Chapter 8

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You start chocking as the vines crawl around your neck getting tighter and tighter as seconds go by, you can feel your body starting to shut down as you desperately try to figure out a way to free yourself.

Your fire magic, you had to use it.

In the heat of the moment you feel your magic placing itself around your next as it bursts from energy into flames. The vines stand no chance against fire and crumbles into dust.

"It doesn't matter how much you struggle, for he will get your magic and I will get my loved one back" elder says rushing forward towards you her eyes burning with hatred as you're about to use an attack but you hesitate.

You still loved this person very dearly.

And that hesitation caused you to now be pinned up against a wall bleeding heavily from your arms as the thorns have caused quite some damage.

"I-I didn't mean.." you begin but suddenly the ceiling starts collapsing as a gigantic rock lands right in front of you canceling the elders spell. 

With tears in your eyes you turn around and rush up the stairs knowing that elder will be right behind your tracks you urge yourself to go faster. This was the only person you had ever been close to calling mother. And you would not harm her.

As you reach the top you realize that this isn't a building at all, it's a giant floor with just a stair down to the dungeons. It was like you had just gone outside, but how had the underground dungeon shaken? 

You we're confused as suddenly you feel something strangle it's way around you again as your lifted into the air with powerful vines. Elder was holding you tightly as the man from before was standing in front of you now smirking.

"What do you want, and who are you?" you manage to scream out finally snapping out of your fear and hesitation as he moves towards you in a stalking way putting a hand on your cheek much to your dismay.

"Do you know what this is?" he asks holding out a large sword which he carefully shows to you as you furrow your brows in confusion. It looked.. Familiar somehow? But yet you didn't know how it was familiar.

"This sword belonged to a great demon warrior using a magic amongst the most powerful in the world, but this demon became.. Weak, as she gave birth a beautiful baby girl and in that moment of weakness she faced her match against another powerful commander, and lost." he says taking a break smiling as he seems to enjoy the next part.

"But as soon as this demon lost, the powerful magic poured out of her and we all know- magic cannot disappear.. So, I'm taking it back" he says as a part of you start putting the pieces together as another part of you is in pure shock.

"You Y/N, you are the heir of this demon.. The daughter of this horrid creature. And the owner of her incredibly powerful magic" he says revealing what a part of you already knew as you feel your stomach drop together with your jaw.

"Such a waste on a half human though. Who knew a demon could fall in love with a simple human" he says with a shrug as he holds the sword against your neck in a split second.

"And all I need to do.. Is take it" he says as in a fit of rage the sword is stabbed right into your stomach and you cough violently trying to shake away as you feel tears of agony slip down your cheek.

If that wasn't enough slowly you can feel your body draining of energy as the sword starts heating up almost burning you which you are shocked about since nothing has ever managed to burn you.

You scream in pain as suddenly the vines release and drop you to the cold stone floor but you can't even move any more. All your energy is drained as he takes the sword out of your stomach.

You look up at him in terror as the sword glows a bright red color as your magic now is his. You breathe heavily as he copies your magic completely. All of it, was gone. 

"A test is needed" he says looking at you his eyes burning with cruelty as you realize what he's about to do.

He's going to kill you with your magic.

"M-My niece" Elder says interrupting him as he turns to her smirking.

"Just you wait, I am busy right now" he says as she seems hesitant but nods as you close your eyes momentarily before opening them again to the sight of the glowing sword now burning fully flames almost trying to fall onto you as you feel yourself hyperventilating. 

So useless you couldn't help but think.

 He slowly lifts the sword into the air preparing to strike it downwards which will be your demise.

"Hell flame" he shouts his voice searing with venom as you close your eyes preparing for a blast but you feel yourself floating for a split second as a bright figure appears in front of you.

"Full counter!" as those words are spoken the bright flames disappear in a second flat and you can't help but feel relieved and smile.

Meliodas turns to you ignoring the man and Elder as he bows to your level picking you up bridal style as he caresses your cheek.

"I'm sorry that I'm late" he murmurs to you as you move a bit closer to him as he leaps away as you notice him the only one being there. Where was the rest of the sins?

Your question goes unanswered as he demeanor of caring goes to infuriated in a split second as he turns to the now cruel looking man as Meliodas charges towards him grabbing the sword of his back as suddenly multiple clones are created.

You desperately try to move as your muscles slightly relent making it so your able to at least stand and you slowly make your way up just as a powerful blast spreads across the large area you are in.

You hold your ears as you look up seeing all the clones of Meliodas gone and the real Meliodas fighting sword to sword against the moron that stole your powers.

"It's over Canaris, give up" Meliodas shouts as you remove your hands from your ears wanting to hear the response.

"So you do remember me Meliodas, shame that you wont live through this." Canaris replies and just as he does he turns to you.

"Watch now as your once magic is fully used.. To kill the person you love"

Remember me [Meliodas x reader fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now