Chapter 6:

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As Meliodas almost whispers those words into your ears you feel yourself spewing with warmth. A part of you was just wanting to explode in happiness, in that moment. You felt love? You weren't sure how to explain it but all you could do was grin like a maniac as he put you down smiling towards you.

"Thanks" is the only thing you muster up courage to say as he grins his eyes closing as he gives you a curious look.

"Y/N how come you can't get up?" he asks suddenly and you slightly take your head up and backwards, you used to be able to make these jumps but not anymore. 

"I can't anymore since-" you stop your eyes widening as you bite your lip harshly.

"Since?" Meliodas says being the first to actually question your past as your eyes slightly widen in surprise, no one had asked about your past.

"Since I did something.." you say tensing as you bring up unwanted memories, how that had haunted you for so long now.

He seems to understand that this was something you truly did not want to speak about as he quickly changed his demeanor from questioning and curious to happy and carefree.

"How about I help you up then?" he says a wink in his eyes as you raise your eyebrows in surprise over how fast he switches emotions.

"How?" you ask curiously as he smiles to you.

As if that smile was just a hidden smirk he is instantly in front of you and you almost stumble over as he picks you up with much ease squashing his face in your boobs as your mouth fully opens in shock as he leaps up the giant green pork. And all you can do is be completely still until you land on "ground" once again and the instant you do you leap backwards shock still showing on your face.

"Y-You, W-What?!" you question shocked that he would do that as you hear laughter from behind you.

You turn around seeing Elizabeth giggling as you're about to smile but suddenly the Ban, King and Diane rush out of the Tavern their faces not showing any of the previous happy emotions but filled with worry.

"Captain I can feel a powerful magic energy coming right for us" Diane says as Meliodas looks around and his whole face turns into a concerned one.

"That's so much power" You hear Ban almost whisper and you feel it too. Yet it was familiar too you, but you could just not place it anywhere?

Suddenly without warning a boom is heard in front of us and you see a large explosion of pure flames in front of you, you almost stumble backwards and fall over slightly in surprise. You're ears they we're slightly peeping with the high noise of the explosion.

You feel something lightly tap your shoulder but once you look up your instantly kicked backwards as you almost fall of the giant pork. You hazily shake your head in confusion.

"Failure, failure" a dark voice murmurs as you finally manage to see what's in front of you. And once you do a strange sense of pure fear cripples your movements.

A burning phoenix.

You knew this magic very well, for you saw immediately that it mirrored your own and that made you frightened.

"What is that?" Elizabeth says obviously struggling to even speak as your attention snaps to her noticing that she seems to be trying to get away.

You try to get a better look at the flame and you realize that this isn't a creature, it's under control of something else. This was just- a magic attack, and you want- Need to know who is using the magic. Then perhaps, you would get answers of where your magic came from.

"Hell Phoenix" the same dark voice from before calmly says but you don't know where it's coming from.

The large phoenix in front of you almost doubles in size flying high up in the air before soaring down with incredible speed and you ready yourself for impact.

"FULL COUNTER!" a familiar voice screams out as a bright spark flashes before your eyes.

A powerful boom spreads across the plains as you fall to your knees feeling as if you had personally been drained of all energy. How confusing, you thought.

"Is everyone alright?" Meliodas asks in a concerned tone but you can barely register anything. It feels as if that full counter had taken your energy.

"What.. Was that?" Diane asks groggily as she seems to be affected by the magic power and King seems to watch you intently.

"Y/N that's your magic" he says a glint of anger spreading through his face as you realize that he's blaming you.

"I-I didn't" you stammer as you feel a hand help you up.

"T-Thank you Meliodas" you almost whisper as he acknowledges your struggling.

"That wasn't Y/N" Meliodas says his voice being serious.

"How can you know Captain?" King says with doubt in his voice.

"Because I know who did this" he says as King furrows his brows but looks less doubtful.

"Are you alright?" he suddenly asks turning to you his face visibly turning brighter as you nod.

"It felt as if my own energy was removed during that" you admit as Meliodas seems to look confused.

"It's about time we ask you Y/N" Meliodas begins.

"What is your.. Backstory?" he questions as you grit your teeth looking down, you knew this was coming eventually.

"I was telling the truth." You begin as you take a deep breath.

"I am from a druid clan, and I was banished. But, how I came to the druid clan is.. Different, I was abandoned by my family for some reason. And found by them, they took care of me and eventually my magic just.. Appeared out of no where, and being the druids.. They didn't like me for it" I say with a chuckle of slight sadness as the end.

"But I always enjoyed fighting and using my magic, at the time.. I had full control over my magic as well. But one day.. I messed up." I say tears welling up in my eyes as I feel myself not wanting to speak about it.

"It's okay Y/N" Elizabeth says slightly reducing the stress on you as you relax your shoulders all of them silent waiting for you to continue.

"One day, I was dueling a girl. She was young and arrogant, the person to get on my bad side. She was strong to, but. Not as strong as I thought, I used an attack on her. Something I shouldn't of. And, she died." you admit a strange feeling of relief coming from your entire body.

"Therefor, I was kicked out with only one task I can complete to get back to my only home I've ever had" you say stopping as you look up to scan the faces of your companions.

Elizabeth and Diane look surprised yet empathetic while Ban and Gowther remain emotionless.

"They want me to kill you" I say finishing my story as I look at Meliodas and they all know who I mean.

I smile a sad smile looking at Meliodas expecting a fit of rage but instead.

He just smiles.


Sorry for the late update :( I've been working on a new story and got so caught up in that I almost forgot about this haha. 

Anyway! New chapter should be out in a few days o3o

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