Chapter 1;

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You lay down in the tree as you warily watch them doing stupid things again, you we're happily watching King make his strange pillow thing into a giant bear that was hugging Diane. Over the three days you had been watching them you had seen Diane and King only gotten closer and you thought it was cute.

You snap your head back to reality twitching slightly as you realize that you had grown attached by stalking people. How stupid you thought quietly.

You hold your legs tightly feeling lonely once again, how you missed your home. A spark of F/C suddenly starts building up your arm as you instantly start panicking no- not here. You tell yourself as you try to put it out.

Ever since that day.. You had lost all control over your fire. And it scared you how much you had lost control, your own ability. It was horrifying you. As soon as you left the Sacred plains you have little memory over what happened but you do know- you set multiple houses on fire just on accident.

Instead of going out the fire was staying, not spreading luckily. But you took a deep breath as you almost fell out of the tree managing to finally get the fire to stop burning and you look down and to your horror you see both King and Diane watching you Diane with a curious look in her eyes and King with a wary one.

You take a deep breath before standing up looking calm before with a split second to move you leap out of the tree and onto another one jumping to each tree as if your life depended on it.

"Hey come back!" Diane shouts as your balance is almost shaken from the giant running in the forest but what worries you is the fact that King could fly.

You take an extra large leap as you jump into a larger more leafier tree your eyes glowing F/C as you hide your power value making yourself basically invisible.

"Where did she go?" Diane asks as you dare not look in their direction.

"The power value, it just disappeared.." King says in a troubled manner as they both walk away, you can tell from the tree shaking and you sigh in relief.

How you hated your powers, it was powerful and it was incredible in short. But you we're so jealous of your previous self. Then you could use it freely, and now. You we're bound to lose control and burn up another house.. Village even!

The only thing you had as a goal was to kill Meliodas himself, but you knew that without your power you we're a cripple. Sure, you are incredibly fast and your physical raw abilities are incredible but they wont last a second against him.

Even though you had gotten the task to kill him you knew at this point that you we're delaying the inevitable you didn't want to fight him. You felt like you just wanted to get to know him, and the rest of the sins.

You sigh loudly as you sit up straight a rush of confidence spreading through you, today you told yourself. You we're going to do it.

With a powerful leap you jump forward catching onto a branch of another tree and skill fully maneuvering towards the place you once saw as an enemy garrison.

But to your surprise every one seemed to be inside and you bite your lip in anxiousness. You truly didn't want to do this but you had little choice. It was either A; Leave and never return only leading to becoming more alone. B; speak to them which would lead to nothing.. Or C; Kill him and get your place back as a druid. Even though, you really.. Weren't one.

You frown as you jump down your eyes turning back to their normal E/C color as your power is instantly known of as the laughter inside turns silent and you know that they instantly are aware of your presence.

You open the door and to your surprise you are almost hauled to the side when Ban is thrown back falling to the ground in laughter as he throws more alcohol to himself. You raise your eyebrows as he barely acknowledges you.

"It's you!" King says suddenly as you see a spear aiming towards you and you do little but stand there wishing you weren't there.

"Yo" Meliodas says towards you as attention turns to you instantly.

"Who are you?!" Hawk says with a of his nose acting brave as you raise your head and eyebrows.

"I come from a druid clan, and I have been sent here on an import-" you begin but laughter suddenly interrupts your great speech.

"Druid clan!" Ban says tears filling his eyes with laughter as Elizabeth looks at him with a mix of worry and boredom.

"You smell like ashes" Meliodas suddenly says as the entire room silences and I mentally bite my lip.

"I am here to challenge you to a duel." You say staring intently at him as you expect a laugh from Ban but no complete and utter silence..

"Sure!" he says giving you a grin as you visibly show annoyance struggling to hold back the flame that's threatning to escape.

"Cap'n be back soon ye?" Ban asks seeming bored of me already which you puff mentally too.

"Sure! Don't drink all of it though" Meliodas says with a thoughtful grin.

"I wanna watch!" Diane says playfully.

"Don't bully her to much" Diane says to Meliodas and you keep in another puff of flames. Meliodas he stays silent though and you can't help but wonder about him, he was indeed- mysterious.

We get outside and Meliodas leaps forward in front of you in a flash and you raise your head. He was fast, but was he faster than you? You think arrogantly as he suddenly smiles.

"No weapons" he says as you nod, you didn't hav- you stop from thinking about the sword you once owned as you snap back to reality.

He is instantly in front of you as he swings at you but you manage to dodge as he looks surprised.

"Wow" You hear Diane say but you are not so easily distracted.

You swing back at him and he dodges as well now grinning widely at you.

"Let the fun begin" You hear him whisper as he leaps forward towards you.

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