Chapter 11;

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The earth grumbled and shaked beneath you as the gigantic pig/pork momma slowly stood up as she trailed in a direction you never thought you we're going again. For every second you could feel a nerve breaking. 

"Y/N" you hear a voice say snapping you out of your trance as you turn around to Meliodas putting his hand on your shoulder as he sits next to you.

"Are you okay?" he asks sweetly as you smile lightly nodding.

"Do you know what the answer is?" you ask curiously as he slightly nods looking forward as you both just sit there enjoying the view. Slowly but surely you feel his head lean on your shoulder being way shorter than you.

(Just before we continue do any of you actually know the answer to the riddle? If so please comment it, I really wanna see what you guys think about it :D)

"We should be there soon" you hear Merlin say as you turn around seeing Merlin with crossed hands looking at you.

"How does the druid plains look?" Diane asks vigorously as you slightly giggle memories flooding you.

"Well, it's.. Very beautiful. The trees are so tall, and it's enchanted so every fruit is always edible. In some ways you could call it the Enchanted forest. That is what the druids themselves call it anyway" you say with a shrug getting a bit carried away as Elizabeth seems to smile at you saying so.

Suddenly the giant pork stops walking and your slightly flung forward as Meliodas holds you back from falling. Which you silently thank him for.

"What happened?" Elizabeth asks as King almost falls down with his magic pillow.

"It's scared" he says as you give him a confused look.

"Is there something that could scare animals here?" King asks floating in front of you as you furrow your brows.

"N-No, that's impossible. Animals have free passage" you say as he slightly raises his eyebrows but nods.

"I guess we'll just have to find out then ay Cap'n?" Ban asks Meliodas.

"Sure!" Meliodas says and with a quick action he leaps of the back of the pig making you almost gape in surprise, but you swiftly follow as you notice the rest of them jumping of like it's no big deal.

You take a bit of a step back before rushing forward and leaping then regretting it right after, in this moment you wished your magic could make you fly.

Instead you manage to make a wobbly roll onto the ground as you hear a snicker coming from Ban, you send him a death glare as he stops immediately.

"This way" you say knowing the exact way as you lead your friends through the seemingly dark and scary forest. In reality you knew this was just a bad attempt at an illusion. You knew this was just a way to hide the beauty from those who seeked to destroy it.

"Here!" you say as you stop in front of an old tree in the middle of no where.

Ban walks around it obviously expecting something more than an old rotten looking tree. But you mentally rolled your eyes at that. 

"The riddle" you say loudly as Merlin steps in front of you obviously seeking some kind of recognition before she answers.

"Thousands of colors gives it away right away it's-" Merlin begins.

"Flowers, beautiful flowers" Ban finishes smirking as he his head pops out from behind the tree making you chuckle.

The old tree switches shape as the rotten parts slowly separate making a small squeezable pathway. 

Seeing no one going ahead you take a deep breath your heart pumping wildly as you step forward and as soon as your foot touches the entrance you feel yourself almost falling and then hitting a soft ground.

Instantly the smell of fire came to your nose as your stomach dropped. Something was wrong, you could tell right away. You snap your head upwards and to your horror as far as the eye can see there is only fire.

"W-What happened?" you hear Elizabeth say from behind you as you can only stand completely still in utter shock. Screams of horrified people traumatize your ears as your eyes widen.

"No.. This can't be possi-" you begin but suddenly something rams right into you.

A small child, your heart breaks at the fear in her eyes as tears drip from them. But before you can speak she runs away from you.

"Hey!" Ban almost shouts as you shake your head.

A roar that only a large beast can bring out fills the air as you rush forward reality finally snapping into you, "save them" your mind repeated again and again.

You ignored the reason why you came here in the first place as you pass through the multiple burning tree houses. Where you previously lived you saw a gigantic bear standing in front looking around in fright. The animals here had never been in any kind of danger other than the circle of life. 

Suddenly it leaps forward towards you but the instant it does you raise your hands as if to surrender. The bear slightly stops hesitating but suddenly Meliodas runs in front of you.

"No Meliodas stop!" you shout just before he ends the creatures life. He stops looking at you with slight curiosity in his eyes as he leaps back avoiding one of the bears swipes.

Thing is this place sure had it's benefits but it was also in a way cursed? Since no animal could be harmed here and there lived carnivores here the druids had to improvise making the carnivores completely passive. In other words, this bear shouldn't be able to attack. Instead it should be eating what's already dead. So.. Cannibalism in other words.

"Is the curse broken?" You ask out loud as Elizabeth puts a hand on your shoulder.

"I-I think.. It's bleeding" She whispers to you as you look where she's pointing. The back of the bear was almost gushing out blood. Some of it was dried making it almost blend in the with bears dark brown fur.

"You just had to ruin everything didn't you?" a familiar voice says as you snap your head around taking a frightful step backwards.

"Elder, why?" You ask your words coming out desperate.

"Y/N we need to take the bear down!" You hear Ban shout to you as you feel yourself being pulled in two directions.

"You're doing this!" You scream anger finally getting to you as she looks at you almost in a taunting way.


Early update because I loved writing this chapter o3o

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