Chapter 5;

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You're about to reply but you hear Diane "Tch" behind you and you mentally slap yourself. Oh lord, had you been staring?

"Thanks.." You say slowly turning away wanting to look at anything else as you don't want to show your rose red face.

"That magic, it looks.. Familiar" a new voice suddenly says as your attention snaps to the left. A lady dressed in mostly purple and very revealing clothes stands in front of you with her arms crossed. Her hair is completely black as she just watches you with an unknown emotion in her eyes.

"Merlin?" Meliodas asks as you mentally snap your fingers, you had never seen her. She was probably the boar sin of gluttony or pride though. You weren't really sure, but she seemed.. Different.

"Heya Merlin" Meliodas continues with a smile as he greets her warmly.

"Hello.. Who's this?" she asks as Diane turns her attention to us.

"This is Y/N, we met her yesterday. And Diane and I are helping her trying to control her magic" Elizabeth says with a slight hesitant smile as Merlin nods.

"That fire, how is it F/C?" Merlin asks seeming pleased with the answer Elizabeth gave her.

"I've always had it" you say as she raises her head in slight wonder.

"And you don't know how to use it?" she continues as you shake your head.

"That's dangerous.." she says as you sigh, of course every one wouldn't accept you.

"Give Y/N a break, she's been trying hard" Meliodas says turning towards you and winking towards you making your eyes widen momentarily and before you can stop yourself you can't help but giggle. In those few seconds you giggle every one turns to you with surprise in their eyes.

"You're laugh is so cute Y/N" Elizabeth says holding a hand at her mouth seeming to be happy as you act as if you didn't hear it.

"Well, I guess she's a friend then. How did you meet Y/N?" Merlin asks as if you weren't there.

"Well funny story actually, Y/N wanted to fight me." Meliodas explains with a grin as Merlin raises her eyebrows.

"And she's not dead?" Merlin says making you grid your teeth slightly as you feel the temptation of wanting to use another magic attack.

"Nah, Y/N she was stronger than I expected. I mean if that's how powerful she is when she isn't under control I wonder how strong she is when she is in control" Meliodas says and you can't help but notice the wonder in his tone of voice as he speaks so highly of you.

"Well if you say so.. I just came to check by anyway..." she says her eyes trailing away to each of us before she turns slightly to the left.

"Meliodas, could we speak in private?" Merlin suddenly says and before Meliodas can reply Merlin snaps her fingers and in a flash of dark purple both of their shapes are gone as your head falls back in annoyance.

"Don't worry Y/N, you did well" Elizabeth says unaware of what was truly bothering me. I hated the fact that Merlin was looking down upon you.

"Thanks for helping me Diane, Elizabeth." You say as you turn around walking towards the forest. It was like a temporary home for you so you didn't mind going there alone.

"Y/N, you're not leaving right?" Diane asks seeming bothered by you leaving in the other direction than the tavern.

"I- I don't- No, I'll be back" you say truthfully as she see's bothered but let's it go.

"I hope someday we can fight too" Diane says to you as you can't help but give a shocked smile as you leap into the forest a wild sensation bringing your legs to go faster as you want to do something you probably shouldn't do alone.

You stop when your at the familiar lake that you've been at a couple of times to see your reflection and you stare at the image at you admiring the beautiful H/C of your hair. 

You crack your knuckles in hesitation before you sigh, you wanted to do this so you would. As if on que you remind yourself of the memory long ago when you we're still a member of the druid clan and just like that a part of you sparks up and you anxiously feel your stomach start sinking.

"You really shouldn't do this in the middle of the forest, you do realize you could burn it all down right.. Y/N?" a familiar voice says and it takes you a moment to realize it's above you and you see King leaning on his pillow watching you with an eerie look in his eyes.

"I have to" you say as he comes closer.

"You know Y/N, I suspected you we're sent here to try and attack one of us. But Diane, she seemed so happy when you we're there. I guess, I should believe in her judgment of you." King admits as you feel a strange surge of accomplishment run through you.

"But, don't betray her" he warns as he takes a deep breath after.

"So for now, I guess I should just say; let's go back. You shouldn't be doing this here, and not alone. Your kind of magic is triggered by emotions and you must have felt something terrible to lose that much control in a few seconds of time" King says seeing right through me.

"You're right.. Thanks.." You murmur as he nods giving you a sign to follow him as you walk back slowly as you wonder if he trusts you or not yet, probably the ladder.

You soon get back to the Boar hat as you sigh being nervous for no apparent reason other than seeing him again.

Suddenly you feel the ground viciously shake as your mouth falls wide open to the ground as you see a gigantic green pork- pig come up from the ground the tavern laying above it as you just raise your eyebrows after and King starts flying upwards.

"We're leaving to our next stop" he explains as he suddenly stops.

"Hey, can you possibly jump up here?" King asks as you scratch your back nervously.

"Uh sure.." you say as he nods flying upwards in a very fast pace and you wonder where Diane went.

You take a deep breath as you take a few steps back and then running forward in a rush as you leap upwards the gravity starting to pull you down and you realize you wont make the jump.

You mentally curse you as you fall to the ground on your behind as you tilt your head backwards in annoyance. You would have to get up there.

You stand up taking a few more steps back than last time as you rush forward jumping into the air and almost climbing the giant Pork as once again you get a little further but as last time you start falling and you realize that this actually may hurt you a bit more than last time.

You close your eyes in a bit of fright as suddenly you feel yourself almost floating as you feel the impact of hitting something but it was soft.

You open your eyes and almost make yourself fall as you realize that Meliodas caught you while you fell and he was grinning widely at your reaction as you feel the energy that you made your fire with starting to build up more meaning you we're most likely; red as a tomato.

"Be careful.. Y/N"

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