Chapter 2

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Damian examined the building in front of him, trying to assess it.

There was a tall, wrought iron gate that surrounded the Catholic orphanage that only had one gate. There was a small garden at the front where several lilies and roses grew and space for the kids to run and play around. The building itself seemed to be small and have only two floors and a small porch. The walls of the orphanage were painted a dark gray and ivy was growing on the side of the building. There was also a wooden bench on the porch, probably for the caregivers and nuns to sit down and watch over the kids. There was also a crucifix on top of the porch. A golden plate that said, "Bonthhold Catholic Orphanage" was hanged to a pillar that supported the porch.

Damian was snapped out by the sound of the gate being pushed open. His father walked on the small cobblestone road and walked up to the steps of the porch and knocked on the door with the door knocker.

The three brothers followed their father to the front door. When they got near, they could hear the pitter-patter of footsteps from the second floor and kids laughing and screaming.

The door opened and a nun was standing there shocked by who was standing on the porch of the small Catholic Orphanage.

"M-Mister Wayne, sir. Please come in," the sister stuttered and moved aside to let the Waynes enter the orphanage.

Bruce and the three brothers entered the small building and were led by the nun to the living room of the place. Damian noted that the place was more spacious than it looked on the outside. There were lego pieces, dolls, toy cars and another bunch of toys scattered on the floor of the living room. There was a small unlit fireplace that was surrounded by three couches, that was forming a semi-circle. On top of the fireplace was a huge portrait of kids and nuns and even some teenagers. On top of the portrait was a crucifix like the one outside.

Damian sat on one of the couches followed by his brothers and father. The nun sat across from them, still shocked at why a billionaire was in the orphanage.

"So what bring you here Mister Wayne?" the nun asked.

"Well, thank you for having us, sister," Bruce said showing his billionaire playboy smile. "We actually came from social services to find a young girl named Rachelle Grayson and we were told that she was here."

The sister nodded knowing who they were looking for. Rachelle Grayson was the nine-year-old girl who came from Haly's Circus but after the accident that caused the death of her family, she was sent to Juvie cause there weren't any orphanages that could take her. She stayed there in Juvie for a week and a half before she was transferred there around two days ago.

The nun gave a small smile to the Waynes and stood up. "Wait right here, I'll go get her."

Bruce nodded and the nun went out of the living room, leaving the Waynes alone. The silence in the living room was broken when Jason spoke.

"So... I'm not gonna be the youngest anymore," Jason said in a smug tone. Tim sighed and gave Jason twenty dollars while Damian rolled his eyes at his younger brothers. Bruce didn't say nor asked anything since he knew what they betted on without even being told.

Jason laughed triumphally and kept his now twenty dollars in his pocket.

The nun then walked backed in but this time with a small petite black haired girl hiding behind the nun. But that wasn't why the brothers were shocked at. They were shocked by the nine-year old's eyes. The nine-year-old had bright blue eyes that just took your breath away. Her sky blue eyes almost seemed to be an impossible shade for someone in the whole world to have.

The little girl clutched the dress of the nun while trying to hide behind the nun while observing the people in the living room. She was just reading an English learning book in her room while the other kids played tag when Sister Emilie knocked in her room saying there were people downstairs looking for her.

Bruce stood up, with a small smile on his face and walked to the little girl who was still hiding behind the nun. He crouched down so he won't seem intimidating to the nine-year-old.

He gave a gentle smile to the nine-year-old and for some reason, she felt herself warm up a little to the man in front of her.

"Hi Rachelle, I'm Bruce Wayne. It's nice to meet you," Bruce said.

"Dixie," the little girl whispered. The three brothers barely even heard her from how soft she said it.

Bruce smile even more and said, "Well then Dixie, how do you like it if I were to adopt you."

Dixie looked at the man in shock. She wasn't that fluent in the English language, it was too complicated for her but she did understand what he said or at least the words "like" and "adopt you".

The young girl seemed to have a mental debate as she looked at the three boys seated on the chairs as they stared at her. Noticing this, the brothers gave her a small yet comforting smile. They didn't want to give the young girl a bad impression of themselves.

Dixie looked down on the ground and gave a small smile and whispered a small 'yes'. Bruce's smile grew and he gave out his hand for her to hold.

Dixie went to hold his hand reluctantly and gave him another small smile. She didn't even notice when she let go of Sister Emilie's dress nor when Sister Emilie stood at the doorway with a smile on her face until she spoke.

"Well then, I guess I should start fetching the adoption papers."

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