Chapter 10;

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Groggily your eyes slightly open as you feel a rush of heat move through you making you feel like a sun beam has hit you. When you do open your eyes you realize that in fact- it has.

You look away from the sun as you notice yourself laying on a bed. You recognized the smell though. It smelt like.. Home, your home..

You looked slightly to the left and almost visibly jumped when you saw a small yellow haired- Meliodas!

Memories flood you like wildfire as your previous forgotten problems come rushing back to plague you and you sigh you felt your heart beating almost out of your chest. And your cheeks my be sparkling red at this moment.

As you stiffen you see him turn towards you his eyes blinking open as he softly smiles and you grin slightly trying to look away as you can't help but let out a slight laugh.

Suddenly as your eyes are momentarily closed you feel yourself being pushed down slightly and when you open your eyes again Meliodas is towering about you his hair falling slightly as your eyes widen and your cheeks grow redder.

He leans closer to you as you close your eyes and feel his lips connect with yours and you share a wonderful kiss. You feel yourself grow warm with the feeling of happiness, he slightly pulls away as you open your eyes wanting to greet your lover with a smile but instead your stomach drops.

That feeling of happiness that warmed you earlier was not happiness, it was warm because it was actual fire. F/C fire.. Your fire..

You try to rush up to get it away but Meliodas wont let you and as soon as he does that you realize something, the fire- it isn't actually burning anything. It's just.. Warm and comfortable.

"Beautiful" Meliodas says as he looks around slightly before looking at you with a warm smile his cheeks slightly reddened too as you feel so embarrassed, you had never thought of yourself bring with some one like.. This..

"I love you Y/N" Meliodas says as you feel your heart stop and then almost like a bomb explode with happiness and you can only grin as he moves away and you skip out of the bed your legs feeling slightly fatigued as you feel your heart trying to slow down.

"Y/N, you we're asleep for three days" Meliodas suddenly says as he looks at you his mouth still forming a smile as you can't help but ignore that.

"I did get stabbed" you say with a slight sound of annoyance in your voice.

"Meliodas.. What happened to.. Him?" you ask as his smile drops.

"Gone" he only answers as you nod, you had remembered what had happened. But something bothered you.

"Meliodas, he said.. He said my mother she was.. A demon" you murmur your voice slightly breaking at the fear of him hating you now.

"I know Y/N, that magic that you use. It belonged to some one I knew a long time ago, and besides. That kind of magic can only be held by demons" he says with a wink as you smile in relief.

Still it did feel strange, knowing that you we're a demon.. Or at least, half a demon? You wondered what your father might have been but thinking of what that horrible man said he is probably a human.

"Elder.. What happened to her?" you ask slightly eager.

Right after you say that you realize something, holy shit. If he had known your "demon mother?" he must be like a million years old?

He opens his mouth to answer but before he can the door is knocked down- literately. And mini-Diane stands there looking around her eyes scanning the room before they land on you.

"Y/N!" she says a giant grin on her face as she hugs you tightly much to your surprise. She grew attached quickly.

"W-We uh.. Hear your voice so we assumed you we're-" Elizabeth.

"Goodmorning Y/N" you hear Merlin say with a chuckle as you smile noticing most of the sins here.

"To answer your question about the elder Y/N, I don't actually know where she went." he says as you sigh.

"I guess that's to bad for you then Meliodas, failing to impress the girl. To bad I know exactly where she is then" Merlin suddenly says as Meliodas chuckles.

"While I was.." Merlin says her lips forming a straight line momentarily.

"A bit.."Wounded", my orb placed a magical spell on her to know her exact location" Merlin says avoiding the word unconscious which you find amusing.

"And if I can show you.." Merlin says trailing on as suddenly she reaches out and touches your hand. 

Your eyes flash a bright white as you see the world from above suddenly above a familiar forest as your mouth falls wide open.

"Though I do not know where this is, it looks.. Unfamiliar even to m-" Merlin begins but you interrupt.

"My ho- The sacred druid plains" you say your voice almost as a whisper as the sins become silent around you.

"To bad we can't get in there" King's voice pops up as you realize he's been above you all this time.

"Maybe we can find another way" Elizabeth says with hope.

"I actu-" you begin.

"Let's smash in there" Diane says smashing her knuckles against each other.

"Actually!" you say loudly silencing them all.

"I know how to.. Kind of get in" you say slightly shrugging as most of them but Merlin look at you in confusion. Your eyes momentarily stopped as you wondered where Gowther went.

"There is a riddle to break, since I never left but when I was kicked out I don't know the answer" you say but the words of the riddle fill your mind as you remember the hundreds of times you had tried to break in once you we're kicked out. 

"Do you want to hear it?" you ask as you notice Ban rolling his eyes and nodding.

"I am a thousand colored folds stretch toward the sky, Atop a tender strand, Rising from the land, Til killed by maiden's hand, Perhaps a token of love, perhaps to say goodbye. What am I?" you say slowly the old use of english words making Elizabeth out of all look confused.

"What a simple riddle" Merlin says as Ban only grins.

"Elaine told me this one" he says as you realize this was going to be easier than you anticipated.

But not so easy when you got in..

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