Chapter 2;

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A leg is aimed right for your face as you mentally face palm when you fail to dodge and your thrown back into a tree coughing up a slight amount of blood your fire powers slightly showing when the tips of your fingers start burning in a bright F/C.

Meliodas tilts his head as you look anxious about them but decide on ignoring them as you rush forward head on and he does the same but in the last second you leap upwards and land behind him smiling for a split second as you rush forward jumping as you try to land a punch but instantly he is gone.

"Nice!" He says as suddenly you feel a kick in your stomach as your thrown into the air like a rag doll.

You feel frustration starting to build up inside you as the flames start spreading but you refuse to acknowledge them. You had to control this you begged yourself as you in a slight rush of fury and with the boost from being in the air you fly downwards landing a kick to Meliodas as he slightly is thrown back but seems content.

"She's still alive?" you hear Ban ask as you notice all of them gathered outside watching the duel.

Suddenly without warning you suddenly feel yourself overflow with the familiar warmth of fire as you let out a scream, not again. You tell yourself as instead of attacking you further Meliodas seems more reluctant to attack he stands in front of you and you struggle to keep a straight face on. You we're in so much pain for trying to fight against your own magic.

You ignore it further rushing forward a cry of fury escaping your lips as you swing your fist at the non suspecting Meliodas and he is thrown backwards a slight burn wound created on his cheek where you landed the punch as he looks more serious now his eyebrows furrowed and you glare at him.

You knew it was just a time matter before you lost control of everything and you needed to either kill him fast or run and pray that the flames calm themselves down but you have little choice as suddenly you feel yourself being thrown forward but not by Meliodas but by your own magic.

You struggle as you let out a shout in agony the flames burning brighter than ever, how you just HATED this! And as soon as that thought left your mind you felt energy seep out of you as you look up gasping as you see it. You're weapon. 

The sacred Phoenix blade. You think as you feel yourself wanting to just touch it for one last time but instead of doing so it's thrown forward against Meliodas and you feel yourself wanting to stop it but suddenly to your surprise you see how he brings up his own sword blocking it fully as it returns to your side.

You struggle the flames on becoming bigger and the once beautiful scenery around you starting to burn up. Please stop you begged the flames as if they we're supposed to listen but instead you could only manage to scream in pure frustration letting out everything that you have kept inside like a flicker of a flame.

"Might of the Phoenix; super nova" You whisper your strongest attack being unleashed on the place you truly did not want to see in flames.

The large F/C flame that was once surrounding you now is gathering in a large ball only growing bigger as it finally blocks out the sun from your angle as you see it stop suddenly and you can only look down as it flies forward towards Meliodas the ash already steaming of it.

"Counter vanish!" he shouts suddenly as a powerful boom spreads across the entire area and you look up with a rapid heart beat and instead of what it usually does- vanish, the large super nova stays fighting against the powerful Meliodas with all it's might and you can only watch as you feel energy seep out of you. 

"Meliodas!" Elizabeth shouts as he struggles further.

"COUNTER VANISH!" He shouts this time as the once large super nova shrinks in size becoming into a handful ball of flames it flickers downwards hitting the ground and in a large spark a large part of the scenery around it is instantly set in flames and that is the last thing you remember before you pass out.


You wake up feeling some one touch you and immediately raise up tall jumping to the side only to fall over the bed you we're currently laying on and slamming your head against the floor and with a loud groan you turn over.

You bite your lip harshly as you notice Meliodas standing over you a wide grin spreading on his face as you sigh knowing what will come.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that.." You say hoping he understands what you mean but instead he just giggles lightly as he helps you up groping you to your surprise as you almost leap backwards.

"Hey!" You shout as he just smiles.

"How come you couldn't control your magic?" He suddenly asks as you stiffen.

"I don't know" you lie not wanting to go into the past events with some one you barely.. Kind of know.

He seems to nice the fact that you're not speaking the truth or so you think because he just ignores it after wards. How strange. Either way you notice your inside the tavern and you want to see if you caused any major damage so you start walking towards the window but in a split second Meliodas is in front of you.

"How about I treat you to some food? You've been out for two days" he says as your mouth falls wide open.

"Your magic really took a lot" he says with a wink as you show a face full of confusion but yet you follow him already liking the cheerful way he's speaking to you. Like you we're, a friend. 

"Morning" Meliodas says as you notice every one sitting in a chair speaking to each other but Diane who you guess is outside.

"Oh hey it's you!" Ban says accusingly pointing his finger towards you as every one looks at you.

You raise your hand and softly wave as you expect a bombardment of insults for trying to kill their captain.

"That fire stuff was amazing, it took cap'n two times to make it go away and even then it didn't vanish!" Ban says with a chuckle as you tilt your head in confusion a blush coming to your cheeks. No one had ever complimented your fire magic only disowned you for it.

"Speaking of that fire magic, which is it? I've never seen something like that the F/C flames how come it's F/C?" King asks floating in front of you with his pillow.

"I don't know.." You say as you sigh.

"Speaking of which, what's your name?" Meliodas asks you as you mentally face palm. Right you knew their names but they didn't know yours. I'm a creep you tell yourself jokingly.

"My name is Y/N" you say proudly as they nod.

"I'm k-" King begins but you smile

"I know your names and sins already" you say as King for a split second looks confused before he realizes.

"How come you know all of this?" King asks now seeming suspicious.

"Well, firstly it's rather easy to find out from just asking the commoners. Secondly I've been watching you for about three days now." You say with a shrug as if it's natural.

"W-What? How come no one has noticed you?" Elizabeth asks you softly.

"A special ability hiding all my power, basically makes me invisible" you say as Hawk instantly is in front of you.

"I don't believe that!" he says a puff of smoke coming from his nose as you smirk having come up with a brilliant plan.

"How about we play a game of hide and seek?" 

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