Chapter 6 - Independence Day Part 2

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With the whole group now complete, the group of heroes began to walk forward towards the entrance and was immediately bombarded by the press.

"Is that Batman?"

"I see Flash and Flash Jr!"

"Wait, I thought it was Speedy?"

"No, Speedy is Green Arrow's sidekick."

"Well, that makes no sense."

Robin laughed silently after hearing that, she knew that KF hated it when they mistake his name. She knew the feeling though since the press kept on mistaking her as a boy and calling her Boy Wonder when she was younger. There was a huge debate about it all over the newspapers, was Robin a boy or a girl? Luckily the issue was fixed after an incident that she would rather forget. KF, however, still has to live with the fact that there are still people like the press who are still getting his name wrong despite him being in the hero business for about four years.

Robin was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts by Green Arrow speaking to Speedy.

"Ready to see the inner sanctums?"

Speedy smirked and confidently strode forward. "Born that way."

Robin shook her head, he was always the confident type. Been that way since she met him. It was no wonder why he and Jason are best friends.

Aqualad looked at her and smile softly.

"I'm glad we're all here," Kid Flash suddenly said before she could smile back to Aqualad. "It's rare for all of us sidekicks to be out in public at the same place, at the same time."

"Don't call us sidekicks," Speedy growled after hearing what the speedster said. "Not after today."

KF cringed back. "Sorry, I'm a little overwhelmed, first time at the hall."

Robin was about to speak about how he should be more excited to go see the Watch Tower but decided not to speak about it, especially since the press might catch on what she would say. She started to ponder on what he said though, overwhelmed, and yet what Freeze said earlier, underwhelmed...

"You're overwhelmed, Freeze was underwhelmed, why isn't any ever just whelmed?" She suddenly blurted out.

Kid Flash looked at her with a confused faced but didn't say anything, he was used to her butchering the English language anyways. He can't wait to tell her about what he was doing but decided to just surprise her on her birthday.

When they finally entered, seven huge statues of the original seven founding members that might have been around eighteen feet tall greeted them.

"Oh," Robin stared at the statues with awe. "Maybe that's why."

Despite her almost growing up in the Watch Tower or Mount Justice when it was still the base of the Justice League before, she never entered the Hall of Justice despite knowing that it was also one of the places that hid a Zeta tube.

They continued walking until they were lead into the library.

"Make yourself at home," Flash gestured to the couches and chairs.

Aqualad sat down on one of one of the open-armed chairs while Kid Flash practically jumped on one and stretched out. Despite being a bit confused, Robin sat down on one of the open-armed chairs beside KF ignoring the fact her brothers can tease her about it later.

Speedy, however, didn't sit down. He looked downright furious.

"Is that all?" He asked with malice in his voice. KF looked at him confused on what he meant. Robin just stared and kept quiet just like Aqualad.

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