Chapter 11

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When Aqualad landed on the ground floor, he saw the monster— who was once Dr. Desmond, get punched in the face by Superboy. Both Kid Flash and Robin were watching the two fight it out. When Superboy jumped to get another punch, the monster grabbed the clone's legs and swung him to the side, making him hit Aqualad. The two knocked down supers stayed down for a while and was helped up by Kid Flash and Robin with Kid Flash helping Aqualad and Robin helping Superboy.

The monster roared and the four heroes stood there, watching him waiting for the first move. The two sides seem to just stare at each other when the monster charged. They had no time to talk with one another about a plan. Kid Flash zoomed ahead and slid under the monster's legs, almost getting punched in the process. When the monster turned to look at the speedster, it had barely any time to dodge to punch of both Superboy and Aqualad. It quickly loss its balance and since Kid Flash was still there on the ground, the monster fell on the ground with a loud thud.

"Learned that one in kindergarten," the speedster said cheekily.

Before the monster could get up, the Girl Wonder came leaping over the speedster, throwing two birdarangs at it. But it didn't seem like it penetrated the skin or even phased the monster since it just hit it off course with its arm. It was about to get back up when Superboy came. Seeing the chance, the monster tackled the clone into one of the pillars holding the place up.

The clone threw two punches straight at the face of the monster but it didn't have much effect and the monster only punched him harder into the pillar. The monster was reeling its hand back for another punch when Aqualad intervened.

Using his water-bearers, the Atlantean used it like a whip and wrapped it around the monster's arm. Pulling himself, Aqualad kicked the monster in the face and swiftly changed the whip to a mace. He swung down but the monster grabbed the mace and threw Aqualad to the ground. The monster then threw Superboy into another pillar, making it crack and break a bit, some of it landing on the clone when he fell on the ground.

Aqualad, who was groaning on the floor, looked up only to see a foot was swinging down towards his head. The Atlantean barely had anytime and quickly moved to the side, the foot barely missing him. But the Atlantean was getting to his feet, the monster grabbed Kid Flash, who was running straight at it, and threw the speedster right at Aqualad, making them hit the pillars hard. But before Aqualad even had a chance, the monster grabbed him by the neck and started punching the Atlantean into the pillar, each punch making the whole room shake.

Robin, who was thinking of a plan in the sidelines, realized this and thought of a mission that she went with Red Hood and Nightwing. "Of course," she said in realization.

"KF! Get over here!" the Girl Wonder yelled as she brought up a holo-screen, making it a 3-D blueprint of the room they were in. Taking note of the pillars that were already broken by the monster, Robin started doing calculations in her head and showed Kid Flash the pillar he had to break. "Got it?"

"Got it!" Kid Flash said as he ran away. He ran to the monster who was going to throw the clone and launched himself at the monster. Grabbing the few skin that was on the monster, Kid Flash held it. "Got your nose!"

As the monster was distracted with Kid Flash, Robin called out Superboy and Aqualad.

"Come and get me, you incredible bulk!" Kid Flash yelled at the monster, narrowly dodging a punch but was hit at the back with a piece of debris from the pillar the monster punched out.

"This one and that one," Robin pointed to the two supers. Both of them quickly breaking down the two pillars that she pointed to. She quickly pulled out the chalk she kept in her utility belt and drew a huge 'X' on the ground. Using his water-bearers, Aqualad covered the ground with water.

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