chapter 4;

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In the end you eventually just went with them the awkward silence just being a beginning as you enter and you're told that you're going to have to share a room. What happened to "There's a spare room?" you wanted to say but on the bright side, you're sharing a room with Elizabeth. She seems nice enough.

"Well, you can just settle down." Elizabeth says kindly to you as you nod looking around awkwardly as you don't have anything to really "settle down" so instead you wanted to start a conversation.

"Why do you smell flowers?" you ask suddenly as she looks at you with a look of confusion for a moment.

"I don't know?" she more asks than anything.

"I've never heard of a druid clan, what is it like there?" Elizabeth asks you as you smile thinking about it.

"Nature is just, everywhere. You don't really live in houses.. Since there is really no dangers, we protect nature and it protects us with the sacred walls. That's why we call it the sacred plains" you explain as she nods smiling at your explanation.

"Why don't you wanna go back there?" she asks but then her eyes widen.

"Not that I want you to go-" she says quickly after as you bite your lip for a split second, perhaps you could tell her at least.

"I was kicked out for doing something.. Bad.. And the only way I can get back is to do a quest." you explain not going into details. But Elizabeth seems happy enough with it.

"Hey!" Diane suddenly shouts as I turn around seeing Diane look at us through the window.

"Can I join you?" she asks as Elizabeth nods and she turns around and you just sit there in utmost confusion for a few seconds, before the door slams open.

You refrain from letting your mouth fall to the floor as you see Diane in normal human size walking through the door slamming it behind you as she sits next to Elizabeth in front of you.

"Who are you Y/N?" Diane suddenly asks her face showing no emotion.

You stay silent as you turn around laying down fully on the bed not bothering, Diane sin of Envy. She would be at your back all times.. Or at least, that's what you thought.

"Because that flame was beautiful, do you think you can help with turning on the campfire though? Ban is useless at it and I just end up making more problems as I accidentally push or punch him through a wall" Diane explains as I chuckle I had never seen that to be honest.

"I- I don't know how to use my magic. It kind of, just comes when I feel strong emotions. And then, it just does as it wants" I explain in short saying; I can't control it.

"Oh, but a small flicker should be easy!" she says enthusiastically.

"I didn't know how to use my magic before I learnt to focus emotions on them as well" Elizabeth says looking at you curiously as you sit up.

"What do you do here often? I'm already bored." you explain as you want to switch the subject.

"Well, we're about to move to a new town" Diane  says as I nod, right. That giant green pig appears out of no where and carries them to a new location.

"And when we get there, do you mind you know doing that flame thing" Diane says with smile as Elizabeth giggles.

"How about we try helping you use your magic?" Elizabeth suddenly offers as your face lights up with surprise. Why would they offer that? What if you lost control, they could die!

"I don't know, what if I lose control again." you say hesitantly as you feel some one grab your arm rather harshly.

"That's fine now come on Y/N" Diane says dragging me out the room and down the stairs to the front door and almost throwing me out as you stand outside awkwardly Elizabeth joining us shortly a smile coming to her lips.

"So, firstly try to use your magic" Diane says crossing her fingers as she smiles looking down at me as she sits down on the grass slightly shaking the ground around us.

"I don't really know how to" you say with a shrug of your shoulders, it wasn't that you didn't want to but in reality. You had given up.

"I mean, you said emotions make you use your magic or lose control?" Elizabeth questions slowly almost in a whispering like state.

you slowly nod, you wanted to.. But I was so unsure.

"Then try it" Diane says smiling towards me as she suddenly slams her hand into the ground in front of her a large stone pillar building upwards as you take a step back.

"Use your magic" she says happily as Elizabeth stays by the door of the tavern.

You take a deep breath nodding as you close your eyes the energy seeming to pour throughout you as you focus it in your hand and once you do you open your eyes.

"It's so beautiful" I hear some one whisper but you can't tell who says it. The flame, it wasn't.. Spreading, it was.. Under your control. You we're so surprised yet pleased, it had never worked like this before.. Or well, until after that d- You stop thinking as an irrational fear surges through you like wild fire.

Suddenly the F/C flame starts becoming larger bit by bit and you realize it then, that memory itself was triggering you to lose control.

"Y/N, don't give up!" Elizabeth says from the side as you bite your lip harshly nodding as you try to make the flame larger and larger until you feel nothing but confidence surge through you as you smirk. It was like when you we're younger.

"Flame of agony!" you say out loud the flame in your hand becoming a shape of a sword as it turns towards the large rock Diane set out for you as it becomes larger small sparks of the flame falling onto you, but you we're completely fire immune.

For the first time in months, you feel in slight control. You had just used one of your weaker attacks but it's working!

You motion with your hand backwards and then throw it forward the flame sword going straight through the rock as if it wasn't there in the first place but then out of no where the rock starts falling towards you as your mouth falls open.

"Y/N!" Diane says suddenly reaching out to get it but before she can you see the rock being sliced in two but by what, you couldn't see.

"Meliodas?" you question as you see him put his broken sword back in it's place on his back as he turns to you a slight smile spreading on his face as you tilt your head in confusion.

"That was amazing Y/N" he says as you feel your stomach sink fully as you felt yourself blush..

This wasn't good..

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