Chapter 7

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Your face gives away your feelings of pure shock as you feel confused and relieved. 

"The druids have always been after Cap'n" Diane mutters as you snap your head around noticing that none of the deadly sins seem to bothered with your past. It made you happy to know that they didn't hate you for it.

"That does explain a lot" Meliodas says with a grin scratching his head.

"Explains what Sir Meliodas?" Elizabeth questions.

"There are.. Some demons with the abilities of a phoenix. It's- rare. But, Y/N. I know for a fact that you must come from a demon clan" Meliodas says as you frown in confusion.

"No, that-" You stop as you suddenly cripple over a pang of agonizing pain striking you as you wheeze trying to breathe as you clench your palms. 

"Y/N!" you hear Meliodas say as suddenly you fall to the left and almost as if something pushed you can feel yourself falling of the giant pork and you let out a horrified scream.

But you feel something warm take hold of you as you can barely move anymore and you look up noticing a dark haired man holding you bridal style he's glowing a strange purple color as he ignores you.

"Y/N, No!" You hear a voice scream but before you can comprehend or do anything your eyes shut and you fall unconscious.




The feeling of cold water dripping onto your face repeatedly wakes you slightly as you groan in slight pain. You we're laying in a very strange position and as you tried to move you heard the sound of a chain snapping.

You're eyes fly open as you look around you the complete darkness making it hard to see as you mentally cursed. Where am I? You wondered. 

You notice that all your limbs are completely chained up and you can barely move your legs. 

You flicker your hand as a F/C flame appears lighting up the dark room and you notice yourself being in a dungeon. You can't help but let out a horrified scream as you see skeletons surrounding you.

As if on que you hear heavy footsteps and you see a familiar person stop in front of the cage your in.

"You" you almost whisper recognizing him from the person that well- kidnapped you? 

"Who are you?" you ask your voice quivering slightly with fear as he just sighs.

"You'll soon remember me." he says his voice sending shivers down your spine as a he suddenly grabs the bars with his hands and rips the metal bars straight from the walls making you flinch with fear.

He harshly grabs you by the collar dragging you upwards as he looks into your eyes with a calm terrifying look.

"S-Stop" you manage to croak out as he just chuckles darkly tossing you to the side like a rag doll as you hear slight crack your shoulder giving out as you bite your lip in pain.

"Are you.. A demon?" You ask suddenly as he turns to you.

Instead of answering you feel a harsh kick being placed at your gut as your eyes snap wide and you cough out blood as your body starts to heat up. You knew what this meant, and it horrified you.

"Use your fucking magic already" he almost growls out.

And as if that was a pair of magic words you feel your arms setting ablaze with the familiar F/C you we're so used to, it spread slowly causing you to feel a bit more confident in yourself but hearing a crazy laughter makes you flinch further.

"You are the last person with magic coming from a phoenix" he says as you turn to him wanting to hear more.

But instead of hearing more suddenly you feel the entire building start shaking as large pebbles fall down from the obviously old stone roof and his face becomes a troubled one.

"Already?" he just mutters as he almost runs towards the stairs upwards but before he does he removes all hope you have of escaping by snapping his fingers, a large wall of pure darkness appearing in front of you where the metal bars previously were.

You hear his footsteps disappearing as you instantly try to get out of there, you focus on the energy in your body as you place it all in your arm making the metal chain holding you down slowly start melting.

It snaps open as it falls to the ground the molten metal already hardening as you do the same with your other limbs.

You mentally dance when your free as you stand up feeling a slight daze from standing up so fast but you knew that you had to get out of here. Right now.

You do the obvious as you run towards the wall of pure darkness and to your surprise you run straight through it. But as you do you feel your eyes shutting and something grabbing you harshly.

"Not so fast.." a familiar female voice says as your heart stops beating for a second.

"Elder.." you only manage to murmur as you realize who it is.


"Don't worry Rose, little Y/N she wont cause anymore trouble" she says ruffling your hair as you bite your lip in regret. You had accidentally almost managed to set fire to a tree.. And Rose another powerful druid was quite mad at you.

"She better not. You're so lucky the most powerful elder took you in" Rose says giving you a glare as she turns around walking away as the elder- your step-mother, bows down to your level.

"Please be nice Y/N" she says smiling lightly to you as you nod.

"I'm sorry, I wont" you say promising something you wish you had kept.

"Good, now come on" she says holding your hand as you leave.

Flashback end

"Y/N" she greets but not in the kind voice you remember her having.

Your eyes slightly well up as you want to feel relieved, but something feels.. Awfully.. Wrong?

The building once again shakes as dust particles and other materials crumble down from the ceiling, this must be a very old building.

In the moment you are blissfully distracted by the building a large root with thorns on it makes it's way over to you with a furious speed. You narrowly dodge leaping backwards as you look at your previous mentor and mother.

"I raised you" she begins her fingers snapping as another thorny vine cracks the ground under you grabbing your arm as it curls tighter making you cry out in pain.

"And you killed my niece" she says her voice growing darker as your blood turns to ice. You had no excuse for this one, and you knew who she meant.

Ivy, was her niece. And her only biological family left.

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