulfed me up in a hug, a huge smile across his face.

'Look what I got you, dear.' He handed me a book and I tore into it. It was a first edition of Jane Austen 'Sense and sensibility.'

'Wow, thank you so much!'

'No problem book worm.' He laughed and ruffled my hair. 'I got it on my travels in England.'

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