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"Wanna duel?" you ask the young druid with the name Ivy in front of you. She nervously looks around anxious because she knows you are what they call "Strange", all your life you had been.. Strange, and looked down upon not because you're strong but.. Because you act so much like a human figure.

They think you are too arrogant, and because you want to fight every one you blame it on wanting to test your powers. But the elders don't see it like that.

"Not with you" she replies a pang of annoyance surging through you as I tilt your head in confusion. Druids we're normally proud creatures and stood their ground. Did this one fear her?

"Do you happen to be afraid of me?" You curiously ask as a clear look of annoyance forms on her face, you furrow your brows once again not understanding. Did you happen to insult her?

Suddenly out of no where she puts up her hand a large vine snapping from the ground and grabbing your leg pulling you forward as it slams you viciously into the ground.

"Scared? I think not" Ivy says as she brings the vine up holding you upside down your H/C hair blinding your face as you smile looking at her.

"That's more like it" you say as you feel a pang of energy surge through you your hand building up a F/C flame and striking the vine with it instantly burning to ashes as you make a quick back flip standing in a fighting position as she gives you a glare.

She seems to be thinking about something as she suddenly snaps her fingers seeming to come up with an idea.

"You wont know what hit you" she mumbles as suddenly she forms a spear made out of vines a large gem in the center as she points it towards me and she closes her eyes focusing her powers on the spear.

You rush forward as you attempt to stop the attack but it's to late.

"Aridosa!" she screams at the top of her lungs as the spears form changes into one of a large thorny vine seemingly made out of steel as it lunges at you capturing you like a cocoon and you feel the small yet millions of spikes make your blood tickle down from everywhere. She had you completely trapped.

"You do realize I am stronger than you? My magic is far more advanced than your stupid little flames" she taunts as you feel yourself bite your lip in a furious manner. But that, was a good thing. For the angrier you got the more flames you could summon and the better you could control them.

"Now stop harassing me" she says as you take a deep breath summoning your magical ability.

"Phoenix flame awaken!" You shout as your entire body is instantly set ablaze with the brightly F/C flame. the thorny vines melt around you as the F/C flames heal your wounds in an instant. You feel your hair flow around you as you take in satisfaction of seeing her cower in fear.

"Now, it's my turn" you say as you in a quick motion bring your left hand to the side a large sword forms floating next to you before you grab it and rush forward the only thing you allow her seeing the flames burning around you as you jump above her.

"WILL OF THE PHOENIX!" You scream furiously as the sword grows into a massive size the flames almost blinding you as you bring it down and a boom spread across the plains all around you the once beautiful flowers and fields of grass burning up instantly as you smile widely.

You take a deep breath as you fall to your knees having taken all of your strength just to cast those magical abilities. You look up and to your horror instead of seeing the beaten druid you see a burnt crisp in front of you.

You fall backwards in horror as the only thing you can see is the horrified and scared expression of the once alive and well druid.

"What have you done?" Iliandra asks from behind you as you turn to her.

"I-I didn't-" you begin starting to fear for your life.

"It doesn't matter, there is no excuse for this Y/N! I hear by strip you from your rank of the druid clan and banish you from these sacred plains, you may never return to these plains again!" she shouts as you flinch in fear and horror.

"P-Please, I didn't mean too.. I'll do anything!" you beg sniffling as she gives up a look of pity.

"To rejoin us.. You may do one thing, Kill the leader of the Seven deadly sins, Kill Meliodas for us." she says as you feel yourself wanting to sink through the earth.

And kill him, you would..

Remember me [Meliodas x reader fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now